Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2791: Big brother's strength

Chapter 2791 Big Brother's Strength

Chapter 2789 Big Brother's Strength

In order to refining the spirit of Ting Yu, Qi Bian was completely turned over!

The remaining five giants showed no mercy to the original Seventh Sister, and were directly prepared to kill!

After Seventh Sister shot the can of refining Tingyu Spirits, the eldest brother among the sevens actually issued a Dag kill order to her!

"It turns out that this is the big brothers who have been with each other for hundreds of millions of years!" Qimei laughed sadly, with blood flowing out of her mouth, and fled the city in a hurry.

The other giants who chased her had intended to let her go, but at this moment, all these people were born out of guts.

"Seven sisters, you knocked over the refining jar of the Tingyu spirits and affected the refining. You are simply unforgivable! You die!"

These four giants shot with all their strength, and the gathered Tingli rolled over, forming a very terrifying Tingli cloud in the sky.

The entire city of Qiba came out, staring at the scene in front of them, dumbfounded!

But seeing Qimei, under the attack of these four people, will be crushed by life...

But there was a cold snort from not far away!

"The so-called Seven Breaks, but so! When I passed here back then, I also secretly admired the Seven Breaks really high righteousness, now it seems that they are just some selfish people! That's good, then when I kill you , There is no need to be soft!"

In this cold snort, the figure of a young man walked into the clouds in the air, with one hand behind him, his eyes full of determination.

"Ding Hao!"

Standing in the city below, Tian Haitian saw Ding Hao appear, and his eyes were full of coldness.

"Ding Hao boy, you are so arrogant, looking for death! Although your strength is very strong, you can defeat two giants in the Gu Ting area alone! But don't forget, this is the city of Seven, and there are five others here. Giants!"

In the eyes of Tian Haitian and all the cultivators present, Ding Hao's appearance was simply a delivery to the door and his death on his own initiative!

However, the giants did not underestimate the enemy. The four giants changed their faces and called out in surprise, "Big Brother, Ding Hao is here!"


The giant, known as the big brother, was still there in a frantic attempt to straighten the crooked can, but the contract made by the seven was destroyed by the seven sisters. The can was never in the right position and could not be adjusted back in the short term. !

The elder brother wearing a high crown grunted angrily, and then quickly walked out of the clouds.

At this moment, Seven Sisters had already arrived in front of Ding Hao, clasped her fist and said, "I have seen Senior Ding Hao! I kindly persuade them not to refine the spirit of Tingyu, but they don't listen at all, so I will refine it. The jar is crooked! They can't refining for the time being, the spirit of Tingyu should be alive!

"That's good, you step back first!"

Ding Hao waved his hand to motion Qimei to step aside.

At this time, the elder brother wearing a high crown came out, behind him stood four giants, five of them standing high in the air, very majestic.

The man called the big brother coldly snorted, "Ding Hao, before you came, I used to hear Tian Haitian report that you are in the Gu Ting area, with one enemy and two, with extraordinary strength! But according to my calculations, your strength is against them. Two people are enough, but don’t forget, there are five of us here! If you want to single-handedly deal with five people, you are simply looking for death!"

Ding Hao laughed, looking down, and soon saw Tian Haitian standing among the crowd.

He snorted coldly, "Tian Haitian, Ding Hao, I asked myself that I have no place to be sorry for you, but you keep betraying, and you lie to me! You are already dead, you must die!"

Tian Haitian was named by Ding Hao, his face flushed, but he stood in the city of Qizhu, believing that he had Qizhu to protect himself.

So he stepped out boldly, and said with a sneer, "Ding Hao, your strength is very strong! But you want to defeat the five giants alone! That is absolutely impossible. I have five giants to protect, how could I die? In your hands? You are so arrogant, I think you should be the one who died here today!"

"Good, good." Ding Hao smirked, raised his head and said to the old man named elder brother, "Seven-Ball has been supporting a city for so many years, no matter whether it is public or private, you are all working hard! So I am willing to let you. There are only two conditions for survival. The first condition is to hand over Tian Haitian, and the second condition is to hand over the spirit of Tingyu!"

"You dream!" A giant standing at the back came out and pointed at Ding Hao. "Bold fanatics, dare to threaten us. It's a joke! He also said to let us have a life, rest assured, we will never Let you go!"

The giant said, "Big Brother, we don't have to talk nonsense with him, just shoot! I don't believe it, with the strength of the five of us, we can't beat such a nasty kid!"

Qi Biao belongs to the existence of super power in Xia Ting domain. At the top of the pyramid, the strength of any one of them is earth-shattering. Now that the top five are teaming up, what are the scruples?

"Then do it!"

The eldest brother wearing a high crown started to move his hands. In the movement of his hands, two dagger-like weapons appeared unknowingly. The power of these two dagger-like weapons is extraordinary, and it can stir the breath of strength!

"My God, look at it!" The cultivator standing below suddenly exclaimed.

I saw that with the actions of the big brother, Tingli from all directions gathered madly, and those very terrifying Tingli turbulence were also drawn here!

"How is it possible!" The cultivators were stunned. For them, Tingli Turbulence was not obedient at all, it was a force they could not control.

But the eldest brother's strength can be called the utmost, his Tingli aura is very pure, and he can even use the violent Tingli turbulence!

Even the four giants under his men could see them in their eyes. They were so brilliant and exclaimed, "Big brother, after so many years, I can't think of your strength has improved a lot! The aura is so pure and even violent. Tingli turbulence can surrender to you willingly!"

"Hahaha." The elder brother laughed loudly, "My strength is far surpassed that of the past, Ding Hao Devil, if you don't come here, I will find you! Now if you take the initiative to send you to die, then I will fulfill you !"

After that, the turbulent current of Tingli from all around formed a huge mountain in the sky that covered the sky and the sun. This mountain was all made up of Tingli, and it crashed down and hit Ding Hao directly below!

"Little Demon Ding Hao, see where you flee!" The big brother shot a dazzling light in his eyes, his big hand suddenly pressed down, and two words came out in his mouth, "Suppress!"

With a bang, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the huge and boundless peak of Tingli was crushed down.

Seven sisters standing behind Ding Hao suddenly screamed, "Senior Ding Hao, what should I do?!"

(End of this chapter)

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