Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2762: Spiritual Plant

Chapter 2762 Spiritual Plant

Chapter 2760 Spiritual Plant

After Ho Xixi and the six of them distributed more than one hundred black stone statues, all of them were filled with joy. This trip into the cave mansion of the ancient powerhouse was already a reward.

"Let's move on."

After the harvest, everyone was in a good mood, and they continued to explore along the gravel road.

Soon, I came to a small round door. On this small door, there was this ancient rune.

Ding Hao saw this rune, and his heart suddenly moved. This rune was exactly the same as the rune he had seen in the abandoned ancient city.

He Xixi walked in the front, opened the small door in front of him, and a group of people waited in the door.

There was still a gravel path ahead, and everyone continued to move slowly.

As he moved forward, Ding Hao asked, "Predecessors, the rune on the small round door just now looks a little strange, not the Tingyu text we usually know!"

"Of course." He Xixi said, "The ancient cave houses here are all the cave houses of the strong in the Warring States period, and the number of various characters here is also very amazing! Generally speaking, the ethnic groups of various colors, the characters used Not the same!"

"So that's it." Ding Hao nodded and asked again, "Senior Hosisi, you have a lot of knowledge! I want to ask, when we just came in, which color race was the ancient rune on that small door? , What is the meaning of that rune?"

He Xixi smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know this, it's too far away! The years are too far away!"

Everyone did not speak either, thinking that Ding Hao was asking casually, not knowing that the strange rune had a great relationship with Ding Hao.

After another distance, a large planting area appeared in front of him, where many ancient life plants were planted, but because they were left unattended for a long time, all the life plants here have entered a state of suspended animation.

"These should be ancient spiritual plants!" He Xixi said.

"Spiritual plants?" Xie Qingyou asked suspiciously.

Tian Haitian smiled and said, "In ancient times, all kinds of life came and went one after another, all wanting to occupy control of this world! Even plants have their own will and want to become powerful, stand out, and become the master of this world! Lingzhi Plants were born in this era! Only later, with the rise of practitioners of the seven colors of Tingli breath, all other spiritual life was suppressed, so the plants in our lives also lost their spiritual wisdom!"

"It turned out to be like this." Ding Hao asked again, "Then if we take these spiritual plants out of the cave, wouldn't it be the case that we let the tiger go back to the mountain?"

"Yes!" Ho Xixi nodded and said, "These are powerful alien races, and our treasure hunters will never let these alien races out of the cave! Otherwise, they will continue to multiply in the outer world, and they will treat us seven colors. The ethnic group causes great harm!"

At the moment, all these treasure hunters started to hack and kill these ancient plant life in a state of suspended animation.

Ding Hao stood beside him, feeling secretly worried in his heart.

His Tingli is colorless, and for these seven color races, he is also a powerful alien!

"If you let them know that I am also a foreign race outside the seven major ethnic groups, I am afraid they must kill me! All the cultivators in the entire Ting Yu must also kill me!"

Ding Hao thought of this, annoyed in his heart, he has become the enemy of all people here somehow!

"It's useless to complain about the heavens and others. I can only find out the reason quickly, and I'd better find the cultivation technique of this life race! That way, I will get twice the result with half the effort! When others want to kill me, they have to weigh the consequences!"

Just as Ding Hao was thinking about this, suddenly there was an earth-shattering roar from the ground in front of him.


The field in front of him suddenly split, and countless black roots stretched out, and these black roots immediately entangled Hosisi who was walking in front.

"Not good!" Ho Xixi's expression changed, and he backed away quickly.

But there are already a lot of roots entangled in his legs. When these roots are entangled in his legs, they immediately circled up with his legs...

"Help me!"

The cultivators present all took out their weapons and swung their swords to kill.

In a short while, the black roots that came out of the tabletop were cut off by hundreds, and Hosisi was finally pulled back to a safe area.

Hosisi looked down and saw that one of his legs was already covered with black roots and even black roots. The rhizome pierced into the skin and flesh of Hosisi’s leg, germinated and produced and absorbed He Xixi's Tingli breath!

"This thing is amazing!" Ho Xixi's face suddenly changed in fright, and he quickly began to pull out these roots.

After all these roots were pulled out, his leg had become flesh and blood and looked very miserable.

"How are you?" Everyone asked quickly.

He Xixi said, "I feel okay, but this thing is like a vampire, very scary! This is the first time I have encountered it!"

The real Jiu Tuo said, "These horrible ancient life races like to feed these terrifying things, and we work together to kill them!"

Everyone shot at the same time, killing all the black roots and vines that rose from the ground on the spot, and quickly annihilated them on the spot, and the field in front of them fell into silence again!

"Okay! I'm almost resting too." He Xixi stood up and said, "Everyone keep going."

Ding Hao followed these people as he walked along, and asked, "The tentacles that came out of this ground just now are really powerful, and they like to launch raids! Will it be like this in other caves?"

"Absolutely not." Hosisi said firmly, "I have been searching for treasures, for so many years, this is the first time I have encountered such a dangerous ancient life! The most terrifying thing is that I feel that these tentacles grow on my skin and absorb them hard. My breath of Tingli! If I take a step back and the breath of Tingli is completely sucked up, then I will become a useless person, completely finished!"

"This is somewhat similar to the ancient will in my body."

Ding Hao felt more and more that the ancient will in his body had a lot to do with this cave mansion and the owner of this cave mansion, or belonged to the same ethnic group! Otherwise, why are the characteristics of everyone swallowing Tingli breath so similar?

The treasure hunters continued to search forward, and soon came to a tall hall. The very luxurious outer floor of this hall was covered with precious ancient crystals of various colors!

The quality of these crystals is very high, which can be called the most high-end part of Tingyu crystals, shining brightly!

"Get rich! We really got rich!" The six treasure hunters present were stunned by the light in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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