Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2697: Kill the Lei Di

Chapter 2697 Killing the Lei Di

Chapter 2695 Killing Thunder Emperor


A giant axe slashed on the chest of Ding Hao's black armor. From that point, the blue electric current overflowed crazily in all directions, and finally passed onto the ground with a terrifying electric discharge!


But in such a terrifying blow, Ding Hao was unscathed, not even a scratch on the black armor he wore!

"Is this the defense against the sky of the Prince Gu Hong armor?"

Lei Di was stunned, his axe slashed down, with amazing power.

But Ding Hao's battle armor blocks all attack power from the battle armor!

This kind of defensive power has given the wearer of the armor an invincible capital!

"I am already named Hong. If I can get this prince-level armor, don't I even have the opportunity to compete for Gu Hong's dominance?" Lei Di's heart was shocked.

Originally, he didn't have confidence in himself. The reason why he didn't rush to the center of the imperial city to participate in imperial city pk is because he did not have confidence in himself!

But if he had this armor of Ding Hao, he would be invincible and his confidence would be doubled!

However, even though Lei Di had beautiful thoughts in his mind, the first thing he had to pass was how to obtain this prince-level armor from Ding Hao?


Ding Hao's arms shook suddenly, his chest was pushed forward, and the giant axe that had been cut on him was bounced away!

"Lei Di, are you still making small calculations up to now? I think you are wishful thinking! You deceived me that I was not strong enough, and drove me out of my sphere of influence, and took away the title that should have belonged to me Hong! Now, I will kill you and take back this title Hong!"

Lei Di was immediately furious. It turned out that when he was hitting Ding Hao's idea, Ding Hao also hit his head!

"Then see, who can get to the end!"

After finishing speaking, the other thunder and lightning axe in Lei Di's hand slammed down against Ding Hao's face!

But this time, Ding Hao will not let him succeed again!

A huge black knife from bottom to top, with a terrible black knife light, greeted it...


In the loud noise, the thunder and lightning chuckled in the air, the huge power almost made the giant axe in Lei Di's hand escape!

Fortunately, Lei Di has been using the giant axe for a long time, so he won't be beaten so easily!

But when he took a step back and looked down, his face paled with fright!

It turned out that after this blow, the giant axe in his hand was chopped out by Ding Hao's black giant knife into a very terrible rift. At this moment, the power of lightning is constantly leaking out from the rift!

"This knife..."

Lei Di finally felt that he was no longer an opponent. Ding Hao's armor was of Prince Gu Hong's level, and his sword was also of Prince Gu Hong's!

He wants to fight Ding Hao, it's not of the same level at all!

The weapon in his hand could not break Ding Hao's armor, so Ding Hao was already invincible; but the battle knife in Ding Hao's hand was more powerful, capable of smashing his weapon and its armor.

Just ask, what capital does he have to fight Ding Hao?

"Ding Hao, wait a minute..." Lei Di suddenly found that what he was doing was a bit stupid.

Ding Hao is now much stronger than him by virtue of his armor and weapons. He actually wants to **** Ding Hao's armor and weapons. This is really wishful thinking!

"Ding Hao, we have something to say!" Lei Di began to step back.

But now, how could Ding Hao let him leave alive?

"Lei Di, the title Hong integrated with you should belong to me! Now, I want to get back my things and kill you! Take the title Hong back!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, he raised a big step and kept moving forward, waving the black saber in his hand and cutting it down!

Standing very far away, many cultivators saw this scene, and Chosen and his team also saw this scene from a distance.

I saw the black war knife in Ding Hao's hand. It was infinitely powerful. When the knife fell, there would be a heart-piercing roar from the Lei Di at the same time. In the light of the knife, the fragments of weapons and armor were chopped and smashed. !

Soon after, in this knife light, there was blood flying again!

The Lei Di's screams also began to sink, and finally disappeared silently, completely dead!


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and when the Lei Di died, the title Hong integrated in his body suddenly emerged!

The title Hong is an honor that Gu Hong bestows on his tribe, and it represents a noble status. If anyone dies, he is not qualified to have the title Hong!

This title will emerge in the next second after the death of the dead, and the powerhouse who kills this title Hong will be able to inherit this title!

After Ding Hao missed two full titles Hong, he finally got his own title Hong!


Ding Hao looked at the current group of things that looked like white light. The power that came from it was very strong, and this power came from the deepest part of Gu Hong's world!

After Ding Hao merged with the title of Hong, he clearly felt that his strength was strengthened a lot! And more importantly, when he invokes Gu Hong's power or uses Gu Hong's exercises, he will appear smoother, and the power of various skills released will increase a lot!

"It turns out that this is the title Hong, no wonder everyone is fighting desperately!"

After Ding Hao got the title Hong, there was no huge light and shadow in his head!

This is different!

The phenomenon of heaven and earth appeared because it was the first time that he was awarded the title Hong. This is the way that Gu Hong encourages his descendants and encourages them to find the title Hong in the ancient Hong Imperial City; but Ding Hao is different, he was snatched by the enemy Title Hong!

This beheading behavior can occur anywhere in the Guhong world, so it is not the behavior encouraged by the Guhongs, and the heaven and earth vision will never appear!

But the title Hong Ding Hao received is essentially the same as others!

After he merged with the title Hong, he dared not delay time, and immediately turned into a black figure, rushing to the center of the ancient Hong Imperial City!

He once promised Ding Hao to do his best to stop the birth of the new Lord Gu Hong!

"Time waits for no one, a new generation of Guhong masters will appear at any time! I must rush into the center of the imperial city immediately, participate in imperial city pk, and add chaos, whoever will become the master of the new generation, I will knock them The altar!"

While talking, Ding Hao's figure instantly disappeared from the periphery of the ancient Hong Imperial City!

Seeing Ding Hao's back disappear, in his eyes, he was envious and annoyed. He and Ding Hao were on the same level at the beginning, but now they have received the title Hong, and they have also killed the Lei Di! This kind of strength is no less inferior to Hong's choice!

"Ding Hao, you are really strong, and your progress is really fast!" Choosing goodbye suddenly became worried for those Hong who were named pk in the center of the imperial city!

(End of this chapter)

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