Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2718: Hong's Holy Beast

Chapter 2718 Hong's Holy Beast

Chapter 2716 Hong's Holy Beast

Ding Hao finally gained a lot of experience after continuously studying and learning ancient runes.

He felt that after learning the Primordial Runes, then learning the Innate Runes, it would make him feel easier!

"Sure enough to learn runes, we still have to step by step!"

Ding Hao still stayed in that battle space, constantly learning runes and improving his cultivation!

And outside of the battle space, in the sixth-tier palace, every strong person is very confused. I don't know why Ding Hao stayed in that battle space for a long time and couldn't come out!

"Is this kid afraid that we will challenge him?" Nightmare and Mei Ba thought this way.

Other powerhouses also have this idea, but after thinking about it, they feel wrong.

Some people also thought that Ding Hao might be hiding in it to practice what exercises?

However, it is impossible to think that what Ding Hao is studying is the most profound rune in the ancient Hong world!

"Damn it! Even if Ding Hao hides in the fighting space and can't come out, now the seventh strongest can't be born!"

In the palace, everyone was very upset.

However, at this moment, in the first-level palace, a very sturdy figure walked in!

"Who is this?"

In the first-level palace at this moment, the choice that Ding Hao once knew has also been named Hong.

Hong Zhichosen just got the title Hong, and he was lucky. After receiving this title Hong, he walked into the first-level palace!

After entering, he knew that his strength was relatively weak, so he did not continue to challenge upward, and felt that the first-level palace was more comfortable.

"Who is this sturdy character?" Choebye's face darkened.

I saw this sturdy figure who walked in. His body was huge, like a huge insect. The eight arms seemed to be spider arms with countless spikes. His body looked like the strong flesh of a centaur, but his head was similar to a human being! With silver eyes, it is very strange!

"He also got the title Hong? Is he the newcomer this time? Why haven't you seen him outside the ancient Hong Palace?"

"Yeah! I haven't seen his vision of heaven and earth in the sky. This person should have killed a name named Hong and snatched his qualifications!"

"It looks very ugly! I don't know who he is going to challenge!"

The sturdy character had a cold face and his eyes were very cold. When his eight spider arms crawled in from the ground, his eyes swept all the people in the first-level palace.

All the people who were scanned by him were cold in their hearts.

In the end, his cold eyes fell on the other person, and he said word by word, "The lifeblood of the slave race! In this palace, you are the weakest! If I challenge you, the chance of defeating you is 100%! The chance of killing you is also 100%!"

Hearing this sentence, he was frightened, although he also wanted to go out like a man and patted his chest without fear.

However, this sturdy figure is really extraordinary. Whoever sees those silver eyes is like seeing death.

Choosing was too scared to speak.

The people next to him also secretly beat the drums in their hearts, saying that Hong Zhi's choice is over this time. Not only is he likely to fail, but he is also likely to be killed by the opponent in the battle!

In this kind of palace challenge competition, generally, there is no life-threatening!

But if there is a huge disparity in strength and the opponent is cruel, then it is not impossible to kill the opponent!

"Farewell is dead now!"

However, the sturdy character did not choose to choose another, his silver gaze continued to watch, and finally fell on the body of another strong metal race, "Gu Hong descendants blood! In this palace, the most powerful is you! I challenge you , The chance of defeating you is 100%! The chance of killing you is 100%!"

Hearing what this sturdy figure said, the strong metal clan said with a cold snort, "Since you know that the most powerful person in this palace is me, you dare to say that you will defeat me 100% and kill me 100%! Challenge me!"

"Okay, then I will challenge you!"

After the sturdy character finished speaking, the fighting space was immediately opened, and he walked into the fighting space with this strong metal clan.

The reason why this strong metal clan has no fear is because of the characteristics of their metal clan, that is, the body can be deformed wantonly, even if it is cut into several pieces by the blade of the opponent, it can flow together, and finally recover and become a brand new person!

But this time he met this sturdy figure, this sturdy figure raised his hand and grabbed a huge black sickle!

After only a few rounds of fighting between the two, the strong of this metal clan was split into several halves.

But this does not matter, the body of the metal family can be restored.

However, when the several masses of molten metal formed by his body gathered together, he realized that his body couldn't reintegrate!

"What's going on?!" Hong, the title of this metal family, is going crazy!

In this life, his body splits and recovers. I don't know how many times, but this time he can't play!

"Stupid descendant of Gu Hong! How can you be cut back by my blade? Die!"

The sickle in the hand of the sturdy figure continued to wield, and after a few more knives, this metal clan powerhouse was completely broken into pieces, into masses of metal liquid, gathered together, and wanted to re-form the human form, but it was impossible!

"Hahaha! Gu Hong's descendants taste good!" The sturdy character laughed loudly, raised his big hand and grabbed it, grabbed a mass of liquid metal plug in his mouth and swallowed it.

After a while, this strong metal clan was completely eaten by this sturdy figure and died on the spot!

In the midair, a voice suddenly sounded, "Hong Zhi Suojin disappears, Hong Zhi Sheng Beast wins!"

"It turns out that his name is Hong Zhi Sheng Beast!"

When this sturdy figure walked out of the battlefield space, the other titles outside Hong looked at this guy with fear on their faces.

This guy named Hong's Saint Beast is really terrifying. Suojin is already the strongest in the first-level palace, but he can't walk a few rounds at all! And even if it was defeated, it was eaten directly by this Hong's Holy Beast in the end!

After the sacred beast of Hong came out, he looked at the people around him coldly with silver eyes, and ignored them, and continued to walk towards the second-level palace!

Watching this sturdy fellow walk towards the next-level palace, the titles behind Hong hummed in secret, "A newcomer has nothing to do with birds! So arrogant, when you get to the palace behind, naturally someone will clean you up!"

However, Chosen secretly thought in his heart that this sturdy guy is so powerful, the title Hong in the palace behind, might be unlucky!

The sacred beast of Hong continued to climb upwards. Every time he entered a palace behind, he would challenge the strongest in the palace, especially the descendants of Gu Hong with the blood of Gu Hong, who would receive special care from him!

Wherever he goes, he will not only be defeated by him, but also be killed by him, and even eaten in public!

(End of this chapter)

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