Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2820: Need weapons

Chapter 2820 requires weapons

Chapter 2818



"Swallow again!"


On the battlefield, the soldiers from two different counties are hacking and killing each other and fighting constantly!

One after another, the living beings turned into corpses, lying on the ground, an astonishing amount of Tingli aura, like straight springs rising into the sky!

The sight was very spectacular. Ding Hao stepped on the dragon and constantly opened his mouth to devour him, feeling that his strength was constantly improving!

After the fierce battle, the soldiers on both sides did not know how many soldiers died in the battle. Ding Hao was the one who had the most advantage. The Juling County finally captured Tailing County!

The descendants of Tailing County, under the leadership of the king, fled at full speed and fled to the Mansion of Zhangzun where Master Zhangzun was!

"Never let them run away!" The young kings of Sulling County said one after another, "If he escapes to Master Palm, he will definitely attract a huge number of soldiers! At that time, we will face the madness of Master Palm. Counterattack!"

Ding Hao still agrees with everyone's statement. Originally, he also wanted to send someone to chase and kill the roots.

But at this moment, there was news from the rear. It turned out that when Juling County sent a large number of soldiers to attack Tailing County, the Ting Beast in the Ting Beast Forest outside of Ju Ling County actually got news, thinking that this Good news for a Ting Beast massacre!

As a result, an astonishing number of Ting Beasts took advantage of the emptiness in the defense of Sulling County, and even slammed into the city, and many of them were powerful giant Ting Beasts!

"Never mind! Since they are going to escape, let them escape! Master Palm will send someone to attack, then he can only be blocked by soldiers, and the water will be covered!" Thinking of this, Ding Hao immediately ordered, "Leave some generals guarding the platform. Ling County, all the rest will return to Sul Ling County with me to fight against Ting Beast!"

When the team of Juling County returned to the county city, Ding Hao was shocked by the sight in front of him!

Although Ding Hao has gone through so many worlds, it is not the first time he has encountered a beast attack, but the sight in front of him still shocked him!

I saw in the mountains and forests outside, there were densely packed large and small beasts, and the number was extremely astonishing!

Moreover, the Ting Beasts here are very tall, looking from a distance, like huge mountains!

However, the tall Ting Beasts did not come down the mountain, and mainly the slightly smaller Ting Beasts attacked the county city.

This kind of thunder beast is also called Zaki, and there are so many, like a giant beast with a carapace all over its body, its moving speed is very fast, and its attack is very fast!

What is even more shocking is that outside the moat, there are huge white cocoons. These are the offspring born out of Zaghi's mother temporarily. These offspring are quickly conceived, and one after another Zaghi tears apart the white cocoons. Cocoon jumped out and attacked the city!

In the moat, Zaghi's corpses were already covered, and the moat was abruptly filled in a passage. After that, Zaghi and various other Thunder beasts launched a crazy attack!

When Ding Hao and the others arrived, the corner of Juling County had just been broken. A giant beast with a unicorn on its head kept shouting "If you don't surrender, you die!" Then, they kept hitting the city wall.

Under its impact, the city wall was overturned piece by piece, and with whom, millions of Zaghi rushed into the city madly!

Seeing this kind of sight, all of Ding Hao’s soldiers from the Beast Ling County were blushing. This is their home. Wife and children live in the city. If the city is broken, then according to the habits of these beasts, they must be slaughtered. city!

Ding Hao was shocked when he saw this scene, but he was also very angry, "Although many of these Ting Beasts speak human words! But after all, they are all beasts without human thoughts! When you encounter these things, you are not at all polite, all Kill!"

Ding Hao gave an order, and his army immediately entered the city and began street fighting with Zaji.


Standing on the back of the evil dragon, Ding Hao flew over the battlefield. There were many Zaji arrogant and jumped up high, trying to attack Ding Hao.

I saw him wave a big hand, his big sleeve moved downwards, and a powerful and boundless force crashed down!


Under his full blow, these Zaghi were immediately smashed, and the disgusting liquid and the harsh screams were suddenly confused!

"These monsters are all damned!"

Ding Hao's gaze swept across the city, and found that as long as he had his own army to deal with it, Zaki who had attacked the city could still be wiped out. The key now was the unicorn!

"You thing is still hitting the city, right?" Ding Hao flew over with the dragon's feet.

The unicorn is still yelling and bumping, and the city walls are knocked over by it!

"It's just that I still lack a weapon!" Ding Hao's current regret is that he still lacks a weapon in his hand and has no weapon to take advantage of.

But fortunately, he still has the trick of heaven and earth as a sword, and he can only continue to use it at the moment!

When he used this invisible knife composed of runes, it became huge from mid-air and cut it down!

Everyone was stunned to see that this huge unicorn was cut into two pieces by the knife from the waist!

"Don't surrender..." The unicorn roared, only to realize that all but his back waist had been cut off.

It was frightened and ran away, but it was a four-legged beast, and now it had two cut off, leaving only two front legs. After a few steps, it turned over and fell to the ground!

When it fell, Ding Hao punched again, smashing its unicorn.

After the unicorn shattered, a huge blood-red spar was rolled out from its forehead!

"Tingli Crystal! It's so big!"

Ding Hao once snatched the Golden Ting Crystal in Xia Tingyu, and he also had a huge evil crystal in his hand, but the blood red spar in front of him was obviously even bigger!

Seeing Ding Hao killing this unicorn monster, there was a cheer in the Beastling County. The people and soldiers were all encouraged, and everyone was more determined to fight against Zaji who had attacked the city!

Several sergeants below picked up this huge Tingli crystal and sent it to Ding Hao.

But Ding Hao waved his hand to signal them to send the crystal into the city. Ding Hao didn't need the Tingli crystal at all for his cultivation.

On the contrary, Ding Hao is very interested in the unicorn on the unicorn's forehead!

"I want to build a weapon, this unicorn is extremely hard, can it be used as the main material?"

However, at this time, Ding Hao’s ears heard the voice of Starfish, “Young patriarch, this one horn is not too precious! It does not meet your current strength! If you want to build weapons, here I am. There are several options, you can refer to it!"

After all, Xingyu came from the upper Ting domain, and his experience was extraordinary. He took out several weapons made of Ting beast materials from his memory and gave Ding Hao a choice. Ding Hao's eyes lit up when he saw it...

(End of this chapter)

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