Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2658: Guhong Imperial City

Chapter 2658 Ancient Hong Imperial City

Chapter 2656 Ancient Hong Imperial City

Ding Hao entered the small palace this time to explore and obtained three items.

The first one is the scroll on the wall;

The second piece is a big chair with a large size;

The third one is a weird coat on the chair!

He watched it, and there was nothing special about this big chair. Although the wooden material used was hard, it was not very precious and worthless.

He continued to watch the weird coat again.

The weird thing about this weird coat is that it looks very ugly. The surface of the coat is full of barbs. The coat can also wrap the head and hide the body in it. Suddenly it looks like an ugly monster monster!

"Is this a disguise that Gu Hong used to hide his body?"

Ding Hao's gaze moved. You must know that Gu Hong, who lived on this continent, often encountered danger! Going out to fight and catch evildoers is very risky. It shouldn't be impossible to come up with this kind of camouflage coat!

"If this thing really works like this, it will be of great help to me this time in the land of Guhong!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao nodded with satisfaction, and put this item in his bag for future use.

Then, Ding Hao took out the huge scroll hung on the wall. On this scroll scroll, it was divided into many small grids, and each grid had a small image!

In the small image, there is an old-looking figure of Gu Hong who makes certain specific actions.

"Is this Gu Hong's cultivation technique?" Ding Hao was looking forward to this scroll and began to study and ponder right now.

In the past, he had received a lot of ancient Hong stone steles. From these steles, he got a lot of inspiration, which greatly improved his cultivation and strength!

However, he still has a little knowledge of different cultivation methods!

Because those ancient Hong stone steles were all relatively high-end cultivation techniques, but Ding Hao had never received low-end cultivation techniques.

In other words, Ding Hao received a lot of cultivation techniques in the later period of Gu Hong, but he did not know the most basic cultivation technique of Gu Hong; although Ding Hao was able to perceive some of the later cultivation techniques based on his own cultivation process, he did not Knowing the basic cultivation techniques of Gu Hong is always a deficiency, and he has never been able to understand some specific content in the Gu Hong stele!

This is also what other foreign cultivators lack!

"This simple technique for painting on scrolls should be desired by many people in the current Guhong world, and it is valuable!"

Right now, in his flying palace, Ding Hao began to practice the basic exercises of Gu Hong based on the records on this picture scroll!


Hong Zhizhe catches them along the waterway against the current. Based on his experience in the land of ancient Hong last time, the waterway is relatively safe!

There were no major twists and turns along the way. After sailing for more than a month, the group finally reached the destination. This is an ancient Hong ruins that looks like a pier.

"Everyone is ashore!"

Hong Zhizhezhuo said hello, and everyone walked out of their flying palace.

Ding Hao walked out of his flying palace and was in a good mood. This month he had been practicing Gu Hong's basic exercises.

The content of these exercises is very basic and is the content of the youngest Gu Hong's practice, but when Ding Hao practiced, it was a huge help!

Many questions that Ding Hao left in the Guhong stele in the past are now all solved!

Although he could understand the ancient Hong stone steles in the past, they still contained some obscure points!

And now, he is completely transparent!

It is precisely because of this that the power of the exercises on the ancient Hong stone steles he learned before is now even more powerful!

"Good! Although what I got was only the most basic exercises of Gu Hong, the help to me was great and very useful!"

Ding Hao secretly decided in his heart that when he returned this time, this basic exercise would be placed in his permanent residence of the Protoss, so that all the young Protoss who had just entered the ancient Hong world would learn it first!

Seeing Ding Hao smiling all over his face, an elder walked up to him and said with a smile, "Elder Ding Hao, it seems that you got a good harvest this time?"

"What's the matter?" Ding Hao smiled, "It's the choice of elders, with Hong's help, this time you should have a good harvest!"

This elder named Chobe is exactly the tribe of Hong Zhizechu, and he is also the most powerful competitor for the title of Hong this time!

Saying goodbye to Ding Hao, and smilingly said, "I want to make a private agreement with you!"

"You said." Ding Hao raised his brow.

Say another way, "I think you are not weak, and I want to make an agreement with you! If there is the first title Hong, you let me; then when we meet the second title Hong, no matter what it is Our insiders are still from other teams, and I will try my best to help you **** it! What do you think of this agreement?"


Ding Hao's heart moved. It seemed that although Chosen was a member of Hong Zhi's capture, he was still very uncertain about whether he could get the title Hong, so he wanted to find someone to set up an alliance under the city!

Ding Hao asked again, "How to guarantee the validity of this agreement?"

Choose another way, "Hong will guarantee!"

Ding Hao thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I don't want to make this agreement!"

Hong Zhizhezhu was originally a senior of the choice. This guarantee is difficult to guarantee its validity. The choice violates the agreement and the agreement is not violated. Hong Zhizezuo will determine it. There is no guarantee at all; and even if it is Hong Zhizezuo With all his words, who can guarantee that he will meet the second title Hong?

Ye Kong once said that the title Hong was originally very rare, and every time he encountered one, he had to fight for it with all his strength, how could he give up casually!

Seeing Ding Hao's refusal to choose goodbye, his face suddenly became gloomy, snorted coldly, and went to talk to other elders!

However, it is clear that every one of the 17 elders this time wants to compete for the title of Hong. Who is willing to give up the opportunity in the first place?

So he chose not to say for a long time, and without one agreed, he could only helpless in the end.

Everyone boarded the pier, and there was a magnificent ancient Hong Palace in front of it, which looked not small in size.

Everyone looked at this piece of Guhong Palace, and their eyes were filled with joy, and they said that they have gained another reward?

However, Hong Zhizhuo shook his head and said, "This ancient Hong Palace has been visited by many treasure hunters for many years! We don't need to go in, there should be nothing inside!"

When he said this, the enthusiasm that everyone had just raised seemed to be poured with cold water.

Hong Zhizhezhu added, "We are very fast this time. We have already arrived at the core area of ​​Guhong Continent! Many people are still struggling in the outer and middle levels. We must take this time to reach the emperor where the Guhong imperial family lives. Within the city, after entering there, there is a chance to get the title Hong!"

"Title Hong!" Ding Hao and their 17 elders all shot strange lights in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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