Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2748: Juvenile request

Chapter 2748 The Young Man's Request

Chapter 2746 the young man's request

"This rune!" Ding Hao was dumbfounded.

The strange rune that caught his eyes was exactly the strange rune he had seen under the evil crystal in the abandoned ancient city, exactly the same!

"The ancient cave mansion that He Xixi is going to explore this time must have something to do with the abandoned ancient city!" Ding Hao thought of this, so he didn't need to continue watching.

He said, "Brother He, I am willing to participate in this exploration of the Ancient Cave Mansion. If I join your team, how much Tingyu Crystal do I have to pay?"

Ho Xixi said, "I have to discuss with my friends. We will meet here in three months, and we will talk about it when the time comes!"

Ding Hao is inadequate in his cultivation and has no exploration experience. Others took him with him, which was quite a burden, so He Xixi had to ask the other team members to finally determine the fee to Ding Hao!

In fact, the current strength of Ding Hao is not much weaker than those of them!

It’s just that these strong men thought Ding Hao was very weak, but Ding Hao didn’t explain. He was more concerned about the magical rune and the ancient will in his body. What is the connection between them? The runes hide What's the secret?

At the moment, Hosisi left to discuss with his friends.

Ding Hao also walked out of the ancient book store. When he walked out, he found a young teenager standing outside.

This young man was the man who was in charge of the boat for him on the Thunder Blue Sea a few months ago!

"Are you looking for me?" Ding Hao was puzzled. He hadn't left Bihai Yinsha City for several months and hadn't seen this young man.

The boy lowered his head and said, "They arrested my family and asked me to find a way to lure you out! But I didn't want to lie to you, so I had to tell you first, do you want to notify the guards of Bihai Yinsha City? But they said again , If I inform the guards in our clan, then my family will all be dead!"

"Damn it!" Ding Hao turned dark with anger.

Needless to say, they were the opponents of the golden element. These people did not dare to rush into the city to find Ding Hao, so they had to arrest the young family living outside the city.

Now forcing the teenager to come to Ding Hao, and not letting the teenager report to the clan, this method is despicable and nasty!

"These golden cultivators use such a despicable technique!" Ding Hao gritted his teeth.

"Yes." The boy asked again, "Let's report to the patriarch!"

Ding Hao's gaze swept away, looking at the Tongtian sword tower one after another, and shook his head, "Now in a certain window of a certain sword tower, someone must be watching us! If we go to the patriarch now, then you 'S relatives are dead!"

"What can I do?" The young man was crying anxiously.

Ding Hao said, "There is no way, I can only go with you!"

"No way!" said the boy, "Senior Ding Hao, it is said that your strength is not good. Although you are older than us, you can only start in cultivation! And this time, the number and strength of their people are very high! Go! , It's just to die!"

The corner of Ding Hao's mouth showed a faint smile, "If I were so weak, the last time I dealt with 15 golden people alone, then I should have died long ago! Are you right?"

"This..." The young man's face lit up, his eyes flashed with hope, and he asked, "Then you are the kind of master who hides your strength, right? I know you are hiding your strength deliberately. Seeing that you are weak, you are actually a top expert!"

Ding Hao touched his head and smiled, "You guessed it, I am a top expert! Now let them **** power, and you will show me the way!"

"Okay!" The young man suddenly became excited, and led Ding Hao toward the outside of the city, his fish-like tail wagging back and forth.

In fact, Ding Hao's strength is certainly not as good as those of the golden type, but Ding Hao has his own assassin!

And there are still three months, he will go out with He Xixi and them to explore the ancient cave mansion!

Ding Hao was worrying about his lack of strength, where to go to practice.

Right now, these golden type people are looking for death on their own, and take the initiative to send them to the door to send them to death. Ding Hao doesn't mind using these people as his own training resources, killing them directly and using them for cultivation!

After leaving Bihai Yinsha City, the boy pointed to a mountain in the distance and said, "Over there."

This young man had a peculiar appearance and walked slowly on flat ground. Ding Hao directly stretched out his hand to grab it, and then transferred a large amount of Tingli around him, forming a faint silver mist, turning into light and shadow, and rushing to the mountain.

With a bang, the fog was shaken away, and Ding Hao's figure was revealed and fell from the air.

When he fell, it was surrounded by those golden powers.

These golden type powerhouses are still the middle-aged cultivator who led the way last time, but his strength is more than last time, and the number of people is a few more than last time!

"Ding Hao, let's meet again!" The middle-aged cultivator walked out of the crowd with a grim smile on his face.

"You know my name, I don't know your name yet?!" Ding Hao said lightly.

"You don't need to know our name, you only know that we killed you! Our golden type is strong, it's easy to kill you!" What came out was a golden type young man who looked a bit like a human, but Ears are pointed and thin, and he looks like an elf.

The middle-aged cultivator said triumphantly, "Ding Hao, this time it is our young patriarch who will go out in person! You know our intentions, hand over the items we want, maybe the young patriarch will give you a favor!"

Ding Hao laughed and said, "You really want to be beautiful, do you say that I will give it up? You first let go of this child's family!"

The middle-aged cultivator coldly snorted, "I haven't killed you yet, how can I let people go! Only if you die or hand over the items, we will let his family go!"

"If I die, you will definitely kill people. Do you think I'm stupid?!" Ding Hao looked at the young patriarch with his eyes, and sneered, "Young patriarch, you can only do so by yourself. I came up with this. It's just a despicable method! Now that I have come, don't you dare to let go of this child's family?"

"What's not to dare?" The young patriarch was young and vigorous, and was angered by Ding Hao's words.

The middle-aged cultivator quickly said, "Don't want the young patriarch!"

"What are you afraid of?" The young patriarch coldly snorted, "With so many of us, can we still kill Ding Hao? What are the hostages for? Saying it out loses the face of our golden race! Let them have nothing to do with others. go!"

"This..." The middle-aged cultivator had no choice but to let the young man and his family leave first.

The young patriarch said, "Ding Hao, now you can hand over the evil crystal, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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