Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2760: Dongfu Hill

Chapter 2760 Dongfu Hill

Chapter 2758 Dong Mansion Hill

Ding Hao saw a lot of people standing densely on the top of this mountain, there were hundreds of people.

When these people saw the black behemoth rushing, they all turned their heads to look here.

Seeing this mountain, Ho Xixi's face was suddenly happy, and said excitedly, "Treasure hunting location No. 9 is here!"

Hearing what he said, the other people in the squad all looked happy, attacking the ancient soul who had been tracking down so hard, and they were even more powerful!

After a while, the black behemoth had already ran under the hill.

There are also a lot of treasure hunters standing here, these people obviously know He Xixi, and when they see the black giant beast running, these people also try their best to help and kill the ancient soul!

In a short while, the large number of ancient souls that followed were all beheaded, becoming black silk threads floating in the air!

These black threads have no effect at all for the cultivators of the seven colors, and they cannot be collected. Everyone is surprised and ignored.

But for Ding Hao, this black silk thread floating in the sky was the best training supplement.

It's just a pity that there are so many people in front of him, Ding Hao dare not absorb and use these ancient Tingli breaths!

"It seems that only when I have a chance in the future, I can absorb these Gu Hong's breath and powerful self!"

Ding Hao temporarily put the matter aside and walked off the body of the black giant beast. Ho Xixi smiled and said hello, "I'm Ho Xixi here again!"

On the top of the mountain, many hundreds of practitioners nodded and greeted him.

"What are they doing here?" Ding Hao asked in a low voice.

He Xixi smiled and said, "Of course it is to break the access control of ancient cultivators!"

It turns out that these ancient cultivators of the Warring States Period have very complete protection measures for their caves. If they are forcibly attacked, some of them can even trigger the self-detonation devices in the caves. When the time comes, they will detonate and start, and everything will disappear.

However, these ancient cultivators all laid complex runes on their cave gates. As long as they could crack these runes, they would be able to easily enter the cave and find the treasures left behind.

Therefore, each of the hundreds of treasure hunters in front of them corresponds to a door of the cave, studying the rune switch on the door. Some people have been studying for tens of thousands of years. As long as they can study successfully, they can open one. Fandong Mansion, enter to find out.

"So that's it!" Ding Hao nodded, "Senior He Xixi, the cave house you took us to has been unlocked by you?"

"Of course." Hosisi said with a smile, "There are too many people here, and the cultivators of all colors can't afford it! If I unlock the door and open it, it is likely that many other people will come in. Then everyone Looting, I won’t get any treasures myself! So after I unlocked the access control, I immediately left here and went back to organize the troops. Now I’m back to open the cave and get the treasures!"

"Then let's go over now!" Ding Hao's face was happy.

The other cultivators who came with Hosisi were also secretly excited. The hundreds of people in front of them were still trying to decipher the runes in front of them, but they had already found the key to open a cave!

The seven people walked up the hill, and arrived at the mountainside in a short while.

He Xixi led everyone over. In this small town, there are so many ancient predecessors' cave mansion. A stone or a plant here is probably where the ancient predecessor's cave mansion opened.

Everyone came to a stone block engraved with strange runes. Ding Hao saw this stone block and was surprised in his heart. The rune engraved on this stone block was exactly the abandoned ancient city under the thunder and blue sea. Rune!

"If you are not mistaken, the owner of this cave mansion should be a race of colors with the cultivators living on the side of the abandoned ancient city! It should have a lot to do with me!"

Ding Hao thought to himself and followed He Xixi.

In front of this stone, there was already a half-human half-beast cultivator, studying runes here.

He Xixi walked over and said, "Zun Zun, don't be busy here, this cave mansion belongs to me! You can find it elsewhere!"

The cultivator named Zhu Zun's face sank, and he asked, "Have you found a way to open this place?"

He Xixi nodded and said, "Or I will bring the troops over? Okay, let you go!"

Zun Zhu's face was gloomy, he also studied here for a lot of time, now it seems that the study is white!

He was unwilling, but Hosisi took a team of several people, so he could only step aside.

After two steps, he turned around and said, "Hosisi, there is no shortage of people in your squad, or add me! The distribution of treasures is the same as others!"

He Xixi waved his hand and said, "My team is full, you can go study other Dongfu."

Zun Zhu had no choice but to walk away from a distance, looking at this side.

Xie Qingyou asked in a low voice, "Why did you find a way to open it, He Xixi, instead of forming a team on the spot, you want to go back and call us all the way?"

He Xixi laughed and said, "All the treasure hunters here are not authentic. Everyone opens the runes of the cave mansion in different ways! If I take them in, they will inevitably learn something by stealing the teacher! It is better to go out. Call you friends!"

"That's it." Everyone nodded and said yes.

He Xixi said again, "You will immediately call up your own Tingli and include me in it! I unlocked the rune and I don't want anyone to see it!"

"Okay." Everyone agreed and they gathered around Hosisi.

Ding Hao also stood in it, and then everyone shot at the same time, calling in a huge number of Tingli, forming a large cloud of light, including Hosisi and the stone. He Xixi himself also used a lot of Tingli, preventing Ding Hao and the others from seeing it, using his own unique technique to unlock the runes!

When they were doing this here, all the treasure hunters all over the hill looked over with envy and hatred.

Everyone is studying runes here. There are countless years. How can you not be jealous when you see others open the cave and enter the treasure hunt?

After a while, I don't know how Hosisi did it.

Ding Hao only listened to the light and fog behind, He Xixi whispered, "I have opened the cave, but you must not dissipate the light and fog! Wait for my order, everyone will rush into the cave together! At the entrance of the cave mansion, don't let others come in! The people here are not authentic, and it often happens that others rush into the cave mansion to **** the treasures. If that happens, we will do nothing!"


"it is good!"

Everyone's complexion condensed, watching the surroundings vigilantly, and at the same time putting their mental energy behind them, as expected, a small misty door opened...

(End of this chapter)

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