Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2654: Terrible evildoer

Chapter 2654 Terrible evildoer

Chapter 2652 terrible evildoer

"The land of ancient Hong, here comes!"

The crowds that swarmed in were all excited. Many of these people didn't understand anything. They didn't know anything about the situation in the land of Guhong, but they were still very impulsive!

Seeing that the land of Guhong arrived, they didn't even look at it. They couldn't wait to rush towards that continent, wanting to be the first to come to the land of Guhong and get the precious heritage and weapons of Guhong!

"Go on, rush!"

In the cold eyes of some insiders, a large number of cultivators flooded into the land of ancient flood!

"Hahaha, we finally came to the land of Guhong!"

After these cultivators landed, they immediately dispersed, some rushed into the woods, some walked into the garden, and rushed to the nearest ancient Hong building!

However, when they did not go far...

Suddenly a large piece of ground cracked behind them, and from the cracks in the ground, countless black slender root vines protruded!

After these root systems protruded from the ground, some twisted like black snakes and insects, some fluttered like black tentacles, and more grew crazily, turning into a giant black net!

These cultivators wanted to kill these root vines at first, but soon they discovered that the speed of their killing could not be as fast as the growth of these roots, and the black roots grew crazily!

Looking at it from a distance, I saw a piece of darkness, the first batch of cultivators who rushed to the land of Ancient Hong were all trapped in it!

Only in an instant, a huge black net crashed down, trapping all the cultivators below!

These cultivators don’t know how powerful they are, but when this big net fell on them, even crazier roots grew. These roots are extremely slender, with strong penetrating power and penetration, just in the blink of an eye. Growing with the skin of these strong cultivators!

These cultivators come from different life races, some are from the metal race, and their body skin is like gold and iron; some are from the crustacean, and the body is naturally wrapped with a protective carapace; still others are from the rune race, and the whole body is covered with dense Golden Rune...

However, no matter what race you are from, the ending is the same!

These black root systems do not know what kind of plant roots they are. They are very scary. In a blink of an eye, an astonishing number of root systems have grown throughout the body of these life races!

A strong metal clan is covered with dense black silky roots. After these roots grow, they continue to penetrate into the flesh and blood in the skin, and then begin to frantically absorb nutrients, using the cultivator's body as its nourishing soil!

These cultivators have cultivated their strength for thousands of years, and within a short period of time, they have been madly absorbed and extracted!

"No!" These people are getting weaker and weaker. In the end, they can't resist at all and become fertilizer!

At this time, a strong foreigner who was already under control and unable to escape, shouted sharply, "If you are trapped, you will explode directly!"

A cultivator knows that he will die. Instead of sending his own flesh and blood and the strength of years of cultivation to these unnamed root systems, he might as well commit suicide and explode to death!

Suddenly, a very tragic sight appeared!

I saw rumbling noises everywhere around this ancient flood land, and the power exploded frantically. The flesh and blood of the cultivator was blown into the sky, and it was scattered like raindrops, very terrifying!

But even so, it is of little use!

The black roots protruding from the cracks in the ground are like bloodthirsty evil spirits, desperately looking for them everywhere, even a small piece of flesh and blood will have roots growing in, drawing strength and nutrients!

"Oh my God!"

Gu Huang and other powerful cultivators of the Protoss watched from a distance, with horror in their eyes. If Ding Hao hadn't notified them in time, they would be the first group to rush to the land of Guhong at this moment!

"so horrible!"

There are already as many as hundreds of millions of cultivators who have come around the land of Guhong!

The land of Guhong is very large, but there are more practitioners who come here, and it is as dense as ants, wrapping the huge continent in a circle without any gaps in between!

After these people came to the land of Guhong, they paled with fright when they saw the disarming power in front of them!

Many strengths were not enough. Seeing this kind of sight, my heart began to retreat!

After a short while, the first batch of cultivators of all races who rushed to the land of Guhong had already died. They had died hundreds of millions. The cultivators in the world of Guhong were just like ants, and the deaths of hundreds of millions could not be seen at all. what!

After a while, the periphery of the land of Guhong was already covered with bones, as if in hell!

And those black roots that grow out are as if they are full at the moment, they are digesting there very contentedly...

Seeing the sight in front of him, Ding Hao was also shocked. The evildoers in this ancient Hong land were indeed very cruel!

Hong Zhizhezhu sneered and said, "These people really don't understand anything, and they all dared to rush forward. If they don't die, who will die? The old monsters in the land of ancient Hong have already been hungry for a long time. For hundreds of millions of years, of course we must have a full meal at this moment!"

An elder next to him asked, "Hong! Why don't we take advantage of this old monster to eat and drink, quickly find a safe place and rush to the mainland!"

"Stupid!" Hong Zhizhang looked at his position and said, "If you don't want to die, just step back!"

"What? Backward? Is there danger here too..."

Just when the elder was puzzled, he suddenly saw the outermost periphery of the Guhong Continent. The dry ground suddenly exploded like a violent explosion, constantly exploding giant holes. These giant holes were very terrifying, one by one!

Ding Hao hurriedly passed information to his people, "If there is danger, leave quickly!"

However, there are also many people who don't know the danger, and even want to get closer and see what's in this huge cave!

Suddenly, suddenly!

From these huge holes, tens of thousands of tentacles stretched out at the same time!

In some huge holes, tens of thousands of tentacles can be born, all of which are black, long and terrifying, with mucus on them, which is very disgusting!

The speed of these tentacles is very fast, they are like electricity!

Standing in the land of Guhong, a little closer, they were attacked by these tentacles, and those cultivators who did not live or died were tightly wrapped in dozens of tentacles in a blink of an eye!

These cultivators paled with fright, and shouted, "Help, help me cut off these tentacles!"

But no one dared to do it at all, everyone was scared and backed away crazy!

In a blink of an eye, I don't know how many millions of cultivators have suffered!

Hong Zhizhe caught this coldly and snorted, "Its root system is full first, so its body can grow and then come out to eat! These enchanting evildoers are really good calculations!"

Ding Hao knew that these tentacles and the black root system just now turned out to be a kind of evildoer!

When all these tentacles were stretched out, Hong Zhizhezhuo suddenly said, "You can enter, everyone, be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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