Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2750: Golden heritage crystal

Chapter 2750 Golden Heritage Crystal

Chapter 2748 Golden Heritage Crystal

"Since you are here to kill me, then I will use you to practice exercises!"

Ding Hao wants to go out with He Xixi and the others to search for treasures. He is not strong enough. He is looking for a place to practice and improve his strength.

These golden-type powerhouses were simply sent to the door, he didn't want to be in vain, he immediately took out the Gu Hong sword!

After slashing these golden powers one by one, he put all the golden light beams flying out of his body into his body!

The 20 or so golden type powerhouses, under the irradiation of the evil crystal, had no resistance at all, and were beheaded one by one.

The last one to be beheaded, but the big man, was the young patriarch of the lower Tingyu Golden Element!

The young patriarch originally wanted to make achievements in the battle and become his own capital in the clan in this sure-fire operation!

He even brought out the most precious Jinting crystal among the race, but he did not expect that Ding Hao suddenly had another super huge evil crystal in his hand! Although the Golden Ting Crystal in his hand is very large, it is far from the evil crystal in the abandoned ancient city!

"No, you can't kill me! If you kill me, the entire golden race will avenge me! You are dead! You will become the enemy of our golden race..."

Ding Hao didn't pay any attention to him at all.

After absorbing the golden breath overflowing from his body, Ding Hao took out all the belongings on their bodies, and finally picked up the golden crystal on the ground!

This Golden Ting Crystal is the largest one among the Golden Type Clan. It represents the inheritance of the Golden Ting Power. It is extremely precious and extremely valuable!

"Even if I don't kill you, your golden element will still kill me! It's better to kill you to practice qigong and make yourself stronger!"

After Ding Hao finished all this, he looked around and found a corner among the bare mountains.

He used his Gu Hong war knife to dig a deep cave, and after drilling in, he began to practice cross-legged!

"The golden Tingli breath that has been absorbed must be refined quickly! Otherwise, if it is snatched away by that ancient will, then I will make a wedding dress for him!"

Now every time Ding Hao absorbs the breath of Tingli, he is like snatching, and he refining quickly, otherwise most of them will be snatched away by that ancient will!


With constant refining, Ding Hao's own Tingli aura became stronger and stronger!

When his Tingli aura became stronger, the silver power that the old patriarch of the silver race gave him into his body began to slowly fade.

"Although my strength is strengthening, my Tingli breath has gradually turned back to colorless!" Ding Hao has been puzzled, "This colorless Tingli breath is different from the seven colors of Tingyu! This must be a special kind of Tingli breath, which should have a certain connection with the abandoned ancient city! I must find out the secret in this treasure hunt! Otherwise, the color of my breath will become whiter and whiter, very People will soon be suspicious!"

In a golden city, the central palace.

The patriarch of the golden element is very angry at this moment, "Who told you to allow that stinky boy to take out the Golden Ting crystal? You are too bastard, that one Golden Ting crystal is the biggest one in our race! Not only is it priceless! , And it represents the orthodoxy and authority of the Golden Race! If this Golden Ting crystal is lost, our entire Golden Race will become a joke in the Lower Ting Domain!"

In front of him, a group of golden-type powerhouses were scolded to nothing.

A strong man came out and said, "Patriarch, you don’t need to get angry! This action should be safe! The young patriarch has always acted more cautiously! That Ding Hao is only one person, so many of us are strong in the past! He will definitely die, evil crystal It must belong to us!"

The patriarch of the golden color made his face look better when he heard this.

Other gold-type powerhouses all said, “Patriarch, it should be fine, the young patriarch is good! The gold-type powerhouses who go with him are all masters of the clan! With the power of the Jinting Crystal, you only need to resist evil. With the initial attack of the different crystal, Ding Hao can be taken down!"

But just as they were talking, an anxious figure hurried back from the outside, entered the palace, and immediately fell in front of the patriarch.

"Master Patriarch, it's over, it's over!" The golden powerhouse knelt and cried.

The patriarch's expression changed, and he asked in silence, "Didn't you go with the young patriarch? What's the matter?"

"That's it! I have something to tell the young patriarch a leave, and I will meet him later! So when I finish my work, I rushed to the place agreed with the young patriarch! I did not find the young patriarch at the agreed place, I It was suspected that the young patriarch changed the location temporarily, so he searched in that mountain, and then in a valley, I saw corpses all over the ground..." At this point, the golden chief suddenly cried, "Young patriarch They were all killed!"

"What?" The patriarch turned pale, almost fainted, blurted out and asked, "Where is the Jinting Crystal?"

"It's gone!"

"What about their corpses?"

The golden type powerhouse kneeling on the ground cried, "I was so silly at the time, I didn't expect to collect their bodies immediately! At this moment, a large number of silver type powerhouses came and took all the corpses away. !"

"Bastard! Stupid, you idiots! Pull him out of me and kill him!" The patriarch became very popular, and pointed to the few strong men who managed the Golden Ting Crystal, "Take them down and kill me!"

A powerful and powerful person in the ethnic group came out and said, "Master Patriarch, I don't think it is appropriate to behead the clan at this moment! After this action, our clan has already lost a lot of the strong! , Our strength will be even more exhausted, and if external forces launch an offensive at that time, we will not even be able to keep the city!"

"But..." the golden patriarch said angrily, "The Golden Ting Crystal is gone, what right do we have to live in this city? From now on, our Golden Ting Festival will not be in this city anymore. !"

The expressions of the people present once again changed greatly. The original place where the Wan Ting Festival of various colors took place was based on the largest heritage crystal of each race!

The golden crystal they lost this time, this is the largest heritage crystal in their clan. After being taken away by Ding Hao, they will run away with Ding Hao on the Wan Ting Festival every year. One of the biggest laughing stock ever!

"Ding Hao, kid, I will kill you!" The patriarch said with a gloomy expression, "According to the report, it was not the silver person who killed the young patriarch and took away the Jinting crystal! It was Ding Hao alone! Check it out for me. I must grab it back!"

(End of this chapter)

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