Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2771: Real weapon

Chapter 2771 The Real Weapon

Chapter 2769 the real weapon

Watching He Xixi and Wu Peng leave, Ding Hao's heart couldn't help but sink.

It is really anxious to see that others are getting more and more cultivation base and strength with the help of the ancient crystals, and oneself has obtained a large number of ancient crystals, but cannot use them.

What made Ding Hao even more depressed was that he couldn't tell others about this, so he could only bear it silently.

"Soon Hosisi and the five of them will surpass me by a lot! When my strength can't be improved at all, others will doubt me! My colorless aura has already made them wonder if now It must be even more troublesome if you can't use ancient crystals!"

Just when Ding Hao frowned, another black monster rushed forward fiercely.

"The strength of others has been greatly improved. They can even deal with a black monster alone, but my current strength can't deal with a black monster at all!" Ding Hao had no choice but to turn around and escape.

Just when Ding Hao escaped, an ugly figure just appeared!

"This Ding Hao..." The face of Jiu-liu was quite puzzled. "He also got a lot of ancient crystals. How do you see that his strength has not increased at all? What is the situation? And the first time he refines ancient crystals. It took such a long time to crystallize. Is there anything hidden in it?"

Real man Jiu Liu thought of this, and quietly followed Ding Hao in the distance.

Ding Hao is fleeing to the side of the back mountain. Unlike the other chess pieces, Ding Hao has one of the biggest advantages, that is, he has seen this complete map of the cave, and the location of some palaces is completely unknown to others!

"On the map at that time, in addition to the main palace and the back mountain, there are many buildings, the most impressive of which is on the back mountain side, there is a shiny building! I can't cut it by myself here. Kill the monster, it's better to go near that building and see what's famous!"

Ding Hao thought of this and rushed over immediately.

The real Jiu-liu followed behind, sneered in his heart, "I know that Ding Hao is a child, not a thing! Although his cultivation and strength are not very good, he is very cunning to be a man! We are scattered, he can explore the treasures alone!"

Thinking of this, the real Jiu Tuo gave a cold snort, following Ding Hao from a distance, wanting to see what happened.

Ding Hao didn’t really want to leave other people alone to explore the treasures. In fact, he couldn’t help it. After avoiding batches of black monsters, he finally came to the side of the back mountain in this building. nearby.

It can be seen that this is a spire hall, beside the hall, there is a very tall statue.

"This..." Ding Hao's face suddenly moved, and the scene in front of him seemed familiar.

Under the thunder and blue sea, I saw an abandoned city. The architectural style and the statues standing in the city were quite similar to the scene before me.

"It seems that I am here right now!" Ding Hao quickly came from the back mountain area to the vicinity of this palace.

This hall and the tall statue next to it looked so noble, so that the black monsters came cautiously when they came nearby, but passed quietly, not daring to fight here, as if they had great respect for this statue.

Ding Hao passed under the statue first, but he checked it. The statue was a statue without any special settings.

"This statue is not a treasure. The purpose of creating this statue is to show respect to this person!" Ding Hao raised his head and looked up. The statue was a young man with a firm face and deep eyes, standing there. Yuxuanang.

"This man's face is a bit like me." Ding Hao let out a laugh, walked past the foot of the statue, and then came to the side of the spire hall.

"The shape of this palace is completely different from the shape of the current Tingyu building, and it has an exotic atmosphere at first glance."

Ding Hao thought of this and came to the front of the hall.

But when he came here and wanted to open the door of the palace, he couldn't open it at all.

This palace is completely wrapped in one, peculiar formation restriction, it is impossible to crack.

With a thought, Ding Hao invoked an astonishing amount of Tingli and blasted the gate of the hall, but with little effect.

When he was helpless, an ugly figure came over and said coldly, "Ding Hao, you are too mean! You arranged everyone in the back mountain to fight the black monsters, but you came here alone. , Stealing treasures! Are you shameless?"

Ding Hao looked back and saw that it was the real person with nine sarcomas on his back.

Seeing this ugly guy, Ding Hao said with a gloomy face, "Mr. Jiu Tuoma, you have been targeting me along the way, and I didn't tell you anything! Not because I have a good temper, but because I didn't take you seriously. But who knows? You are so courageous that you dare to follow me. You are looking for death!"

Ding Hao was never a good-tempered person. Jiu Tuo was ridiculed along the way. Ding Hao was very upset in his heart. He originally thought of everyone in a small team and helping each other in the same boat, but now Jiu Tuo is tracking himself and even wants to find out his secret. That is what Ding Hao cannot accept!

But the real Jiu Tuo didn’t take it seriously. He sneered and said, “Ding Hao, I don’t know who is looking for death! I know that when you joined the exploration team before, you hid your strength. At that time, your strength should be about the same as mine, or A little weaker than me; but now it’s different. Now I refine a large number of ancient crystals, and my strength has been greatly improved. Even the patriarch of our black department is probably not my opponent now! But you have no strength. Get any promotion, do you still think you can beat me?"

Ding Hao's face sank, "You are right! You are even right! According to your statement, my current strength is a lot behind you, and I can't beat you at all!"

"Hahaha!" Real Jiu Tuo laughed loudly, "What are you waiting for? Then I can only kill you. I remember that you still have a lot of ancient crystals that are useless. It seems that these belong to me now. Now! And you, I always feel that you have a lot of secrets. I believe that after I kill you, my gain will never be small!"

The calculations of the real Jiu Liu are absolutely accurate, and Ding Hao's strength and cultivation base are indeed not his opponents.

But at this moment, Ding Hao also laughed and said, "You are not wrong, but the only thing is that you missed my weapon!"

"Is that a garbage sword?" Real Man Jiu Tu knew well about the weapons used by Ding Hao.

But this time Ding Hao laughed, raised his hand, took out a shiny spar, and said, "My real weapon is this!"

(End of this chapter)

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