Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2789: Survival condition

Chapter 2789 Living Conditions

Chapter 2787-Survival Conditions

Although Seventh Sister was full of confidence in the pill made by the spirit of Tingyu, Ding Hao slowly shook his head after listening, "This thing is not enough to exchange your life!"

"What?" Qimei was stunned, "this thing is already very precious!"

"But it's useless to me!"

Although the pill made by the spirit of Tingyu is extremely precious to ordinary cultivators, to Ding Hao, it is completely useless!

Because Ding Hao is a colorless cultivator, he only needs to swallow the Tingli breath of others to nourish himself. As for the pill made by the Spirit of Tingyu, it has no effect on him!

"This way..." Qi Mei's eyes suddenly burst into despair.

If even this treasure can't be exchanged for her own life, then she has nothing to exchange for her own life.

But at this moment, Ding Hao said again, "Is the Tingyu Spirit still dead? If it is still alive, I can let you go!"

"Alive..." Qi Mei's eyes suddenly showed excitement, "When I left Qizhu City, that thing hadn't died yet!"

The Spirit of the Ting Region is a treasure that is very difficult to refine, so the seven of them have been refining here for so many years. Although it is said that the spirit of the Ting Region will be refined into a pill as soon as possible, the "as soon as possible" may not be short. time!

"If I rush back now, maybe I can stop it!" Qimei quickly said again.

"Yes." Ding Hao immediately communicated with Xingyu, "Give me a technique similar to the slave seal. I want to hit this woman and let her do things for me!"

"The Tingli sword-dragon tactic I taught you before can achieve this effect. As long as you control the size and scale of the colorless dragon that Tingli has transformed into, you can detonate it at any time when it penetrates into this woman's body!"

"It's so good." With a long sword in Ding Hao's hand, the tip of the sword was picked, and a slender dragon of Tingli was pulled out, and then with a wave of his hand, this colorless dragon shadow directly penetrated into Qimei's body!

Qimei's expression suddenly changed, and she backed away in horror.

Ding Hao said, "Tingli Sword and Dragon Artifact, I have penetrated into your body, hovering around your Tingli breath! If you dare to betray me, I just have to think about it, no matter where you are, this Tingli The dragon will explode immediately! At that time you will not die, but your Tingli aura will be completely blown to pieces! At that time, you will be an absolutely useless person, and it will not be able to help you solve it. !"

"What!" Qimei suddenly looked panicked.

In fact, she had also had the idea of ​​fooling Ding Hao before, as long as she could escape this disaster and return to Qibao City.

But I didn't expect Ding Hao to lay such a terrible restriction on her. If an absolutely useless person, it would be more uncomfortable than killing her!

When she was in the Middle Ting Region, she was already suppressed. If she becomes a useless person, then even the most trash can bully her, and her appearance is still good. If she does not have her cultivation base and strength, she will be degraded. What is it like? She can't imagine it herself!

"No! Senior Ding Hao, you must not let me become a useless person, I can do anything for you!" Qimei suddenly knelt in front of Ding Hao willingly.

Ding Hao said, "What you have to do now is very simple, that is, immediately return to the City of Seven to prevent them from refining the spirit of the Tingyu! If the spirit of the Tingyu is still alive when I arrive, I will save you a life. !"

"Yes!" Qimei stood up immediately and moved at a high speed in the direction of Qibang City. She had to return before the Spirit of Tingyu was refined.

After Qimei left, Ding Hao asked, "Starfish, since the pill made by the Spirit of Ting Yu is useless to me! Why did you let me save the life of the Spirit of Ting Yu?"

Xingyu said with a smile, "The spirit of Tingyu is made into a pill, it is really useless for you! However, the spirit of Tingyu has other uses! When you enter Middle Tingyu in the future, you will naturally know the benefits. !"

"Okay." When Ding Hao heard him say, he stopped asking questions, but turned around and returned to the Gu Ting area.

It turned out that when Ding Hao and the two giants fought wildly before, the huge impact caused had already turned all the ancient souls in the canyons around the entire ancient Ting area into a silky form!

Originally, Ding Hao had to look for these ancient souls everywhere, and after finding them, he would fight with them.

But now, they have all been shattered, whether it is a black ancient soul or a colorful ancient soul, it has become a primitive state!

I saw Ding Hao's figure walking into a canyon, floating in front of a large number of this kind of silk thread, some black or colorful.

Ding Hao did not classify, opened his mouth wide, sucking all the silky lines into his mouth, and then started practicing on the spot!

He is now more experienced in refining these powers, and the refining speed is much faster. After a while, the refining is completed.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a bright light flashing in his eyes. He felt that his strength had improved a lot, and he stood up and rushed to the next valley.

When he walked into the next canyon, there were more colorful silky lines here, and in his eyes, there was a burst of color, and he suddenly took a big mouth, sucking all these forces into his mouth, and sat down cross-legged again to practice!

He kept walking into the valleys, absorbing refining, and humming coldly in his heart, "There are currently five giants in the city of seven. When I get strong enough, I will be one against five! problem!"


Just when Ding Hao was rapidly refining and practicing, Seventh Sister had already rushed back to Qiba City.

When she went back, the remaining five bigwigs in the Seven Breaks had all learned of the situation.

It turned out that Tian Haitian had already returned to Qibang City before she went back, and reported the situation in the Gu Ting area.

The remaining five giants were all furious, "This demon Ding Hao, boldly, dare to provoke us seven, it's just looking for death!"

The five giants were eager to try, and they all wanted to kill Ding Hao, but the leader with a high crown sat cross-legged, "Everyone, the spirit of Tingyu is refining at a critical moment, and I can’t wait to leave! Otherwise, This hundreds of millions of years of refining will be destroyed!"

When he said that, the others hesitated.

Although it is said that we are going to save the third and seventh, but seeing that the spirit of Tingyu has been refined, everyone has waited for so many years. If you want to give up because of this, it is absolutely unwilling!

At this moment, Qimei returned to Qibao City.

"Seven sisters, have you escaped?" The other giants suddenly smiled.

Seventh Sister smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't escape, I was released by Ding Hao! Brothers, if you are willing to save my life, just listen to me and stop refining the spirit of Ting Yu!"

(End of this chapter)

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