Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2848: Fringe the Ancient Demon

Chapter 2848

Chapter 2846 Fringe The Ancient Demon

Fuxi's exit is definitely a boost to the human cultivator camp!

Originally, everyone didn't see any hope at all, Ding Hao and the ancient demon were inseparable, but for the human cultivator camp, it was a complete defeat!

If this confrontation continues, all the fruits of cultivation in the entire cultivator camp for several epochs will be destroyed!

In fact, Ding Hao is also extremely anxious in his own heart. He is not willing to destroy the cornerstone of the human camp with his own hands. However, he must be on the same level with the ancient demon!

But at this moment, Fuxi's exit was definitely a great help to Ding Hao!

But the key thing is, is there any result of Fuxi's retreat? Can you help Ding Hao after leaving the customs?

If Fuxi is only the strength before the retreat, then even if he leaves the retreat, it will not help!

"Fuxi!" Gu Mo's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth, "No wonder this kid Ding Hao is dying to the end. He is waiting for you to leave the customs! Good! I want to see what strength you have after you leave the customs?"

"After I leave the customs, of course it is the strength to kill you!"

Fuxi's face was full of confidence, his tall and mountainous figure, slowly moving forward!

When he walked around, his figure grew bigger and stronger like a mountain, especially when viewed from behind, it grew up slowly, and finally grew into a peak of heaven and earth!

"My God! What kind of exercise is this?" The human cultivators standing far away looked at Fuxi's tall back with shocked faces.

For the previous human cultivators, the method of cultivation was relatively simple. It was nothing more than using their own Tingli aura to call a large amount of Tingli, and then attacking the opponent! More subtle, the emitted Tingli will turn into the shape of a dragon and a tiger, or into a sword and a gun!

But a strange technique like Fuxi is unheard of by everyone!

"Roar!" Fuxi, who had grown into a huge body, suddenly yelled at the sky!

When he roared, the Tingli around his body also gathered frantically and poured into his body, making his body more and more powerful!

"Brother, you really have come up with the results of your research!" Ding Hao stood in the air, his long sleeves flying, and a smile of joy appeared on his face.

For other human cultivators, Fuxi’s behavior may be difficult to understand, but in Ding Hao’s eyes, it couldn’t be more clear!

Fuxi continued to follow his old path and worked out how to use Tingli that combines internal and external!

Fuxi didn't just call Tingli, but gathered these amazing Tingli into her body, and fully integrated with the power in her body. When integrated, all these powers were used to strengthen Fuxi's body!

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, this is just a crude exercise!

But this kind of exercise is actually the same as Ting Beast's cultivation method, and the cultivation method that the ancient demon got this time!


When Fuxi's physical body was fully enriched with the purest Tingli, from his pores, there were small and large fine crystals of Tingli rolling out like beads of sweat!

"Is he a human or a Ting beast? His body is like a Ting beast, with Tingli crystals appearing!"

The ancient demon was already stunned, and he faintly felt a little bad. Although Fuxi did not use the techniques left by the Gai Shixian clan, Fuxi's path was on the right path, which was similar to the changes in his ancient demon's body!

"How is it possible!" Gu Mo felt unbelievable, he was too aware of this change, the change to the internal structure of the body!

It is a physical training exercise, it is no longer a pure physical training, but Tingli physical training!

Refining his body to be as hard as the Ting Beast. Although this is a stupid technique, it has to be said that Ting Beast has experienced countless epochs by relying on this stupid method. Destroy it!

Boom boom boom!

The loud noise continued, and the huge Fuxi walked towards the ancient demon, and the ancient demon's heart slowly sank.

Now he is already under attack from his stomach and back, and the Purple Sword Art in the hands of Ding Hao is still cutting down. As long as there is a purple sword light that cannot be blocked, the ancient demon will be injured; and behind him, it is huge as a mountain. Fuxi is slowly approaching!

After gaining tremendous power and terrifying volume, Fuxi sacrificed his speed!

However, it doesn't matter if Fuxi's speed is slow. The so-called big work is unfortunate. Although he is a little slower, but the figure is large enough, the ancient demon wants to escape her Wuzhishan, how can it be so easy? !

"The third brother, this guy who is neither human nor beast, he is dead! We fought back and forth and cooperated twice! See where he escapes?"

As he spoke, Fu Xi had already rushed forward. With such a huge figure, he no longer had the right weapon for him!

He is like a thunder beast, his large and strong body is his weapon, his hands, legs, face, teeth and all other parts are his attack weapons!


Fuxi slammed a punch at the back of the ancient demon. The power of this punch shakes the mountains!

The ancient demon who was fighting Ding Hao wanted to avoid this punch, but found that he couldn't avoid it at all!

"It's over!" Gu Mo's hatred reached its peak.

Originally, with all his strength, it was enough to stop Ding Hao; and with the help of his cunning methods, he could constantly erode the foundation of human cultivators!

But seeing the victory just before him, there appeared a powerful Fuxi, no less than Ding Hao!

"I can not be reconciled!"

Although the ancient demon was unwilling in his heart, he was sensible and made a correct judgment, "Escape! Both of them are too strong, and I can do it against one! But now they are fighting me together, I Only escape!"

Gumo immediately gave up his attack and wanted to find a chance to escape!

However, he soon discovered that all his escape directions had been blocked by Ding Hao and Fuxi. Now he didn't want to win, and he didn't want to escape either!


Fuxi's punch was in the middle of the ancient demon, and directly knocked this guy's body out, hit the ground, and suddenly an extremely huge sinkhole appeared!

Before the ancient demon got up, Fu Xi raised his hand and punched out again, hitting it to fly again, and smashing it to the ground!

The ancient demon originally wanted to use the power of this fist to escape his body from the battle circle, but he soon discovered that the power Fuxi used was neither strong nor weak, just right! Never beat him too far!

Every time the ancient demon was knocked down, it was not far from Fuxi's body. As long as Fuxi followed one step, he could punch again!

Boom boom boom!

The ancient demon's footsteps retreated, and in the uncontrollable retreat, blood was already spilling in his mouth!

This is the blood of the ancient demon, which contains an astonishing amount of blood red Tingli, which will become a blood red crystal after landing!

(End of this chapter)

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