Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2742: Thunder Bihai

Chapter 2742 Thunder and Blue Sea

Chapter 2740 Thunder and Bihai

When Ding Hao walked out of the Tongtian Sword Tower, the world in front of him was filled with silver thunder.

It seemed to be a giant silver net, shrouded in the sky of Bihai Yinsha City, amidst the loud noises, fire trees and silver flowers, the scene was spectacular and impressive.

Under this giant net, the cultivators of the silver tribe all walked out of their cultivation quiet room and came to the streets outside, reveling wantonly.

Some are buying things, some are drinking and having fun, some are dancing on the street, and some are looking everywhere for where the silver thunder and lightning fall.

According to the legend of Tingyu, being hit by the thunder falling from the sky will bring you good luck!

Therefore, those young cultivators are looking everywhere, hoping that a lucky lightning strike will strike them.

Ding Hao was also walking on the street, wondering if there would also be a flash of lucky lightning falling on him?

But he paid attention to it, and then he was surprised to find that the thunder falling in the sky seemed to avoid him!

Within a certain area around his body, no lightning fell at all.

Even if it was originally an electric light falling straight down, not far from above him, it would suddenly change its direction in an irregular direction.

"What's the situation?" Ding Hao was secretly suspicious.

He faintly felt that this kind of sight should be related to the special Tingli aura in his body!

He did not stay in the city, and went straight to the outside. According to the three green-type assassins, the employer who wanted to capture him alive was outside the Thunder Blue Sea!

Walking out of the city, there were silver thunder everywhere, and Ding Hao came to the thunderbi sea.

The seawater here is not ordinary seawater. After the cultivator enters, he will not be able to use Tingli, and it will instantly become very weak!

This is not a problem for Ding Hao. Ding Hao has been practicing in the outside world for many years, even if he does not use the Tingli of this world, the power in his body is very powerful!

But this is his secret and will not be revealed easily.

On the Thunder Blue Sea, there are some cruise ships, you can take the cultivator on the boat to the far side of Blue Sea Silver Sand City, and watch Wan Ting landing in the sky.

"Take me to the sea over there." Ding Hao got on a cruise ship and paid a Tingyu crystal.

The owner of the cruise ship is a young man of the silver race. He said so, and immediately set off!

Only then did Ding Hao discover that the youngsters of the silver race had a peculiar fish tail, and only then could he sail here.

"That's it."

According to the green killer's account, the employer was on a certain part of the thunder and blue sea. Ding Hao was standing on the ship, and soon he came to the agreed sea area.

When you come here, you can see a larger cruise ship with several tall figures with different appearances on the cruise ship.

Ding Hao, take a look at it carefully, all these tall figures have a golden Tingli aura.

Gold and silver have always been at odds, and the silver boy who is in charge of the ship whispered, "Senior, these people are not good at coming, should we stay away?"

Ding Hao sneered, "This is our Bihai Yinsha City. The people of the golden type want to do something to me here, it's just looking for death! You just park the boat here, I think they dare to come by!"

Sure enough, on the cruise ship opposite, those golden figures were the masters who hired killers to catch Ding Hao!

The golden type strong man named Helu was among them. They were waiting for the green type assassin, but they didn't expect to see Ding Hao driving over.

"Damn! It must be those green idiots who have failed!" Helu gritted his teeth.

The eagle eye next to him also nodded, "Yes, this Ding Hao is really arrogant! He dare to take the initiative and come here!"

Helu coldly snorted, "Since he came to die, I would dare to kill him! He used the evil crystal to kill my brother, and I will kill him outside the city of Bihai Yinsha! By the way, remove the evil crystal. Grab it, put it in the main city of my gold element, and make an unworldly feat..."

"No!" said a middle-aged cultivator next to him, "This is Bihai Yinsha City, and there are strong silver elements everywhere! If we do something here, we won't be able to escape! Also, this Ding Hao dare to take the initiative to come. At this point, maybe the people of the silver type have already laid nets around them, just wait for us to do it!"

"How is it possible? Captain, you are too cautious!" Helu pointed to the thunder and blue sea under the boat and said, "Entering into this sea, all Tingyu cultivators will instantly become powerless! If these silver This idiot, hiding in the sea, is simply looking for death!"

The middle-aged cultivator said, "Not necessarily hiding in the sea."

"So what other place to hide?" Helu asked, "There is no cruise ship on the surrounding sea! The cruise ship Ding Hao is on is so small that it is impossible for anyone to hide! So now, he is the only one. People, it is a good opportunity for us to do it!"

The middle-aged cultivator was a little moved by this, and said, "Hawkeye, your eyes are good. Are there any ambushes around you?"

"Okay." Hawkeye immediately took out two spars and placed them in front of his eyes.

Immediately the golden light around his eyes lit up, and then he used his special ability to watch everywhere and find the target, muttering to himself, "I didn't see anyone else..."

"I'll just say!" When the excitement appeared on Helu's face, he had long wanted to avenge Heda, and now he finally waited for his chance.

But what shocked them even more was that at this moment, Ding Hao not only did not run away, but ordered the boy in charge of the boat to move the boat closer to their big boat!

"This kid is coming!" The golden-type powerhouses on the big ship were all dumbfounded.

They were already going to shoot Ding Hao, but they didn't expect Ding Hao to approach him at this time...

"I don't know how to live or die! Since he is so anxious to die, don't blame us for being polite!" On the big ship, the middle-aged cultivator's complexion instantly turned gloomy.

In a blink of an eye, the boat where Ding Hao was in got on the big boat.

Ding Hao said, "Young man, you leave in a small boat! I can deal with things here naturally, you leave quickly and pay attention to safety!"

"Senior, be careful." The silver boat-handling boy hurriedly left the boat, Ding Hao turned over and landed on the big boat in front of him.

When Ding Hao stepped on this big ship, he said, "Didn't you hire a green-type assassin to kill me? Why are you now turned into a tortoise when I am here?"

Hearing what Ding Hao said, all the several gold-type powerhouses on the scene jumped into thunder, and they rushed up and shouted angrily, "Little boy, you dare to come over, you killed our gold-type Heda! The evil crystal can only be atonement!"

"That's it, you are killing me for this!" Ding Hao suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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