Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2716: Ding Hao's greed

Chapter 2716 Ding Hao's Greed

Chapter 2714 Ding Hao's Greed

Innate Ancestor Rune, Innate Rune, Primordial Rune, Ancient Hong Rune!

Ding Hao now has the following three kinds of runes. If he can obtain the innate ancestor charms, then a complete ancient Hong rune system will be formed in his hands!

No one can do this in the entire Guhong world, all life races, and all cultivators!

And now, the opportunity is in front of Ding Hao!

"If I can master this complete rune system, then the entire history of Gu Hong will be completely in my hands!"

What Ding Hao is talking about here is the history of Guhong, not about the historical development of Guhong, or what powerhouses and events have occurred in the history of Guhong?

it's not true!

The history of Gu Hong refers to the development history of Gu Hong's cultivation and exercises!

The embryonic form of a certain exercise, the call of power, the branches developed from it, and how the power has been improved!

If you have mastered the entire history of Gu Hong, you can say that all the creation and development of Gu Hong's exercises are in Ding Hao's hands!

In other words, Ding Hao didn't need to learn all the exercises and combat techniques of Gu Hong, he could already understand the principles and power of all the exercises and combat techniques!

"If I can master this rune system, who is my opponent in the entire Guhong world?"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao looked at the innate ancestor talisman flag in Xuan Yue's hand, and his eyes became even more enthusiastic.

"I must get this Inborn Ancestor Talisman Banner!"

Ding Hao wanted to obtain the Innate Ancestor Talisman Banner in Xuan Yue's hands, but Xuan Yue definitely couldn't give it to him. With strength, Ding Hao couldn't beat Xuan Yue!

"The only thing I can do now is to fully understand the contents of the Innate Runes and Primordial Runes, so that I can improve my strength! Only then will I have the opportunity to get the Innate Ancestor Rune Banner from Xuan Yue's hands!"

Ding Hao, the only chance now is that test rune!

He can pass the test runes and understand all the innate runes and ancient runes.

After understanding these runes, his strength will greatly increase, and then it will not be a difficult task to compete for the Ancestral Talisman Flag from Xuan Yue's hands!

"I must find a place to study this rune!"

Ding Hao is sitting on the third seat. It is impossible for him to release the ancient rune diagram in this place in front of him, otherwise everyone will know what he is going to do!

Fortunately, Meng came out and said, "Ding Hao, I want to challenge your third place. Are you willing to accept the challenge?"


Meng is sitting in the sixth place. Of course he is very dissatisfied with this position, but he doesn't like the fourth and fifth places. The goal now is Ding Hao's third place! Meng feels that he wants to dominate the top position, it is impossible, it is better to be more affordable, grab the third place!

And he is now challenging Ding Hao, which is the best opportunity!

Because Ding Hao had just fought with Xuan Yue, both his momentum and strength were at a low point;

Meng felt that the opportunity had arrived. If he could take Ding Hao in one go, and firmly occupy the third place, his purpose of coming here this time has also been achieved!

Facing the challenge of Meng Hao, Ding Hao nodded and smiled, "Since Senior Meng has spoken, let's play this one!"


Suddenly the fighting space opened up, Ding Hao and Meng walked into the battlefield space, and the two saluted each other and started fighting!

Meng had fought with Zezhuo before. Because Meng was getting older, he was more conservative in the battle!

He thinks that the reason why he lost in the last game was because he was too conservative in the battle. He even had a lot of weapons and methods that Meng didn't use, which made him very annoyed!

So after the battle with Ding Hao started, Meng tried his best to give it a go!

In this way, the fighting in the battle space looks very beautiful!

Ding Hao had just experienced a bitter battle with Xuan Yue, and now he is fighting against old men like Meng. The most important thing is that Meng has changed his style this time and launched a very sharp attack!

Ding Hao was a little difficult to adapt, stepping back!

"Haha! Great! Meng is really strong. I won his game before, which seems to be a coincidence!" Zezhu said with emotion.

If he was playing against Meng and Meng had attacked with all his strength like now, it would be difficult to say whether he would win or lose.

"Yes! Meng is really strong, but he has always been conservative, and he puts too much emphasis on stability during the battle!" Nightmare and Meiba who sat in the seats next to each other also nodded and said.

However, Xuan Yue, who was still standing in the hall, said, "Meng's battle is impossible to win! Ding Hao and me have consumed a huge amount of physical strength! And being defeated by me, his momentum is at the weakest! As an old man, it’s not very good to count young people like this!"

Xuan Yue is a very old man, and he is actually quite good! Fairer!

Nightmare said, "Senior Xuanyue, what you said is reasonable! However, the challenge here does not stipulate that you have to rest after a fight. I think Senior Meng’s challenge is reasonable and reasonable! And before the challenge, I also asked for it. After Ding Hao’s opinion, it is Ding Hao, this kid who is arrogant and ignorant! He has lost this game, haha, he is about to sit next to me!"

If Ding Hao is defeated, he will exchange places with Meng and he will be the sixth place, ranking behind Nightmare.

However, some smiles appeared at the corner of Xuanyue's mouth, "I just said that Mengsheng is not martial, but the key question is whether Mengsheng can give birth or not!"

"What?" The other people in the seat changed their expressions, and Xuan Yue was so optimistic about Ding Hao.

You must know that in the battlefield in front of you, Meng obviously had the upper hand, Ding Hao was beaten back and forth again and again. At this time, Ding Hao was predicted to win. How optimistic about Ding Hao?

Xuan Yue said, "Ding Hao and I fought, I clearly feel that he still has spare energy! And he did not use the glorious Primordial Runes in the previous two battles! I don't know why he wanted to treat me Keep the power, but I believe that he is more than enough to deal with Meng!"

Xuan Yue is an old man after all, and she has seen too many scenes!

Ding Hao was afraid that Xuanyue would find the test rune in the ancient rune map, so he didn't use it! Most people couldn't think of this, but Xuan Yue thought that Ding Hao had room for this little doubt!

Sure enough, in the battle, when Ding Hao withstood the first three waves of Meng's attacks, and after standing firm, he immediately launched a counterattack!

After a period of chasing and fierce fighting, Ding Hao seized the opportunity when the front force was exhausted and the back force was inadequate.

However, Meng was not reconciled to this. After he stepped back a few steps, his hands suddenly opened, and this replayed several powerful treasures in his hands!

He wants to stabilize his position by relying on the number of treasures!

However, Ding Hao let out a cold snort, "Prime Rune Picture!"

(End of this chapter)

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