Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2734: Coming to Tingyu

Chapter 2734 comes to Tingyu


Under Ting domain.

The high white cliffs have no grass, and the steep rock walls are all hard as iron rocks.

On this white rock, there was a crack that seemed to have been deeply cut with a knife and axe. Before this crack, there were countless strange runes on the ground.

Suddenly, the strange runes on the ground lit up one after another, and finally all lit up.

When the strange runes were all lit up, two small things came out under the huge crack in the cliff.

These two small things are actually Ding Hao and Saint Beast, because the cliffs and cracks are so tall that they appear extremely small.

"Is this Ting Yu?" After a long time of walking, Ding Hao walked out of the passage, looking at the world in front of him.

This world is almost exactly the same as Ding Hao's Land of Ancient Hong in terms of breath, pressure, or physical characteristics!

The holy beast nodded and said, "Master, this is Tingyu! To be precise, this is Tingyu! Tingyu is divided into upper, middle and lower levels, and we only came to the lower level! I have never been to the middle and upper levels! "

"So that's it." Ding Hao's face moved, and he asked, "What's that?"

The Saint Beast said embarrassingly, "I was standing here and forbidding anyone to come and go! This is my duty! Your eldest brother Ye Kong just came out from here, in the battle with him, I found a chance, this Just escaped!"

"So." Ding Hao nodded. It turned out that the high platform was where the holy beast stood for a long time.

"Master, now that I have returned, then I will accept the orders I have received over the years!"

After the holy beast finished speaking, he immediately walked onto the high platform next to it.

He left here in 2000, and no new guardian holy beast was sent here, indicating that his superiors have not discovered that he has left without authorization!

He stepped onto the high platform, immediately returned to his post, and received orders from his superiors.

All these commands are for them to strengthen their guards and prevent anyone from escaping from the Ting Domain!

"Nothing new!"

Ting Yu has existed for too long, so here in 2000, it was just a blink of an eye, without even noticing that the holy beast had gone to the world of Guhong for a full circle.

"Then do you want to stay here?" Ding Hao asked.

When he came to Tingyu, Ding Hao could move freely, and he did not necessarily need the holy beast to follow him.

The holy beast said, "Master, since I recognize you as the master, of course I want to follow you! It is too boring to guard here. I will immediately apply to the superior to send someone else to guard! Master, please wait a while moment!"

"That's good."

Ding Hao stood there and waited not long, when a silver cloud flew from a distance, very fast.

When I came to the front, I realized that this was not a cloud at all, but a cloud of silver light.

When they came to the sky above Ding Hao and their heads, the mist suddenly exploded, and another bizarre half-man, half-horse life jumped out of it. This guy looked almost like a divine beast. The difference was that the divine beast had eight spider claws. This strange life has four legs like a man and horse.

"Senior, I'm here to take your class." The new guard was very respectful to the holy beast and followed a standard bow etiquette. Then he said, "Senior, from now on, I will guard this place. , You can leave."

Seeing the new guards coming, the holy beast walked down from the high platform.

After the new guard accepted his duties, he immediately pointed to Ding Hao and asked, "Who are you? Do you want to escape from Tingyu?"

Ding Hao smiled, "Ting Yu is a good place, why would you want to leave? I don't want to run away, I'm here to find a holy beast!"

The new guard felt it, and felt that there was indeed such a faint Tingli in Ding Hao's body, and then he nodded without asking.

The holy beast said again, "Master, you stand on top of me, and I will take you away."

In Tingyu, people with Tingli can use Tingli arbitrarily. Standing on the back of the holy beast, Ding Hao can immediately attract an astonishing amount of Tingli, which merges into his body to form a cloud of silver light. The fog left quickly.

After they left, the guard standing on the high platform showed a contemptuous smile on his face, "Holy beast, who is the owner looking for? The Tingli aura on the body feels weak and weak, it's really funny!"

Ding Hao stood on the back of the sacred beast, watching the rapid movement around him, shocked in his heart.

With this kind of strength, even if he was in the world of Guhong, he couldn't do it so fast, and he didn't use any flying palaces, or even any techniques!

"Holy Beast, what kind of strange technique is this?" Ding Hao asked.

The holy beast laughed and said, "This is not a technique at all, even a three-year-old baby in Tingyu, as long as he has the breath of Tingyu in his body, he can tune in Tingli at will, walk through it at will, and not be affected by others! "

Ding Hao was surprised and delighted.

It took him tens of thousands of years to cultivate from the bottom to the top. Most of the time was spent on cultivating the power in the air into his body; but here, the way of cultivation is completely different. This world Anyone can call all of the powers at will!

"Ting Yu is really a good place, a magical place!" Ding Hao was shocked.

He said again, "I have lived for tens of thousands of years. I started to refine my spiritual power from the bottom, and then I continued to practice to increase my body strength! Make my body stronger and stronger! But I came to Tingyu. I realized that I was doing a super stupid thing! The power in this world can be easily invoked by anyone without refining and entering my body! If I came to this world earlier, I could save a few Ten thousand years!"

Saint Beast suddenly laughed and said, "Master, Ting Yu is indeed very good! Few people who come here want to go out!"

"That's the case." Ding Hao suddenly realized that not only did Ting Yu forbid people to come out, but there were not many people who wanted to come out!

"Then why do you want to go out?" Ding Hao asked again.

The holy beast said, "I'm so boring. I stay there every day, just want to see the outside world! Moreover, you just came to Tingyu and think it's good here, you can use your power at will! But you have been here for a long time. You will find that there is actually a bad thing here! Compared with the outside world, there are a lot of unfreedoms! The hierarchy is very strict, and if it is not enough, it will not work!"

"So that's the case." Ding Hao did feel that, like the manners of the rookie guard to the holy beast just now, it was a bit shocking.

This is just the etiquette of the younger generation to the seniors. If the etiquette of the subordinates to the superiors and the etiquette of the children to their parents, it will be even more strict!

Just as they were talking, there was a loud bang in the distance, obviously someone was fighting, Ding Hao said, "Look closer!"

(End of this chapter)

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