Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2708: Fight Meiba Again

Chapter 2708 Fights Mei Ba again

Chapter 2706 Fighting Mei Ba again

According to the selection method of Lord Gu Hong, when there are four or more people in the sixth-level palace, the primary selection can be conducted!

Four players mixed to fight, grab the seat in front of the dominating throne!

On the left and right sides of the dominating throne, there are three top spots, which are the six subordinates dominated by Gu Hong!

Everyone can start mixed competition, grab seats, and climb higher and higher, and finally come to the dominant position and sit on the dominant throne!

Xuanyue and Meng glanced at each other, and nodded at the same time and said, "As long as there are four people, or more than four people, you can compete for seats! Then we will start the competition first! Those who come in later can just let them participate in the competition. !"

After the three of them agreed, they all looked at Ding Hao, but Ding Hao finally agreed.

Ding Hao also nodded and said, "Then I also agree, everyone is here to fight for Gu Hong's dominance, idle and idle, let's get a Gu Hong prime minister for fun!"

After all four of them agreed, the battlefield opened immediately!

However, this kind of four-person battle is not a melee fighting with four people, it is still a one-on-one battle!

After the battlefield opens, two people can enter on their own and challenge each other, and what determines the position of the sixth place in this game!

"Brother Meiba, who did you compare to in the first game?"

Normally, in such competitions, the real powerhouse came out last, and Xuan Yue and Meng, as the two most powerful, were unwilling to fight.

Mei Ba looked at Ding Hao and sneered, "Ding Hao, haven't you always wanted to see the weapons I use? Now there is a chance! How about me and you in the first game?"

Ding Hao was not afraid, nodded and said, "Then come again!"

When they were in the fifth-level palace, the two had a battle, and Ding Hao was included in the ancient rune map by Mei Ba!

Now in the sixth-tier palace, the two fight again.

Entering the battle space, here is still the background of Gu Hong's palace, with seven seats in front of it, as if Lord Gu Hong and his six ministers are watching the battle!

"In this game, whoever loses will take the last place!" Mei Ba sneered and said, "Ding Hao, don't think that you can win if you take advantage of me by speculation! I think you might as well admit defeat honestly. Sit on the last seat with peace of mind! I'm going to attack the one who dominates, I have no time to be here with you, wasting time!"

As a descendant of Gu Hong's blood, Mei Ba is very powerful, and his goal this time is very clear!

That is to go to the end, become the ruler of Gu Hong, and sit on the throne of ruler!

Ding Hao smiled at the corner of his mouth, "Let me take a look at me? Let's challenge the strength of Senior Mei Ba who dominates you!"

This battle was more important than their previous one, so Mei Ba directly released his weapon!

Meiba's weapon is very weird and very peculiar. It turned out to be a huge-looking Gu Hong stele!

This stone stele looks extraordinary, taller and bigger than the ordinary Guhong stele!

After Meiba was released, countless ancient Hong runes suddenly appeared on this stele!

Mei Ba said proudly, "This Guhong Xiantian stele can be called the stone stele of the early stage of Guhong! The runes contained on it are all very far away, and even the descendants of Guhong are very difficult to decipher! , I originally wanted to delve into the rune above! But who knows, after my research, I discovered that this ancient Hong Xiantian monument turned out to be an ancient Hong Prince-level attack weapon!"

"Great! This is a good thing!"

Outside the battlefield, Xuan Yue and Meng nodded secretly.

Although Ding Hao's Gu Hong battle knife is also a prince-level assault weapon, in terms of rarity, Meiba's Gu Hong innate monument is even more precious!

"Then go to war!"

Ding Hao's gaze condensed, and the huge black knife in his hand pulled out a dark curtain of light and pounced on it!

"It's just a low-level attack!" Mei Ba's expression was contemptuous. He raised his big hand, spread his five fingers, and yelled at Ding Hao, "Attack!"

When he gave this order, tens of thousands of blockbusters of strange runes spurted out from the Gu Hong Xiantian Monument!

These runes are very strange. Although they are all ancient Hong runes, no one can understand them. They should be the earliest runes used by Gu Hong, and they are also the most powerful runes!

Boom boom boom!

These runes came around Ding Hao's body and exploded. The space was smashed to pieces and riddled with holes!

"Sure enough!" Ding Hao looked shocked.

Although he was wearing the Gu Hong Prince-class battle armor, if the rune issued by the Gu Hong Xiantian Tablet hit his body, his battle armor would still be overwhelming!

"I don't believe you are so strong!"

Ding Hao's face moved, and he raised his hand to release the ancient rune map, which was also an early rune weapon of Gu Hong!

This weapon did not exert its powerful power in the hands of Mei Ba, but Ding Hao was different. Ding Hao's body had become a rune body, and he could communicate with the ancient rune map!


When the ancient rune map was released, Ding Hao's figure disappeared, and a large rune space appeared in front of Mei Ba!

Runes, large and small, are laid out in the space, neatly arranged, like countless staves.

The battle between the two became a battle between runes!

Standing outside the battlefield space, Xuan Yue and Meng couldn't help but admire, "I thought that Ding Hao was just a general generation, and he could only enter the sixth-level palace after taking advantage of Mei Ba's loopholes! It doesn't seem to be the case now! This Ding Hao still There really are real materials! Just by looking at his manipulation and use of the ancient rune map, you can see that his strength is extraordinary!"

Although these two top powerhouses took Ding Hao a high look, they also had to admit.

"It's just a pity that Ding Hao's personal strength, and the ancient rune diagrams he used, are a grade lower than Mei Ba! The final result should be Mei Ba wins, Ding Hao can only be ranked sixth!"

Meng also said, "Ding Hao is still young after all and just got the title Hong! So this time, he should have ended in failure!"

Xuan Yue also nodded in agreement, "Ding Hao, as a young man, is good to be able to do this! It's just impossible to defeat Hong, who are our veteran titles! Meiba is Meiba after all, so it depends on his strength and means. In the same way, I remember seeing him manipulate this Guhong Xiantian monument before, but his power was far less powerful than now!

Just when the two men had just made a prediction, judging that Mei Ba would win.

The situation on the battlefield has changed suddenly!

I saw the ancient rune map released by Ding Hao, and the runes in it increased wildly, and this rune map also expanded rapidly!

"What's the situation?" Xuanyue and Meng's expressions suddenly changed. "The effect of the Primordial Rune Diagram in the hands of different users will be different, but the effect is improved so much, and the sudden expansion is so big, unprecedented!"

(End of this chapter)

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