Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2662: Bipolar yin and yang

Chapter 2662

Chapter 2660

In this way, the two teams stood on the 12th step at the same time.

Although Ding Hao and his team are standing on the same starting line once again with the Demon Squad, Ding Hao and the others have already undergone further training and improvement, and are stronger than the Demon Squad!

"Then let's go ahead!" Choosing goodbye now has the captain's momentum faintly.

Ding Hao didn't say much, followed behind and continued on.

The twelfth step is relatively safe and did not encounter any danger. Everyone rushed to the thirteenth step.

Saying goodbye, "After a wave of ancestors, there should be two polar yin and yang! This is also a very powerful evildoer, everyone must be more careful!"

Another elder asked, "Choose goodbye, Hong told you a lot of things here! You have said, how many evildoers are there?"

"Then I'll tell you about it." Choose another way, "99 steps, each living in nine enchanting leaders! They are the first wave of ancestors, the two poles of Yin and Yang, the cycle of the three realms, the cycle of the four elephants, the five elements covering the sky, the alternation of six paths, Seven worlds are destroyed, eight lives and eight generations, nine songs into one monster king! Only by breaking through all the nine monster leaders can you finally reach the ancient Hong Imperial City!"

"So difficult!" Ding Hao and others were dumbfounded.

They have only passed the first level now, and there are eight powerful evildoers behind, waiting for them, this is simply an impossible task!

Choosing goodbye and said, "Don’t worry, everyone. On the way forward, many of the enchanting bodies will grow with some natural treasures! The land of ancient Hong is very peculiar, and all the natural treasures are not. Growing in the ground! But growing in the bodies of these evildoers! As long as we continue to move forward and continue to kill, we can continue to improve! This path is actually the evaluation path of the ancient Hong Emperor!"

Speaking of this, another elder also said, "I have heard this too! It is said that the descendants of the ancient Hong clan lived outside the imperial city before they reached adulthood! After they reach adulthood, they can climb these 99 steps. Only by successfully climbing and passing to reach the interior of the imperial city! This is a real adult Gu Hong!"

Choosing goodbye nodded and said, "That's what it means! Although this road is very difficult, as long as we go up and reach the peak, our strength will be greatly improved! Otherwise, what qualifications can be called title Hong? "

I have to say that the choice is very reasonable, and the hesitation that had arisen in everyone's hearts was swept away and moved on.

Step up to the 13th step, the second enchanting leader is controlled by the two poles of Yin and Yang!

"There is a strange power here!" An elder's face changed suddenly.

This elder is a strong metal clan, inside and outside his body are all a certain kind of strange metal!

Therefore, his body will be attracted by a certain force and move closer to the side of the step!

"No, this force is pulling me in another direction!" Ding Hao's expression also changed.

Saying goodbye, "Everyone, control it! The so-called yin and yang of the two poles are based on the physical attributes of the passer. Those who prefer metal and hard rocks will be pulled to the left of the steps by force; while the body is biased toward flesh and blood. The cultivator will be drawn to the right side of the step by the force! You must not be pulled away by this force. If you fall under the step, you will undoubtedly die!"

"It turns out that this level is an assessment of this kind of power!" Everyone realized that this level does not have the large number of enchanting evildoers of the previous level, but uses this kind of traction power to assess them!

"Grit your teeth up!"

Ding Hao gritted his teeth in silence, continued to walk forward, walked to the next step, and then ascended the steps.

They quickly reached the 14th step, and when they came to this level, the pulling force was even greater!

The demon squad, which is advancing almost side by side with them, also feels unprecedented power. The force is pulling them, pulling the practitioners of the two squads very close!

"No, I'm going to get close to the demon squad!" The metal elder gritted his teeth and said, "If I get close, they will definitely attack me!"

The two teams are in a competitive relationship. Although everyone is on the steps, they are far apart; but if the two teams are close together, the demon team will probably take the initiative to attack Ding Hao and the others!

Another elder opened his mouth and said, "Now we have only 14 steps and we have to go to 22 steps to pass! There are a full eight steps! We might as well, tie each other together and twisted into a rope, so that it is safer!"

"Okay!" Everyone thought for a while and nodded.

These nine elders walked all the way, and they were both worried about each other and suspicious of each other all the way; but when they came here, they had to help each other. Now the nine elders are tied together. If they are outside, this is absolutely impossible !

Tied up so close, if one person wants to do bad things and attack other people, then the other eight people will be unlucky!

But here and now, everyone has no room to doubt others, they can only rely on themselves and use teammates to pass the level together!

This kind of binding is multi-layered. Some elders of the metal clan released metal chains from their bodies, some elders of plant life released some vines, and Ding Hao released some tied rope-like treasures!

After tying several times, everyone finally found a balance!

There are yin and yang at the two poles, and there are yin and yang. Although the power is tied to both sides, because they are all tied together, they have reached a state of equilibrium and everyone is moving forward a lot faster. Together, keep going!

Section 15 steps.

Section 16. Steps.

The traction force on both sides continues to increase, and each time you climb a step, the force will double.

When Ding Hao and the others reached the 18th step, everyone felt a little overwhelmed!

The first thing to break was the long silk rope released by an elder!

The power was pulling crazily to the sides, and the rope tied to their bodies was slowly torn apart. At the 18th step, it was finally overwhelming.

With a bang, this rope was completely torn off!

The nine elders who were tightly tied together suddenly appeared gaps in their bodies!

The next thing that controlled their bodies was an iron chain-shaped treasure released by Ding Hao, which now collapsed very tightly and squeaked into the ears!

"Ding Hao, hold on!" Chosen said.

Ding Hao's face was solemn, gritted his teeth and insisted, putting all his power into this iron chain, and trying to restrain everyone's bodies together!

"Keep going!"

Ding Hao gritted his teeth and said.

Everyone continued to walk up again. Just as they walked up to the 19th step, only hearing a bang, Ding Hao’s chain-shaped treasure was suddenly broken into countless pieces and scattered in all directions; at the same time, the body gap between them changed. Got bigger!

"It's up to you!" Now the chains and vines of the metal elders and plant elders are left to bind them!

(End of this chapter)

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