Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2779: Ultimate goal

Chapter 2779 Final Goal

Chapter 2777 the ultimate goal

The family of these five treasure hunters was dispatched, and five people rushed into Ding Hao's cave.

Ding Hao originally wanted to rely on his own strength to fight this person alone, but he didn't expect to rush out four strong people!

Ding Hao hit five with one, and immediately fell under the wind.

"Well, good, treasure hunter, you are really shameless! Shameless enough!" Ding Hao's expression turned gloomy.

The five treasure hunters suddenly laughed, "Ding Hao, just blame yourself for being stupid! Everyone fights desperately, where is the morality? As long as you can kill you, take your treasures and grab this cave mansion!"

"In that case, don't blame me for playing tricks too!"

Right now, Ding Hao waved his hand abruptly, "Space is locked!"

This skill is Ding Hao's unique skill in the cave. Through the formation in the cave, everyone can be locked in a small space!

When Ding Hao performed this trick, the five treasure hunters in front of him were locked in a small space and could not escape.

"Not good!" The faces of the five treasure hunters suddenly changed.

The five of them were locked in five different spaces and were not connected to each other. Ding Hao could move these five spaces in different directions.

"No! Brother!"

"Brother and sister!"

Seeing the horror of these five people, Ding Hao coldly snorted, "Now I know I'm afraid, but it's too late! You five join forces to kill one of me. When you have the upper hand, why can't you think of today? Yes! All die!"

Ding Hao immediately took action and mercilessly killed all the five treasure hunters.

After killing them all, Ding Hao inhaled their Tingli breath, cross-legged on the spot, and sat down to practice!

While Ding Hao was practicing, another treasure hunter came nearby and saw Ding Hao sitting there practicing, a grinning smile appeared on his face.

"Tread through the iron shoes and find no place to find it. It takes no effort! Not only did I find the kid Ding Hao, but I also found that this kid was cultivating. I just need to capture him alive and order him to surrender all the treasures and the cave, then I will send Fortune!"

This treasure hunter walked over with a grinning grin. He used his Tingli aura to attract an astonishing amount of blood-colored thunder and lightning, forming a terrifying light net and wrapping it toward Ding Hao!

"What?" He soon discovered that his idea was impossible to realize.

Ding Hao sat cross-legged in an independent space, completely isolated from the outside world. The power he released could not enter the independent space at all, nor could it cause damage to Ding Hao!

"No, this method is also called Dongfu ban! Ding Hao is the master of this Dongfu. He can control all the space in the Dongfu. I am here to be an enemy of him, and I will destroy myself!"

This treasure hunter was also savvy, and quickly withdrew his attack.

But at this moment, Ding Hao, who was sitting there cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Ding Hao, you are awake! I just passed by here, you continue..." The treasure hunter turned pale with fright and quickly backed away.

Ding Hao slowly stood up and laughed coldly, "Since you are here, why bother to leave? Then stay!"

After talking about the space in front of him, it suddenly cracked open, he strode out, raised his hand to grab the black heartbroken sword, and suddenly cut it down, a huge colorless knife light gathered by Tingli, and it cut off!

"Yes, the Tingli breath of five people has been refined, and the strength has been increased a lot!" Ding Hao was overjoyed.

When fighting against the black monsters with Hexixi before, I saw that Hexixi and the others' strength and cultivation continued to increase, but Ding Hao had no way;

And now Ding Hao also felt the pleasure of continuous breakthroughs in strength and cultivation. Every time he breathed in the Tingli breath of one person, his strength would increase a little; for every five people's Tingli breath, his strength would grow a bit!

The treasure hunter in front of him saw Ding Hao's strength so powerful, he turned his head in shock and left, unwilling to challenge.

However, in Ding Hao's cave, no one can escape. Ding Hao can control the space at will. If you escape to the horizon, you can be brought back instantly!

In this way, Ding Hao beheaded his opponents one after another, swallowing his opponent's Tingli breath, and made himself stronger!

The dozens of treasure hunters who rushed into his space were killed by him within a short time. The various auras released from his body became the raw materials used by Ding Hao for cultivation. The strength has grown amazingly!

From the beginning, he needed to use evil crystals to deal with enemies; now, he no longer needs evil crystals, nor space locks, directly relying on his own strength to beat a few treasure hunters!

"Now my strength, I am afraid that the patriarchs of the Tingli clan of various colors are no longer my opponent!"

"Don't be complacent." The voice of Xingyu heard in his ears, and he said, "Don't forget, you are at this level, and the ultimate enemy you have to deal with is the seven! These seven powerhouses are all from China Ting Yu! You must have the strength to defeat all of these seven, and it is very likely that these seven will shoot at the same time!"

"I want to defeat these seven powerhouses, and I have to fight one against seven! My God!" Ding Hao was dumbfounded, "Can I have this kind of strength?"

Each of these seven powerhouses is a powerhouse from Zhongting Region, and the seven of them still shot at the same time. How could Ding Hao, a newcomer in the Lower Ting Region, be the opponent of these seven?

"No, no! This requirement is too difficult, I can't do it at all!" Ding Hao felt that Xingyu's goal was too exaggerated.

"If you can't, then you just wait to be killed by them!" Xingyu snorted coldly, "Do you think this is my final request for you at this level? Not yet!"

"What?" Ding Hao was stunned again, "It is impossible for me to beat the seven people alone and defeat them. This is an impossible task! You actually said that it is not the final request, so what is the final request? ?"

"The final requirement is that when Tingsheng goes to Central Tingyu, let the powerhouses of Central Tingyu behave like a ghost and suppress it! You are not afraid of it, and you can still withstand the pressure and rise to the next level! "

"Isn't it?!" Ding Hao exclaimed, "This is something you didn't do back then. You were all shattered by the power above while you were ascending! Let alone me?"

"Of course you are better than me!" Xingyu said, "Young patriarch, all the hope of our clan lies in you, you will definitely be stronger than me! Although the cultivation resources of Xia Tingyu are very limited, but fortunately There are a lot of enemies in the Seven Races, and the biggest training resource you need is to devour the aura of these people!"

"But I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately!" Ding Hao cultivated from the bottom, killing innocent people indiscriminately. He would never do this!

"If others want to kill me, I will kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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