Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2720: Temporary master

Chapter 2720 Temporary Domination

Chapter 2718 Temporary Domination

"Who is Xuanyue?" The sacred beast walked into the sixth-level palace, and its silver eyes swept across the crowd.

Xuan Yue came out and said, "I am Xuan Yue!"

"You!" The sacred beast's silver eyes looked at Xuan Yue coldly, and said, "I have heard your name several times below, and according to my observations, you are the strongest here! I walked this way, Every palace challenges the strongest person!"

Xuan Yue coldly snorted, "Here, I am the only one who has not yet seated! You want to challenge them, but you can't challenge them at all! You have to fight a battle with me first. Whether you win or lose, you must have a seat. To challenge others!"

"That's right, that's just right!"

Hong Zhisheng was quite sturdy. After entering the palace, without saying much, he opened up the fighting space and Xuan Yue walked in!

"Then fight? This guy is really arrogant!" Sitting on the seats, a crowd of people waited to express their anger.

Although they felt that Ding Hao was a bit arrogant, compared with Hong Zhi Sheng Beast, it was far worse!

Ding Hao was at least able to speak, and was a normal person.

And this sacred beast of Hong is not a normal person at all, just hit it when he comes in, no nonsense!

"I hope Xuan Yue will severely teach this arrogant fellow, the young man now is more arrogant than an arrogant!" Nightmare said with gritted teeth.

When he fought with Ding Hao before, he disliked Ding Hao. Now there is a more mad young man, how can he not get angry?

However, looking at the selection in the battlefield space, his face turned gloomy, "Don't say Xuanyue taught him severely. I don't know what the final result of this battle was like?"

After he said this, several other people all began to pay attention to the battlefield space in front of them. When they saw this, their expressions suddenly changed!

It turned out that after entering the battlefield, the holy beast launched a full-scale attack, and under its attack, Xuan Yue stepped back!

"No? Is Xuanyue deliberately showing weakness to lure the enemy to go deeper?" Meng asked suspiciously.

Xuanyue is the strongest among the few people, and in the entire Guhong world, he is also called the top powerhouse of the pyramid, so far no one has a record of defeating him!

But under the attack of the sacred beast, Xuan Yue had no resistance, and stepped back!

"Isn't it?! Even if this guy called the holy beast is very strong, he won't be so strong! Xuanyue has no resistance, and she retreats step by step at the beginning. Is this too abnormal?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Xuan Yue's strength is undoubtedly the strongest among everyone.

But when the battle started, Xuan Yue pushed back step by step, and was beaten to flee everywhere, which made people incomprehensible!

So at the beginning, everyone thought that Xuan Yue was deliberately showing weakness, luring the enemy into deep, making the enemy underestimate the enemy, and then suddenly shot...

But soon everyone felt that this was not the case!

"How do I feel Senior Xuanyue, he really can't beat the holy beast!" Mei Ba hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but say what was in his heart.

When he said this, the other powerful people in the room were also pale, and the Nightmare said in a daze, "Impossible! Saint Beast is too strong! Is he really a newcomer who just got the title Hong? World of Gu Hong Why have you never heard of such a powerful figure before?"

"Where did this person come out?" Zezhuo also looked shocked.

Now everyone has seen that the battle between Xuan Yue and the holy beast will soon come to an end.

Because Xuanyue is not the opponent of the holy beast at all, she is not going back now, she can only support it!

"This sacred beast is so powerful, what kind of life race does he come from?" In everyone's hearts, there was a new question.

Hong's Saint Beast is so powerful that it is scary. Such a powerful character cannot appear out of thin air. Behind him should be a race of life. Which race does he come from?

But for this question, no one can answer. Hong's Holy Beast appeared suddenly, and no one knew where he was born!

Just as they spoke, the battle in the battle space was over!

Xuan Yue released his strongest Inborn Ancestral Talisman Banner, which could be useless. Under the black giant sickle of the holy beast, the flag poles of the Inborn Ancestral Talisman Banner were all cut off. Xuan Yue was so scared that he hurriedly collected the treasure and shouted. Scream.

"I surrender!"

After he surrendered, a voice suddenly sounded above his head, "Hong Zhixuanyue, get the second place!"

Then there was another voice, "Holy Beast of Hong, temporarily set Gu Hong to dominate!"

"What? It's up to the top!" In the entire six-level palace, all the titles Hong were dumbfounded.

The sacred beast of Hong was born, killing directly from the lowest palace to the highest point, without stopping or rest, in the shortest time, he got the throne of Gu Hong as the ruler and sat on the throne!

"My God! This is too fast, where did this man come from? From now on, will he be the master of the entire Guhong world?"

However, some people also said, "This is just a temporary dominance! It is not the final determination! On the six top seats behind, each of the six strong players will have three opportunities to challenge! As long as he can be picked out of the big position, Nagu Lord Hong is not him!"

Although this person said so, the person next to him immediately mocked and said, "The strongest Xuan Yue is not his opponent! Who can beat the sacred beast with the waste materials in other seats?"

Hearing this, everyone breathed a long sigh!

Xuan Yue's strength is obvious to all. Looking at the entire Gu Hong world, there is no monument higher than Xuan Yue!

Now Xuan Yue is not an opponent, so who else can defeat the holy beast?

"If the sacred beast is really the ruler of Gu Hong's world, then this world..." Someone spoke about this, and everyone else looked paler.

Everyone is not familiar with Hong Zhisheng Beast, but his personality is very clear, that is, cruel and cruel, killing people like hemp, eating people alive, very terrifying!

If this person becomes the master of the ancient Hong world, then the future of the ancient Hong world can be imagined!

At this moment, in the sixth level palace.

Seeing Hong's Saint Beast sitting on the dominant position and the other six top seats, the strong men looked at each other. No one thought that this one would become the master of Gu Hong's world in the end!

"Nightmare, you just said you want to challenge the holy beast?" Meng asked in a low voice.

Nightmare turned pale with fright, and said quickly, "Senior Meng, don't hurt me!"

Everyone felt terrified. Xuanyue was such a strong and powerful man who was not an opponent of the holy beast at all. Even after Xuanyue surrendered, the holy beast almost killed Xuanyue with the last blow! This man is simply a lunatic, and it will cost him to challenge him!

"But, should he let him be the master of Gu Hong's world like this?" Everyone's heart sank, feeling that whoever is the master is better than this Hong's holy beast!

(End of this chapter)

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