Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2646: Earth holiday

Chapter 2646 Earth Holiday

Chapter 2644 Earth Holiday

Dao Hai Zulong was still there, and said carelessly, "Where do you come from? Do you dare to beat me? Why do you beat me?"

"Only Ye Kong is my elder brother!" Ding Hao finished a few steps forward, and with a wave of his big sleeve, a powerful force swept away frantically.

All the faces of everyone present were shocked, and they didn't expect this Ding Hao to have such strength!


In the power, Daohai Zulong's body rolled back and forth. The two powers of different colors of light and darkness slapped its body frantically. After a while, he knelt down and begged for mercy. I know you are my master’s brother! I was wrong! I will not rebel anymore!"

Seeing it like this, everyone in the room waited and laughed again.

Dao Hai Zulong was not afraid of anyone except Ye Kong, and now there was one more fearful person.

Soon honestly, he swam to Ding Hao's feet, carrying Ding Hao and Leng Xiaoyu, and rushed to the side of the starry sky.

Soon after, Leng Xiaoyu pointed to the distant void, "Look over there!"

I saw that in the starry sky, there were 12 tall mountains surrounded by a crown of light, just like that suspended in the starry sky. The 12 peaks were all golden light, indeed it seemed to be a crown floating in the starry sky!

Ding Hao nodded, admiring his eyes, "Big Brother Ye Kong is indeed my predecessor, and the world he built is really amazing! In contrast, the road I have traveled is much easier than him!"

All the Ye Meng owned by Ye Kong were made by Ye Kong himself. Whether it was the Ye Mongol Kingdom at the bottom level or the Sea of ​​Light, Fire and Darkness, including the Crown of Light in front of him, they were all made by Ye Kong himself!

And Ding Hao is relatively simple in the sacred world. The structure of the sacred world is already fixed, and Ding Hao does not need to change it!

Standing on Daohai Zulong’s back, Leng Xiaoyu and the others nodded secretly, "This big brother Ye Kong, the world they have created is really amazing!"

Ye Wen smiled and said, "In fact, with the current strength of your husband, you can also create a Ding Meng of your own! Build a brand new world! It will be the same as the Ye Meng created by Big Brother Ye Kong!"

"It's not necessary." Ding Hao shook his head. "Big Brother Ye Kong made Ye Meng so good because this is his hometown. He has improved all the way and built his hometown more perfect! And mine The hometown is the sacred world, and the second hometown is Yemeng Earth in front of you. There is no need to create a world!"


Daohai Zulong soon came outside the earth, with a huge dragon roar, hovering in the void.

"This is the earth!" Ding Hao's eyes shrank suddenly.

The surrounding environment has become completely different between the earth now and when he left.

Back then, the earth was a blue planet in the Milky Way galaxy, with many other celestial bodies moving around it; but now the earth is standing on the top of the highest mountain in the crown of light, just like a blue in the crown of light The gem, set there, spins quietly!

"Do you want me to rush down? Second master." Dao Hai Zulong had no morals. After being defeated, he called Ding Hao the second master.

"Big brother said, don't disturb the normal life of the earth, we can reduce our strength and go on our own!"


Soon after, Ding Hao, who had changed into beach casual clothing, was lying on a lounger by the beach, drinking juice, and watching the blue waves in front of him, the ebb and flow, and he felt calm.

"Brother Ye Kong's decision is really right. After so many years, the various environments of the earth are still similar to what I left when I left! This is really an excellent holiday destination!"

Back on Earth, Ding Hao felt completely relaxed. This was a relaxation he had never had in more than 20,000 years.

This road is not so easy, no less than Ye Kong's hard work back then, he walked from the mortal world to the immortal world, from the immortal world to the endless world, from the endless world to the sacred world!

Each step is full of difficulties and obstacles. He has faced life and death countless times. For more than 20,000 years, he has never relaxed his practice for a day. It can be said that he faces life and death choices every day and can walk into the world of ancient Hong. It's not that simple!

Just as he sighed, a giggle came from behind.

"Little fish, yours is really big, you can't hold that bag!"

"It's so stupid, what's going around, that's a bra!"

"Haha, it's quite interesting!"

Ding Hao looked back and saw that his three wives, who had all put on earth bikini swimsuits, walked over on the beach with their bare feet.

The clothes of the earth are designed to be much more interesting than the other world. After Leng Xiaoyu and the others put on their swimsuits, their figures are not to mention how seductive they are. The three of them were originally superb beauties. Now they are even more moving!

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Come here, there is still juice to drink, and then put on your sunglasses, you are all earthlings!"

"Oh, well, the earth is really a good place!"

For Leng Xiaoyu and the three women, their long lives are filled with thrills, long waits, and hard work!

They also walked up from the bottom step by step, for fear of being left behind to practice hard, trying hard to keep up with Ding Hao's footsteps, after coming to the sacred world, they experienced so many twists and turns...Where are they like today, enjoying ease and peace on the earth, living They don't even want to leave here!

Ding Hao took them around, watched the scenery, enjoyed the food, put on all kinds of strange and beautiful clothes on the earth, and completely relaxed!

Ding Hao was also very happy in his heart. During this time, he and Leng Xiaoyu and others temporarily forgot to practice, forgot to fight, and enjoy all the beautiful things in front of him!

After they played a lot of the beautiful scenery of the earth, Ding Hao remembered the original Tuoba Ye, so he opened an antique tavern in a corner of a small city on the earth. The name of the tavern was "Trolling Grass Butterfly".

On the earth, Ding Hao and his three wives have not gone through a battle, just like an ordinary person, from young to middle-aged, to old age.

In this tavern, live an ordinary life!

Although the earth at this moment maintains the same style as it was in the past, people here also have the opportunity to practice. What they practice is an improved ancient martial arts method by Ye Kong. Every few years, young people will participate in the assessment and pass the assessment. Then you can become a cultivator, step out of the earth, and enter Ye Meng's cultivation!

Near the tavern, there is a tall martial arts hall, where many people practice every day, working hard, and want to become a cultivator.

And when these people came to Ding Hao's tavern to drink while they were cultivating, they sometimes ran into Ding Hao in their words, probably because they felt that Ding Hao was just an ordinary person who couldn't practice.

Ding Hao didn't take this seriously, just smiled faintly.

As time passed, Ding Hao and his three wives grew older.

(End of this chapter)

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