Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2677: Six ways

Chapter 2677 Six Ways Alternate

Chapter 2675 Six Ways Alternate

After stepping on the 56th step, Ding Hao and the others will face the six alternate monster kings.

The so-called six realms here will be inseparable from the six realms that Ding Hao knows at that time. They are heaven, humanity, beast, asura, hungry ghost, and hell! To walk into these six realms is to walk into suffering, the cycle of life and death, alternating!

This is where the six-way alternate evildoer king was born!

After ascending the 57th steps, Ding Hao finally began to meet the little demons in this period!

The number of little evildoers in this section is very huge, mainly from the evildoers of the animal road and the hungry ghost road. The evildoers from the animal road are like giant beasts. The teeth in the animal mouth are very sharp.

And the evildoers from the path of hungry ghosts are extremely cruel, like evil spirits, they will enter a state of madness when they encounter blood and corpses!

However, the strength of the nine elders who have experienced the test of several evil spirit kings is still extraordinary, and it is not difficult to meet these little evil spirits!

Everyone shot, the swords and swords turned into a light curtain.

The light curtain swept past, leaving countless dead bodies!

Among the nine elders, Ding Hao still used his full strength to shoot, but he did not deliberately show a negative mood of sabotage, which made people feel that he was very grand!

Although choosing farewell was a little jealous of Ding Hao, Ding Hao had nothing to say about his choice.

After everyone went all the way and stepped on two more steps, they came to the 59th step, where there are even more evildoers.

In addition to the evil spirits of the Beast Dao and the Hungry Ghost Dao I have seen before, asura has been added. This is a bizarre demon with two sides and four arms. Wearing a lotus dress and holding a vajra, it is stronger than the previous two. The evildoer is stronger!

"Elders, there are treasures in the bodies of these little monsters. Whoever hits them belongs to whoever is. Don't be polite!" After choosing goodbye, he took the lead and killed them.

Ding Hao and the others also followed behind and let go to kill them, and indeed some items were dropped, especially a black kind of heaven and earth treasure that looked like black grapes dropped from Asura's body. After taking it, his eyes turned red and his body came in. Sad reminder sends out a kind of magic!

When the magical nature enters the body, the combat power will instantly increase a lot.

But Ding Hao felt that after taking too much of this kind of natural treasure, it is likely to affect his mentality!

However, some elders didn't take it seriously. They had reached a large number of such treasures, devouring one after a while, enjoying the semi-enchanted mental state very much.

Ding Hao wanted to remind, but watching these elders have a great time, and after these elders become stronger, others can relax, so Ding Hao didn't say much.

Everyone continued to move forward, and after three more steps, several powerful evildoers from the **** road were added.

There are many evildoers in the **** road, including Hellhounds, broken wolves, corpses, soul-refining beasts, and so on. This group of powerful evildoers join in, and everyone's pace is much slower, but if you want to stop Ding Hao and the nine, Still impossible!

Keep going!

Ding Hao and the others were like a broken bamboo, and then all the heavens and humanity appeared!

Speaking of it, both the Dao of Heaven and the Dao of Humanity are among the six realms, and the higher-level ones, especially the Dao of Heaven, are some powerful golden armor experts!

These golden armored powerhouses are like huge towers, their eyes are like electricity, and their bodies are covered with heavy gold armors, like guards of the heavens, standing in a row, like a golden barrier!

"Elders, we have now reached the 65th step. Breaking through this step will face the six alternate enchanting kings! Don't keep your hands, take all your actions and kill them!"

Under the leadership of the choice, everyone broke through the defense of the strong humane!

In fact, in the face of the defense formed by the humane powerhouse, Ding Hao is not willing to make an all-out effort. After all, the opponent looks similar to himself, and feels like he is killing himself!

However, with other elders' shots, the gap was quickly torn, and the last row of golden armors stood in front of them!

"We only need to break one, kill!"

Ding Hao and the nine of them gathered the power of the nine and released a shocking blow, and a huge light and shadow slashed on the body of a golden armored evildoer!

With a bang, the body of this strong golden armor fell over!

In the body of this golden armored evildoer, a golden pearl unexpectedly rolled out!

"Top Gu Hong genius treasure!" The eyes of all the nine elders present brightened.

Because the one rushing to the forefront is choosing a farewell, so the other elders have no chance to choose farewell to pick up this golden jade as soon as possible and stuff it into their own pocket!

The other eight elders present were all unhappy.

Although Ding Hao had eaten alone once before, it was Ding Hao himself, and everyone had nothing to say; and this time, it was obvious that everyone made their best effort, gathered the power of nine people, and killed a demon!

But the treasure of heaven and earth and earth that he got, he chose to put it in his bag alone, and everyone else felt dissatisfied with it!

Choosing goodbye and shouting loudly, "All elders, rush up to the 66th steps with me, and overthrow the six alternate monster kings!"

If it were his roar in the past, everyone would cheer and step onto the 66th step.

But this time, the eight elders were all dissatisfied, and when they stepped on the 66th step, their faces condensed.

Choosing goodbye certainly knows the dissatisfaction in everyone's hearts, but the golden pearl jade that fell from this heavenly evildoer is a very precious ancient Hong-level treasure, embedded in weapons, especially battle armor, will greatly enhance the effect of the treasure!

Such a good thing, how can you give it to someone else?

After standing on the 66th step, the enchanting king of this section appeared, and the six alternate enchanting kings!

The Six Way Alternating Monster King is a tall big demon. The appearance of this big demon is very indescribable. Although he has only one body, his body has all the characteristics of the six ways!

For example, his head is definitely from Hungry Ghost Dao, looks like a zombie, skinny and ugly, his lips have no mouth, and his upper and lower black teeth are like sharp combs;

And his body should come from heaven, his whole body is shining golden, and his defense is super strong;

His arm comes from humanity and is exactly the same as a human arm, holding a giant axe in his hand while making a fist;

And his legs and feet are derived from Asura, with circles of magic patterns printed on his legs, and there are layers of halo outside the magic patterns, and his movements are very difficult to approach;

His tail comes from the animal realm, and it is long and fierce, like a python.

"This thing is so powerful!"

The faces of the nine elders present changed, and it was really difficult to deal with such a big demon.

But now, if the elders don't take action, the enchanting king will take the initiative to take action. This huge guy spit out a mouthful of flame, and then smashed it with a large axe in both hands!

boom! The ground is cracked, shooting out like a spider web!

(End of this chapter)

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