Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2725: Dragging time

Chapter 2725

Chapter 2723

"Asshole! What are you waiting for? There is no end!"

Sitting on the seat of Gu Hong's dominance, Hong's Saint Beast finally burst into anger, and a pair of silver eyes shot out angry flames.

Xuan Yue and the others went too far, they simply used the rules to the extreme.

Every time they play a game, they slow down, delaying time, and it is difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat. After finally distinguishing the victory or defeat, they start to wait and wait for half an hour. Seeing the silence period is approaching, they will again Challenge

Delaying time back and forth like this, a matter that could have been solved in half an hour, now it has been delayed for three days!

Hong's Saint Beast really couldn't help it, so angry, if it weren't for the prohibition of fighting in this sixth-tier palace, otherwise the Saint Beast would directly kill all three of them, and then relieve the hatred!

In fact, Xuan Yue and their hearts were also very anxious, even though they had tried very hard to delay time.

But the opportunity for each of them to challenge three times is almost exhausted!

"You deceived me too much one by one. When I become the ruler of Gu Hong, you and the life race you belong to will all have to pay the price!" Hong's Saint Beast's face is gloomy, and whoever has its silver eyes will be born behind. cold.

But even so, Xuanyue Zezhuo and Meng ignored him and continued to use the rules to delay time.

"Good!" Hong Zhisheng nodded and said, "Don't you each have only three chances to challenge? I'll wait for you! When you run out of three opportunities, I see how you can delay time!"

In the battle space, Ding Hao was completely immersed in a world of runes.

The current ancient rune map is completely different. If the former owner, Mei Ba, enters the rune map again, I believe he will no longer know it.

Because here, it has become a world of runes!

Originally there were only one large and small parallel lines, but now there are not only horizontal and vertical lines and curves, but also various shapes, like mountains, water, heaven and earth, and everything!

This is an uncompromising rune world, and all the runes that make up this rune world are from the runes of Gu Hong from generation to generation!

In the center of this world, a young figure is standing there, an astonishing number of runes and his body are constantly exchanged;

On top of his head, there is a huge rune, which is exactly the ancestor charm from Xuan Yue!

This ancestral talisman plays a role in controlling everything. Ding Hao uses this rune to issue his own orders to this world, and this world will change rapidly with Ding Hao's will!

"This rune world belongs to mine, and is equivalent to rebuilding a miniature version of the ancient Hong world, where I am the real master!"

Ding Hao felt shocked in his heart, but he knew that even so, he was not sure of winning!

The sacred beast of Hong originated from another mysterious area, and its strength was not trivial. Ding Hao had to be absolutely sure to get out of this fighting space!

"Now this miniature version of the ancient Hong rune world has been established, but I want to become stronger, and I have to integrate this rune world into my body!"

Ding Hao sat cross-legged in the middle of the world and began to refine. Not only did he perceive all the most basic exercises in the entire ancient Hong world, but now he still needs to refine all of them to himself.

"At that point, there is equivalent to a powerful ancient Hong world in my body. No matter how strong the Holy Beast of Hong is, it cannot be compared with a complete ancient Hong world!"

At the moment when Ding Hao completed the final refining, outside, it had been delayed for four days and four nights.

The last battle was fought between Xuanyue and Zezhuo.

At this moment, the three of them, each with three opportunities, have already challenged them. If this battle is over, they will have no chance to challenge!

"Senior Xuanyue, don't be merciful in this battle!"

"You can't just defend!"

While fighting, the two reminded each other.

This battle space is very intelligent. In the battle between Xuanyue and Zecun, it is very difficult to deliberately fake the fight; the battle space will feel the defeat of one side of the battle. If one party deliberately fakes the fight, or delays it clearly. Time is slow.

Then the fighting space will make a judgment in advance, and the judgment will be defeated by one party!

In that case, this battle cannot continue!

Therefore, the battle between the two of them must be real and prolonged, which is very difficult.

Finally, Xuan Yue came up with an idea, that is to fight each other, release similar strength, then attack with all strength, and the two people blasted each other.

In this way, although both of them have a certain amount of physical damage, the fighting space will not be predicted, and the time they can delay has become long enough!


Xuan Yue punched Zehuo's body, and Zehuo was really overwhelmed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth.

Suddenly, Xuan Yue was shocked, "You must not be injured, otherwise, the fighting space is likely to judge you as a defeat!"

Zezhu hurriedly said, "What should I do?"

"You punch me again and hurt me! So that we are in the same condition, the fighting space will think that the two are equal in strength, and will not judge you as a defeat!"


With a punch, Xuan Yue was also vomiting blood.

Zezhuo said anxiously, "Senior Xuanyue, am I using my strength? Are you okay?"

Xuan Yue laughed loudly, "It's okay, it's okay! Spits some blood, what are you afraid of? As long as Ding Hao can be dragged out, I hope he has the strength to defeat the holy beast!"

"Hope!" Zezhuo didn't know if the efforts of her and others would bear fruit.

But now, there is no other way, but to pin all hopes on Ding Hao!

Boom boom boom!

Although they had been very procrastinating, they finally had such a punch, and finally hit Xuan Yue's body, and Xuan Yue was immediately knocked to the ground!

"Not good!" Xuan Yue shouted in surprise, he quickly got up and shouted, "I haven't lost yet, I can still fight!"

But this was no longer useful, and a voice suddenly came over their heads.

"Hong Zhi picked up and won and got the third place!"

"No!" Xuanyue and Zezhuo were both dumbfounded, and sat down straight, sitting in the fighting space, with blood flowing from their mouths.

"Hahaha!" Hong Zhisheng laughed loudly.

Because after this battle, Xuan Yue and the three of them have lost all opportunities to challenge, so they can't delay any longer!

"There is still half an hour left, when this half hour silence period arrives, I will be the real master of Gu Hong!"

But just as Hong’s Holy Beast burst into laughter, the rune in the fighting space where Ding Hao was located suddenly swelled, and then shrank suddenly, repeatedly back and forth, and finally slammed into a person’s body, his figure also Suddenly appeared...

I still give you Amway a book, "New Agent Student" written by Wang Dahuyou, an urban style work, absolutely easy and beautiful, millions of words can be killed! Someone asked me, who is Wang Dahuyou? Old irons just know it, haha!

(End of this chapter)

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