Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2815: All comers are gone

Chapter 2815 All the coming

Chapter 2813 the arrival is destroyed

Animal Ling County.

Just after Ding Hao entered the classics warehouse to watch and study, the old county prince Jiang Xiaojun and Uncle Yong called in and asked them about Ding Hao.

When he heard about the cause and effect, the old princess nodded.

Before, he was dissatisfied with Ding Hao's death of the Wushao County King in person; but now that he heard about Ding Hao's thunderous methods, the old County King can only nod to himself.

"This senior Ding Hao has extraordinary strength and is decisive! It is definitely not something I can provoke or annoy Senior Ding Hao, it is a dead end! Even if we want to protect, we can't keep it!"

Uncle Yong said again, "I think this senior Ding Hao should be a noble master from Shang Tingyu! That's why he has such strength! And he has such a vision! He can write by just looking at our inscription Words that shake the world!"

In fact, the old princess has also received a wanted order from Master Palm, but because of what Uncle Yong said, everyone did not expect it!

Everyone felt that Ding Hao should come from Shang Tingyu, no one thought that Ding Hao came from thinking of Xia Tingyu!

Day by day, Ding Hao, who was watching in the classic warehouse, also felt that he benefited a lot.

"The advanced runes here are recorded in great detail! This is a perfection for me to learn ancient Hong runes!"

Ding Hao had a lot of experience in cultivating runes when he was in the world of Guhong, and now he has watched the advanced runes of Zhongtingyu, which made him more profound about this content.

"Runes are very important! It is a tool used to record history in every different world. If you observe the evolution of runes, you can find that this world is always in constant change, from complex to simple. From chaos to neatness, runes always go from complex to simple!"

"However, for cultivators of my generation, the simpler the rune, the smaller the power it contains!"

"So, we practitioners have to find more ancient and more complex runes to get more powerful energy!"

After this period of study, Ding Hao saw all the runes and classics in the warehouse similarly, so he walked out of the warehouse and prepared to leave.

But when he walked out of the warehouse, his face changed.

"Surling County is surrounded!"

It turned out that just when he immersed all his body and mind in the rune, the brigade of men and horses from Tailing County had already surrounded Juling County to a great extent.

The vanguard leader of these brigade is the prince of Tailing County.

The prince drove a good-looking leading wildebeest, standing outside the moat, showing off his might.

On this side, the old county king took his children and stood on the city wall, shouting, "What do you mean by Tailing County? Last time you planned to confuse my son to betray me, I didn't ask you to reason. ! Now that your army is overwhelming, do you still have the most basic morality?"

"The most basic morality?" the prince standing outside the moat said with a cold snort, "This is your Beastling County looking for death on your own, and harboring the rebels wanted by Master Palm! On behalf of Master Palm, we come to conquer the rebels, and we will kill them by the way You accomplices of the rebels!"

The young princess stood on the city wall and shouted angrily, "Don't you talk nonsense! Where is there any rogue in our Yuling County?"

The prince smiled sullenly, "As far as I know, you brought the rebels back! You still pretend to be ignorant? I tell you, your Beastling County is really done this time, and you are in trouble. You will be annihilated!"

"What?" asked one of the sons of the old county king. "You can make it clear, who is the rebel here?"

"Then I will let you understand!" The prince outside the city gritted his teeth and said, "What I am talking about are the three major rebels from the lower realm wanted by Master Palm! One of them is named Ding Hao!"

"What? Senior Ding Hao?" All the people in Juling County and others were dumbfounded.

"How can it be!"

"How could it be impossible?" The prince raised his hand and shot out a light curtain. The light curtain was huge, light blue, floating in the sky. There were three figures on it, and at the end of the three, the one riding the dragon The young man is not Ding Hao.

Seeing the sight of the sky, the old princess paled with fright. He turned around and asked, "Uncle Yong! Didn't you say that he was a noble master from the upper Ting region? How could it be from the lower Ting region. Ascended?"

Uncle Yong was also stunned when he saw the light curtain in the sky. The so-called Ding Hao was the noble ruler from Shangtingyu, and that was completely thought of in his heart!

"Isn't the Prince's light curtain fake?" The young princess asked hesitantly.

"Impossible." The old county king's face sank, and he raised his hand to cast a small light screen in front of him, the same image, "I also received this wanted order, but I never thought..."

"My God..." The children of the old princess who were present saw the old princess also playing this light curtain. Everyone was dumbfounded. "This man is really a rebellion wanted by Master Palm. We have already committed The crime of pardon!"

An old county king's son said, "Why don't we take the shot together and take Na Ding Hao! Send it to Master Zhang Zun first, then we not only have no sin, but we still have credit for him!"

But as soon as this person said something, he heard the Young Princess sneered and said, "If you want to take down Senior Ding Hao, you can try it if you want to die!"

This person was silent for a while, everyone knew Ding Hao's strength, raising his hand to destroy the person, swallowing Tingli's breath, and going to take Ding Hao, it was like looking for death!

"What can we do?" Some people looked at the young princess and Uncle Yong and said, "If it weren't for you, you wouldn't have this rebellion to enter our city. We were killed by you!"

Seeing everyone blaming themselves, the young princess had tears on her face and said, "I don't know! It's none of my business!"

But at this moment, the figure of a young man with an evil dragon slowly walked up the stairs and onto the city wall.

Seeing Ding Hao coming, everyone who wanted to catch Ding Hao just now was so scared that they kept silent. Everyone knew that Ding Hao's methods were cruel, like killing a star. Who would dare to speak nonsense?

Even the leader of the crowd, the old county king, didn't know what to say for a while, and could only greet him embarrassingly, "Senior Ding Hao."

Ding Hao waved his hand, interrupted them, and said, "I was planning to leave after reading your classics, but I didn't expect to encounter these! These people came because of Ding Hao, and it seems that I need to take action to solve them!"

"What!" The old county king looked at Ding Hao dumbfounded, and looked outside. It was a large army in Tailing County. Ding Hao actually wanted to deal with a large army alone. Is this possible?

(End of this chapter)

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