Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2822: Colorless descendants

Chapter 2822 Colorless descendants

Chapter 2820 Colorless Descendants

"What is this place?"

When Ding Hao followed and rushed into the valley, he found that the tall beast he had been chasing after had lost its trace.

And in the middle of this valley, a beam of light rising to the sky stood upright there!

"This kind of sight has been seen in Tingsheng Valley!"

After Ding Hao succeeded in Tingsheng, he used to enter Tingsheng Valley for a short time. There were many huge beams of light. There were countless runes in the beams of light. When someone ascended from the lower realm, all the beams of light would be lit. Bright, runes will also appear!

The strange thing is that this place in front of you is not Tingsheng Valley, but a huge beam of light stands upright.

"The tall Ting Beast just now has obviously been hiding in the beam of light!"

Hearing Ding Hao’s question, Xingyu said, “In fact, this beam of light is nothing special, it is a kind of portal! Some portals will enter other counties, and some portals will enter some separate existence. Space! The history of the formation of these light beams is very long. They existed before our colorless system ruled the middle and lower levels of the world. No one knows who built it! Including the Tingsheng Valley, everyone only knows who to use and who I don’t know who created it!"

"That's it." Ding Hao nodded and asked again, "Will there be any danger after the beam of light in front of you enters?"

"I can't tell you this!"

Ding Hao hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to go in and take a look. After all, he wanted to find the angry beast, it was impossible not to take a little risk.

"Spirit of Tingyu, enter!" He gave an order, and the dragon under his feet slowly flapped its wings, leading him into the white beam of light in front of him.

When he entered, there was a white light in front of him. All his sight and his own sensing ability disappeared in an instant, but after another moment, his eyes lit up!

I saw that the tall beast that he had been chasing and killing was fiercely rushing towards him!

"I knew you were going to attack me here!" Ding Hao had prepared for a long time, his hands were frantically portrayed, and he wrote an astonishing number of runes in front of him!

He could actually use heaven and earth as swords and carve runes in midair; he could also use heaven and earth as shields and carve countless defensive runes!


A sound of shaking mountains, resounding in this space!

The Ting Beast attacked frantically, hitting Ding Hao's rune-built shield, the space was torn apart, and there were cracks everywhere in the void!

Ding Hao took advantage of the short opportunity before him to scan the space in front of him.

This is a small space like a cave. The level of the space may not be high. Ding Hao and his team's full-fledged battle inside has broken the space and cracked the sky!

Starfish suddenly exclaimed, "Ding Hao, this is a low-level space! Can't withstand your blow! If this space is completely broken, you will be finished, and you will be silent forever in this broken void!"

Ding Hao was startled when he heard it, and wanted to turn his head back.

It was discovered that the beam of light he came in flashed for a while, and then went out!


The space began to collapse, and everything in the space was destroyed in an instant!

Xingyu shouted, "Outside the space of Tingyu, there is boundless dying! Being in it, immortal or alive, it exists in an extraordinary form and can never answer the world of Tingyu!"

Probably feeling the danger, Ting Beast also madly fled towards the depths of the cave.

This peculiar space is really like a cave, winding and rugged, and the space behind it is constantly exploding. Ding Hao can only follow the Ting Beast to escape quickly.

Don't know how long it took to run, Ding Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.

At the end of the cave, there was another tall white beam of light. Ting Beast panicked and plunged into it.

Boom boom boom!

Amid the loud rumbling noise behind him, Ding Hao didn't even think about it, and plunged into the beam of light in front of him!


When Ding Hao entered the beam of light, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. There was a small bridge in front of him with flowing water and purple bamboos. It looked quiet and harmonious, but it was like a paradise!

"where is this place?"


Behind Ding Hao, the beam of light they came out also dissipated because the space in it was shattered.

Starfish looked at the world in front of him, but he could only smile and shook his head.

Just when Ding Hao doubted, in the purple bamboo forest not far away, there was a boom, the sound of fighting!

"Go and see!" Ding Hao rushed over and walked around a tall purple bamboo forest, suddenly enlightened.

I saw a group of very strangely dressed cultivators attacking around a rather tall beast.

"There are people here?"

Just when Ding Hao felt curiosity, the excited roar of the star fish suddenly sounded in his ears, "It's our colorless clan! Wodetian, finally saw the same clan! I said that our colorless clan has not been Complete extinction! As long as there is a small space, our colorless system can survive!"

"Is this a member of the same clan?" Ding Hao's expression changed. He looked at these cultivators again, and he found that these people's Tingli aura was colorless.

These cultivators had limited combat strength and could not beat the tall Ting Beast in front of them at all. Ding Hao hurriedly shot, pounced on several attacks, knocked the tall Ting Beast to the ground, and again used the rune knife to slash it. kill!

Seeing Ding Hao's shocking methods, these colorless clansmen knelt to the ground, expressing surrender.

Ding Hao's gaze swept over these people, and the clothes they wore were all styles from the ancient times of Zhongtingyu. Obviously these people have not been to Zhongtingyu for many years!

Then he said, "Do you have a leader waiting here? I want to talk to your leader!"

"Senior, please here!"

Under the leadership of Ding Hao, he bypassed the barriers of a few purple bamboo forests, and finally came to an open riverside clearing. Some seemingly practical and solid palace buildings were built along the riverside. Many people live here.

"People from outside!"

An old man walked out of the palace, his eyes were very vigilant, looking at Ding Hao; Ding Hao also looked at the old man, judging from the age of his Tingli breath, this old man is actually as high as one million years old. Old man!

"People from the outside world, the leader here is Cangkong."

"Cangkong." Ding Hao nodded and said, "Old senior, you don't need to be nervous, I am also a colorless tribe."

In order to appease these people, Ding Hao also took out his own evil crystal. After seeing this crystal, the old man Cangkong completely believed it, leading his people to kneel down and shouted excitedly, "I knew we were colorless. It will not sink forever! Someone has finally come to save us!"

Shu Huang waits for more information, you can go to see "New Agent Student", okay!

(End of this chapter)

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