Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2777: Colorless Demon

Chapter 2777 Colorless Demon

Chapter 2775 Colorless Demon

The ancestral domain, Gudongfu Mountain.

When the golden spherical lightning hovered over the cave mansion, the golden lightning flashed like an electric snake, wandering around in the air.

This ancient cave mansion was wrapped by this golden thunder, lest the scene is very spectacular.

Because the cave has a master, the gate of this cave is revealed. It is currently the only cave on this hill whose gate is revealed!

Outside the cave, hundreds of treasure hunters were stunned, looking at the cave and the spherical thunder floating in the sky.

"I didn't expect that the main city of the golden element was moved here? In the future, all the golden elements of the Ten Thousand Tough Festival will also appear here, but all the people of the golden element will come here to celebrate the festival?"

However, some people thought, "Could it be that the golden crystal of the golden element was taken away, and brought it here to forcibly win the power of the golden element controller?"

"Forcibly win the golden controller!" Although the people on the scene felt shocked when they heard it, it was not impossible to think about it!

"If you say that, then the gold element really loses face this time! If they want to regain the power of the master, the first way is to **** back this golden crystal, and the second way is to find a bigger one. Jin Ting Crystal!"

"It's easy to say! The crystals that can be produced in the Lower Tingyu Region have long been unearthed. How easy is it to find a larger Jinting crystal?"

"Then it seems that the only way to get back the Jinting Crystal!" At this point, another wise man suddenly exclaimed and said, "Those golden-type strong men, who have been searching for Ding Hao all the way here, are just for Take back this golden crystal?"

Under the reminder of this person, everyone suddenly realized, "No wonder these golden type experts are so anxious, they rushed to attack the cave, it turns out that Ding Hao snatched their golden crystal!"

After this analysis, everyone's expressions changed secretly, "Ding Hao is so strong, aren't those treasure hunters who followed the golden type powerhouse into the cave mansion?"

Knowing that the hundreds of treasure hunters present were all secretly grateful, but fortunately they did not follow them into the cave, otherwise they would have to follow bad luck!

At this moment in the cave, in the luxurious palace.

Watching Ding Hao take out this golden crystal and become the master of this golden crystal and take over as the master of the golden element, all the golden elements present were pale and stunned, shouting, "Ding Hao! Stop it, you are not qualified to be the master of the golden element! Stop, you lunatic, you absolutely cannot become the master of the golden element!"

But no matter how they shouted, it was useless. Amidst the golden thunder and lightning, Ding Hao appeared as if a **** descended, pointing his finger at them and saying, "Seven clans contract, emerge!"

Suddenly from the six of them, a large number of runes in seven colors appeared.

Among these runes, some are golden runes, Ding Hao raised his hand again and said, "As the master of the golden system, I have ordered these golden runes to be invalidated!"

When Ding Hao gave an order, all the golden runes in the Seven Clan Contract dimmed, and the protection of the Seven Clan Contract for these people was instantly lost, and all the remaining runes rose into the sky.

Ding Hao's mind again sounded the voice of the ancient will star fish, "Speed ​​activates the array defense, and block all these escaped contract runes!"

"Okay." As Ding Hao's thoughts turned, the defense system of the entire Dongfu immediately activated, forming a perfect protective light film.

All the runes of various colors impacted on the light film, suddenly shattered and turned into invisible, becoming a piece of strength of various colors, and finally slowly dissipated in the air.

"No!" The six powerhouses of the gold department realized that they were scared, their faces pale.

"Ding Hao, I beg you, spare my life!" Finally, a golden-type strong man knelt in front of Ding Hao with unstoppable fear.

And the other golden type powerhouse is even more shameless, kneeling down and kowtow with a boom, "Ding Hao, since you are already the master of the golden type, that is our patriarch! Master patriarch, please accept me. I am willing to be a cow and a horse for you!"

Ding Hao snorted coldly and asked, "Since you are willing to be a bull and a horse for me, then I will ask you, who is it for you to write down these seven-race contracts on your body? And how?"

"This..." This golden type powerhouse, who was flattering Ding Hao just now, began to hesitate in a blink of an eye.

"It seems that you are all false feelings!" Ding Hao's face became cold, and he used his power to spur the evil crystal again. When the white light shone on this golden type powerhouse, the guy suddenly twisted in pain. , Shouted loudly, "Ding Hao for your life! I said, I said! Patriarch, you forgive me..."

Ding Hao ignored him at all, and a black long sword emerged.

This black long sword was exactly the weapon Ding Hao found in the warehouse of the cave mansion. It was also the first weapon he obtained in Tingyu. The name of this black long sword was "Broken Heart Sword."

I don't know if it was the original owner of this cave mansion, who was so sad for a certain woman that he gave him the name of the sword.

However, Ding Hao felt that this sword was called decapitation, which made it more appropriate!

After the black long sword was released, only a flash of black light, cut off the head of the golden type powerhouse in front of him, blood spurted out, and the person died on the spot!

After this person died, a group of golden Tingli aura suddenly overflowed from his body, trying to escape.

But Ding Hao opened his mouth and inhaled all these golden Tingli breaths into his own mouth!

Seeing the evil scene in front of them, the remaining five golden-type powerhouses all turned pale with fright. They swallowed others' Tingli aura and used them to cultivate for themselves. How could this be similar to the colorless demons in ancient legends?

"My God, he is not a silver type at all!" Suddenly, a strong golden type shouted.

Another strong man shouted, "He is a colorless demon!"

"No wonder he is so crazy, it turns out that he is a colorless demon!"

These golden powerhouses all gritted their teeth, and even some of them who were willing to kneel and kowtow to Ding Hao have jumped up now, "colorless demon, you must die! The entire seven color races will come in the end. Dealing with you, you are dead! Don't ask for any information from us!"

"Then you will all die!" Ding Hao's expression became angry, and the heartbroken sword in his hand circled back and forth!

Boom boom boom, heads rolled down one after another, and in a blink of an eye, all the six golden powers had been killed by Ding Hao.

After killing all these people, Ding Hao was unceremonious, opened his mouth and inhaled all the Tingli breath in these people's bodies, and then sat down and practiced comfortably...

(End of this chapter)

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