Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2812: Dead end

Chapter 2812 Seeking a dead end

Chapter 2810 Seeking Death

"Hahaha!" The King of the Five Youths burst into laughter suddenly, "Where did you find a hairy boy who claimed to be a senior! Actually, even if the king speaks in his own domain, he has to speak a little bit more quietly, not to disturb This so-called senior!"

When Wu Shao Jun Wang said this, he burst into laughter.

General Teng and the other soldiers standing behind him also laughed, feeling that they heard a very funny thing.

"Yes! A dignified young prince, who is about to become the prince of our county, dare not speak loudly in his archives warehouse, isn't this a joke?" General Teng also laughed loudly.

However, the young princess and Uncle Yong didn't mean anything to be joking. Their faces were solemn, and Uncle Yong shook their heads and said, "You people, you are dying, and you don't know it! I don't want to say anything, save it. At that time, Senior Ding Hao thought I wanted to use him!"

Uncle Yong was frightened by Ding Hao before, but now he dared not raise any thoughts of using him, he only dared to keep the gate honestly for Ding Hao.

And now these people in front of them, laughing so loudly, will definitely affect Ding Hao who is reading in them. When Ding Hao is really angry, it will not be blamed on his uncle Yong's head!

The five young prefects laughed, his face became cold, and he waved his hand and said, "General Teng, take a few people and take down the little liar named Ding Hao!"

General Teng immediately led a few of his men and walked to the door of the classic warehouse, but when he came here, he was blocked by the young princess, Uncle Yong and four knights.

Uncle Yong straightened his chest and said, "Senior Ding Hao is reading, no one can disturb! If you want to rush into it, step on me!"

"It's really funny! Uncle Yong, since you are so frustrated, then I won't play with you anymore!" General Teng was ready to make a move, taking Uncle Yong first.

But at this moment, the door of the warehouse was pushed open from inside, and Ding Hao's figure came out!

"Senior Ding Hao, I still interrupted your reading, these people really didn't mean that I angered them on purpose!" Uncle Yong was afraid that Ding Hao might misunderstand him, and quickly explained again.

Ding Hao waved his hand, nodded and said, "I know it in my heart."

When Uncle Yong heard this, he was completely relieved.

Wushao County King also saw this Maotou boy called Senior. He was even more convinced of his judgment. This Ding Hao was only over a hundred years old, and no matter how he cultivated, his strength was very limited. He was definitely not one. The real strong!

His face suddenly sank, and he pointed at Ding Hao and said, "The ignorant junior, actually cheated to eat and drink to our Beast Ling County! Come here, quickly take the person, interrupt his hands and feet, and then drag Come to question!"

"Dare you?" The young princess walked in front to stop him, "Fifth young princess, because you are my fifth brother, I remind you again that Yuanba was solved by Senior Ding Hao!"

"Yuanba!" Wushao County King suddenly changed his expression.

Yuanba is one of his capable officers, and his strength is still higher than that of General Teng. The Prince Wushao originally asked Yuanba to capture the Prince Young, but after this person went, there was no sign of him!

"Yuanba's strength is so strong, how could it be solved by this hairy boy?" Behind Wushao County King, a figure of a counselor suddenly appeared. The person whispered again, "In my opinion, behind this person, there is probably a strong person from another county. It is the strong person from another county that solved Yuanba!"

"So that's the case!" said the Wushao County King with a sneer, "The Maotou child named Ding Hao, you quickly kneel in front of me, and honestly explain which county you are from? Did you come with any purpose? Disturb our Yuling County?"

Ding Hao raised his eyebrows. Hearing these people talk more and more complicated, he coldly snorted, "I wanted to read a few books here and leave, but I didn't expect to do so many things inexplicably! Let me give you one last time. Chance, now give me the fuck, I will spare you your life!"

When he came to Central Tingyu, the Palm Sovereign would definitely send someone to find him, so he was not willing to cause too much sensation.

"Crazy junior!" General Teng didn't know Ding Hao's mind, and shouted sharply, "You are so young and weak, but you have such a big tone! I don't think you dare to do it with us, it's just a fake tiger! The worst trick, Jiang He won!"

He stared at him, waved his big hand, and suddenly his soldiers pounced on like a tiger!

"Looking for death!" Ding Hao's eyes suddenly sharpened.

Although he is unwilling to cause trouble, cause a sensation, and attract the attention of the palms, but these people, even if they do not know how to live, take the initiative to bully his face, he will definitely not be polite!

"Die to me!"

Ding Hao's figure suddenly moved!

Seeing Ding Hao's figure flashing, Uncle Yong breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that this time the overall situation is set, the five young county kings are going to die; but the five young county kings did not know it, seeing Ding Hao dare to resist. His face became even sharper, "Junior looking for death!"

But in the next second, the countenance of the Five Young Masters changed.

I saw the four knights who came forward to arrest Ding Hao. Before the figure touched Ding Hao's body, there were four muffled hums!

The four of them were directly shocked by the Tingli on Ding Hao's body, and fell to the ground, knowing their life or death!

"What kind of evil method is this?" The color of the Wushao Junwang changed. Although he felt Ding Hao's evil door, he still didn't care about it. You are welcome! Don't ask questions, just kill him directly, General Teng!"

General Teng raised his hands and immediately invoked an astonishing amount of Tingli, rolling his hands like a hot wheel, his power rushed to Ding Hao frantically, preparing to kill Ding Hao on the spot!

"This kind of pediatric method!" Ding Hao's face was calm, he stepped forward and waved his hand!

When Ding Hao's long robe and big sleeve hit General Teng's body with a palm, the Tingli he had called was broken like a layer of window paper, and General Teng's body also flew out and fell to the ground. Life or death is unknown!

However, General Teng and the four knights just now should be dead, because shortly after they fell, different colors of Tingli aura gushed out of their bodies; but at this moment, Ding Hao took a big breath, All these Tingli breaths are swallowed in the mouth, so don't waste a bit!

"What?" The Wushao County King's expression changed in shock, and he finally felt that he was kicking on some iron plate this time.

But what did the counselor behind him think of?

Frightened his face pale, and quickly backed away!

King Wushaojun saw Ding Hao coming, and suddenly shouted, "Come here, stop him!"

Facing a large number of knights coming up, Ding Hao wandered around. Wherever he went, those who stood in the way died. The Wushao County King was so scared that he was so scared that he urged the half-day cloud under his seat and turned away.

(End of this chapter)

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