Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2781: Seven breaks attention

Chapter 2781 Seven Followers

Chapter 2779 Seventh Attention

"The cultivation base has increased a lot!"

Soon after, Ding Hao walked out of this valley with a faint smile on his face.

The swallowing ability of the colorless system is really amazing, the training effect is also extraordinary, and the improvement can be said to be immediate!

"From today, I have entered the cultivation time!"

Killing these five treasure hunters is just Ding Hao's appetizer. He came here this time with the purpose of killing the ancient souls for cultivation.

When he walked into the canyon, after a large number of ancient souls found him, they swarmed, Zhao Yan's face was happy.

He didn't fight in the canyon passage, because that would be too eye-catching and would be spotted by treasure hunters coming and going.

Often he will attract a batch of ancient souls, introduce these ancient souls into a valley with few people, and then break these ancient souls into strands there, and finally use them for cultivation. Repeatedly, his cultivation level continues to improve.

When Ding Hao was working hard to cultivate, he was located not far away in Qibao City.

In the huge seven-color cloud and fog, the figures of seven powerful men emerged in different directions of the small city, hiding in the clouds.

An old man said, "The suspect has not reappeared since he entered the city of Qibao for a short time last time! I suspect that this person has doubts about the city of Qibao, so I dare not come to our city again. If so If we don’t, we’re going to stand still and wait for it!”

Another woman said, "I can sign the seven clans contract with the five golden people! I don't know what the situation is with those five people?! Have you found the kid named Ding Hao? Is that kid us? The person who is waiting?"

"Time has passed for so long! Why didn't any of them come back?"

One of these seven powerful men, wearing a high hair crown, seemed to be the most respected, he said, "Everyone, now there are signs that the person we are waiting for may have already appeared! We can't do this anymore. If you sit back and wait, you must take the initiative!"

However, there is also a strong person who said, "Boss, the seven of us are in the Xia Tingyu region. We are the top powerhouses far surpassing the patriarchs of the seven clans! The seniority is higher than their ancestors! If we act rashly, we will find out in the end if we make a mistake It’s really shameful! I think I’d better check it out before sending out!"

"That's true too!" The strong man wearing a high-hair crown thought about it and said, "Then everyone recently learned about the treasure hunters from the ancestral domain in the city, call them and ask about the situation!"

"It's so good, I'll take care of this." said the woman among the seven.

Soon after, a middle-aged treasure hunter was sitting in the corner of the tavern in the tavern of Qichang City, drinking alone.

This person is Tian Haitian who went to the ancestral domain with Ding Hao and others to explore the treasures. Although everyone had a great harvest this time, Tian Haitian still felt dissatisfied and complained a lot of strange things. Because of this incident, he was disgusted by Hosisi, and he left him first!

What made him even more angry was that his Taoist companion Xie Qingyou was also very dissatisfied with his attitude, angrily left the treasure hunting area and went back to practice.

Tian Haitian stayed in Qibao City alone, sulking, drinking sullen wine every day, cursing and cursing.

"It's all stupid people! Ding Hao took away the greatest benefit and gave them a little rubbish, and they were satisfied! I said a few casually, but these people were still angry with me. It was stupid for good or bad! I have never seen such a stupid person!"

Just as he was muttering and drinking sullen wine, a woman who looked very noble came in.

After the woman sat down, the bartender in the drinking tube chatted casually, and his eyes fell on Tian Haitian.

After a while, the woman Lianbu moved lightly and sat in front of Tian Haitian.

Tian Haitian was drunk and dim. When he saw that this woman was very beautiful and her aptitude was even better, he was secretly happy, thinking of Xie Qingyou, don't you look down on me? Now there is a more beautiful lady who took the initiative to talk to me. It seems that Tian Haitian still has some capital!

The woman grinned and poured a glass of wine for Tian Haitian and said, "Treasure hunter, the people in the tavern said that you have been drinking here for many days recently. Could it be that something unhappy happened in the treasure hunting area? , Tell me something."

Speaking of this, Tian Haitian yelled, "Those are all idiots. They were deceived by Ding Hao's kid, and they helped Ding Hao speak!"

"Ding Hao." When the woman heard Ding Hao's name, she raised her brows and said quickly, "Then tell me in detail!"

Tian Haitian is also an old river and lake. After saying a few words, he vaguely feels that this woman is not looking at him, but wants to inquire about him! He shut up suddenly, waved his hand and said, "Nothing to say!"

The woman giggled and said, "Young Master Tian, ​​I think my Master might be interested in you. What if you go and talk to her? There will be great benefits!"

"Who is your master?" Tian Haitian still looked confused.

The bartender in the tavern came up and said in a low voice, "Her master is one of the seven in our seven city!"

"What?" Tian Haitian was stunned. He didn't expect the woman in front of him to have such a background.

He hurriedly left his seat and saluted the young woman;

The young woman smiled, "Tian Gongzi, in fact, as long as you go to my master and tell me something about what you have seen in this treasure hunt! Maybe my master will be kind and accept you as a disciple! Then you will be there. This seven-breast city is also noble and extraordinary, and everyone admires it!"

Tian Haitian was overjoyed immediately, "Thank you for the recommendation, I have a comment below, I am willing to tell!"

Soon after, Tian Haitian was taken into an area surrounded by clouds and mist. The young woman bowed and said, "Master, I brought the treasure hunter who was exploring with Ding Hao, and he will tell you what happened at that time. !"

As he spoke, the thick clouds in front of him dispersed, and a very tall woman appeared, one of the seven!

Tian Haitian hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed his head and said, "Ding Hao, I am acting too much, and go to explore treasures with us. Who knows that he has taken the cave by himself and only gives us some **** crystals! It is damned!"

Qi Biao didn't care about Ding Hao's character. The very tall woman just asked, what is so strange about Ding Hao?

Tian Haitian thought for a while and said, "This kid's strength has increased too fast, and his Tingli breath color is different! It looks silver, but it is very dim, and it seems to be white and transparent! In short, he is different from normal people. It is also very evil. There is an evil crystal in his hand, and many people who are stronger than him are not careful about his way!"

The woman in the Seven Breaks heard this, her face suddenly changed slightly, "This is not like the person who was destroyed by Ting Sheng, but like a colorless demon!"

(End of this chapter)

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