Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2667: So this is the King Kong form

Chapter 2667 turns out that this is the King Kong form

Chapter 2665 So This Is The King Kong Form

"Live in the form of King Kong!" Ding Hao walked over step by step.

In fact, if Ding Hao is allowed to evaluate the two previous levels, then Ding Hao has a better chance of winning, because Ding Hao is very knowledgeable in both human and ghost state!

He was originally a human-shaped life form. As for the ghost-shaped state, although he has never been a ghost, he has at least seen many ghosts!

Therefore, for Ding Hao, Ding Hao can guarantee that these two tests will definitely pass!

However, the so-called King Kong form is really difficult!

Ding Hao has never lived in a vajra form, and has no experience in this area at all, even the so-called vajra form, how does he live?

Ding Hao knows nothing!

"There are three types of assessment, the third is undoubtedly the most difficult, and I don't have a little experience, so I can only take one step and count one step!"

Ding Hao came to the third form of the Three Lives III Wicked King, sat cross-legged with his hands on his legs, and then calmly said, "You can start the assessment!"


The King Kong form in front of him suddenly dispersed, turning into countless strange lights and shadows, surrounding Ding Hao's body.

At the same time, Ding Hao's figure changed, as if he had come to another world.

"Is this the King Kong form?" Ding Hao slowly opened his eyes.

In front of Ding Hao's eyes, there is a very vast continent, on which there are hundreds of millions of lives!

Some of these beings are at the bottom end of the food chain and are constantly preyed by people; others are at the middle end of the food chain, and the prey they prey on will also be preyed by other stronger people; and at the top of the food chain, It is the ruling life of this world!

The ruling life in this world is also a kind of intelligent life. They are divided into countless forms and races. They are constantly hunting and fighting. Even if they are between the same form and race, they are often caused by some meaningless things. A terrible war broke out!

What Ding Hao didn't expect was that he became the master of this world!

But the so-called master does not have a specific shape or a complete body. He can't even kill a person himself, but he is high above, overlooking the whole world. The fate of anyone is in his eyes, and he can change this. The big trend of the world, you can also lend power to one of them, making it super powerful instantly!

"That's it, that's it!"

Ding Hao suddenly realized that the so-called King Kong form has become the most fundamental power in this world, or it is called God's Will! Even something more basic than the will of heaven is a group of fundamental power!

"The King Kong form is the most basic power form in this world!"

Ding Hao has played a variety of different roles during so many years of cultivation, and even in the inner world, he was possessed by the will of the inner world! But Ding Hao himself never really played the role of Providence, from the birth of Providence, to being powerful, and finally to death!

Although Ding Hao has a lot of experience, he has never had this experience!

He looked down and observed himself. Although he was the most fundamental force in this world, he was actually very weak, and the world was also very weak!

Outside this world, there is another powerful world of cultivation; those strong in the cultivation world are constantly trying to invade this low-level cultivation world!

"Unexpectedly, as a providence, as the most fundamental power of a world! It seems huge and boundless, and can manipulate the life and death of anyone! However, there are things that you can't control, and can be destroyed by others at any time!"

Ding Hao looked at those powerful people in the outside world who were trying to enter his own world. He could only go all out to stop the invasion of foreign enemies with his new strength!

At this moment, in his heart, how much he hopes that the cultivators in his world will work hard to become stronger; in this way, he can help him, resist foreign enemies, and prevent the cultivators from another world from invading!

But what annoys him is that in his world, those intelligent beings are simply stupid to death! It is not a concerted practice at all, but a constant internal struggle! Many geniuses in this world were killed by mistake; many treasures of this world were ruined by people; many opportunities in this world were missed again and again!

"Oh my God! My eyes are so hot! These people are stupid to death!"

Ding Hao was aloft, watching all this happen, he tried hard to withstand the invasion of foreign enemies, but the idiots in his own world were still fighting and making senseless sacrifices, but Ding Hao could not directly notify these idiots!

"No! I am a new-born providence after all, relying on my strength to withstand these powerful men in the outer world, I am afraid I will be the first to collapse!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao made the first decision to let go of his defensive power!

Suddenly an astonishing number of powerhouses from the outer world rushed into Ding Hao’s world. Suddenly, there was a burst of flames, and there were fighting and howlings of pain everywhere. Ding Hao’s world seemed to be a **** on earth. I don’t know how many indigenous peoples are here. Killed and killed!

"Is my decision correct?" Ding Hao was worried.

If this world is finished under the invasion of foreign enemies, then Ding Hao's assessment will end instantly, failing on the spot!

But Ding Hao couldn't end the battle himself, he could only look at his own world, bit by bit being eroded by another world, and people in his own world were also killed in large numbers!

"No! I'll be finished if this continues!" Ding Hao was extremely anxious.

But he is just a mass of invisible and intangible things, how can he resist foreign enemies? He can only be in a hurry!

However, the situation is not as he imagined, and the world has not collapsed quickly. Under the invasion of foreign enemies, many strong men in his world began to abandon internal struggles and formed comrades-in-arms against foreign enemies!

Of course, among them, there are also some traitors who take refuge in the powerhouses of the outer world, betraying their own people; however, more people are still willing to go through fires and waters for their own world, regardless of life or death, even if they make thousands of times, they will not hesitate to die and fight foreign enemies. Successfully blocked the invasion of the outside world!

The two sides confronted each other in this way, and after many more years, the number of dead and injured practitioners on our side was so numerous that it was impossible to count them, and the losses were huge.

But in this situation, a well-known peerless genius was born among the crowd, and they are in the superb aptitude and blood feud, with the heart of a strong man, they are going higher and higher to fight against foreign enemies! Their dream is to drive all the powerhouses from the outside world out of this world and defend their homeland!

Ding Hao discovered in the midair that when the thoughts of all intelligent beings in this world became dignified, his power was also strengthened, and his invisible and intangible body was constantly growing!

(End of this chapter)

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