Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2824: Great Sun

Chapter 2824

Chapter 2822

Although Ding Hao had decided, when he went out this time, he would take Cangkong and the others.

But after all, the space had just shattered, and the two pillars of light connecting the space had disappeared, and Ding Hao could not leave for the time being.

Therefore, Ding Hao stayed in this independent space, lived with Cangkong and other people, waiting for the restoration of the passage!


Middle Ting Domain, the cultivator control area, the most central area.

There is an independent prosperous city here, which does not belong to any county, nor does it belong to any county king, but is under the control of Zhangzun Mansion!

This is the most prosperous place in the entire Zhongting Region, with tall towers everywhere, wide streets and various shops on both sides.

On this day, a group of people and horses came from the street. These people were dusty and gloomy. The dragon-head wildebeests sitting down were all tired, and they were obviously not close.

"Where is the Palm Palace?"

A seemingly noble old man, sitting on top of the leading wildebeest in the center, looked quite imposing.

"Report to the father, you will be in the palm palace soon!"

"That's good!" This seemingly noble old man suddenly shot a flame of hatred in the eyes of the noble old man, "All the rebellious people in Beastling County completely surrendered to Ding Hao, sent troops to attack Tailing County, and forced my clan to possess what I had. The county takes it away! Now I am going to the Palm Sovereign Mansion to file a complaint, let the Palm Sovereign Lord support me, and send troops to eliminate Ding Hao and the rebellion!"

Thinking of this, this group of people quickly accelerated their pace again, and soon afterward, the very magnificent Palm Palace appeared in front of them.

Master Palm has been a leader in Zhongting Region for hundreds of millions of years. His subordinates are very powerful, and there are so many disciples and descendants. Therefore, his Palm Palace has been expanded again and again, and now it has become a city within a city!

When the group of them arrived, it was not so easy to see Master Palm.

After a long wait, they finally received the news.

"Master Palm, under the leadership of his advisers, go to do a very important thing! Everyone and other reporting affairs are waiting for news in the Palm Palace!"

The princes of Tailing County and their clans finally escaped to Zhangzun's Mansion, but they didn't expect that Lord Zhangzun was not there at all!

They had no choice but to find a secluded house within the palms of the palace. Everyone settled down. Fortunately, they had searched for an astonishing number of Tingli crystals in Tailing County for so many years. They lived there temporarily, but they had enough money. .

"Father! How long and how long do we have to wait here like this?"

After waiting for a while, the descendants of the old county king really couldn’t wait, so some of them suggested, “I’m waiting for the descendants of the masters who know a lot of masters. It’s better for us to look for these disciples and let them mobilize. People from other counties near Tailing County attacked Ding Hao and others!"

The old county king agreed, "It's so good! We don't expect to do great things alone now. As long as someone can help us, drive away Ding Hao, and retake Tailing County, we are already grateful!"

Although Master Palm is not at home, his disciples are numerous, and one of them is not only a disciple of Master Palm, but also the 18th-generation great-great-grandson of Master Palm-zun. This person calls himself a great-great-great-great-grandson, and his appeal is very strong!

After the great-great-great-grandson got the news, his face was joyful, "Palm ancestor, I usually treat me with much respect, but I can't report it in case! Now that he is not at home, I took a large number of soldiers and horses to Tailing. County, regain this county! Then you will also attack the Suling County! It's better to capture the rebellious Ding Hao as well! When the ancestor palm comes back, I will be overjoyed and pay more attention to me!"

Thinking of this, this great-great-grandson immediately recruited hundreds of disciples of Master Zhang Zun, and then sent a letter to dozens of counties and counties near Juling County and Tailing County, asking him to send troops and horses to cooperate in the battle!

The news was quickly responded, and hundreds of disciples expressed their willingness to participate in the war!

After the dozens of counties got the news, they immediately organized a large army of millions of people and quickly formed!

"Hahaha!" The old prince of Tailing County laughed loudly, "Ding Hao, do you think you can do whatever you want in the Central Ting Region with this strength? Now the army is issued, it will definitely crush you rebellious, completely into powder. People from Tailing County, I am willing to set out with the army and serve as the guide!"

Soon after, this army set out from Zhangzun Mansion in mighty force and rushed towards Tailing County.

Along the way, the counties and counties that the army passed through sent many people to fight for rebellion, making this army bigger and bigger and more numerous!

A few months later, this army has arrived in Tailing County. The number of the army has exceeded one million. The army is astonishing and the iron cavalry is rolling. Wherever it goes, the enemy is invincible!

The people who defended the city in Tailing County, after discovering that the army had attacked, wanted to take advantage of the high ground to block the conquering army.

However, the number of troops brought by the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson and hundreds of direct disciples of the masters of the palms, this super team will soon defeat all the sergeants who defend the city and recover Tailing County!

After the recovery, Tailing County's county prince became even more excited, and immediately said, "Kill all the captives under his hand! These rebellious people are also a curse to keep!"

"Yes! The rebellion of Sulling County is punishable by everyone!" Tian Xuan Sun immediately ordered that all soldiers from Sulling County beheaded to the public.

Even the people of Tailing County who were close to the Juling County when they were under the control of Juling County were all beheaded as traitors.

After the bloodbath of Tailing County, this army continued to set off to Juling County.


In the Beast Ling County, all the people waiting at this moment were panicked and pale.

"Old county king, we're done this time! A few months after Senior Ding Hao left, there is no figure now! Great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson came with an army of millions, and our little Beastling County couldn't stop it!"

The people in Juling County are like ants on a hot pot, extremely anxious and terrified.

Many of the fencers at the beginning are now complaining, "I knew this before, so I wouldn't follow Ding Hao's rebellion, otherwise there would be no such danger!"

Some people even suggested, "Why don't I wait to take down Uncle Yong and the young princess, and send them to the heavenly great-grandson, and then surrender! Maybe there is still a chance for me to wait!"

In response to these remarks, the old county king's face became cold, and he said word by word, "Heavenly Great-grandson and the others are here to destroy our Beast Ling County! Even if we surrender, it is only a dead end! At this moment, still Those who post these surrender speeches will be killed! At the same time, I gave the order that the entire county is mobilized and prepared to face the attack of millions of troops! As long as we wait one more day, there is hope that Senior Ding Hao will come back to save us!"

(End of this chapter)

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