Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2862: Origin level monster

Chapter 2862 Origin Level Monster Beast

Chapter 2860 Origin Level Monster Beast

The ship-shaped flying palace flew in the sky for a full month. It seems that the destination is indeed very far away.

In this month, Ding Hao hastily read all the basic classics in his hand, and has a good understanding of the immortal survivors and the subworld. In this world, the power of the host system is really terrifying.

Almost everything is controlled by the host system. Ding Hao has also worried about whether the host system will malfunction, or the host system will run for too long and become a monster. These will cause great harm to the immortal survivors.

However, this is not the case. The host system has been running for hundreds of millions of years without major failures. That's because the host system still has this super powerful human control!

These super powerful people in control are not individuals, but some super powerful tribes!

Each of these super powerful tribes owns part of the host system's shares. Everyone gathers together regularly to vote to check the host system and change the rules!

"That's it! It turns out that it is not the host system on the surface that controls this world, but the huge tribe behind it!"

Just when Ding Hao was thinking, suddenly the palace owner, the ugly old man's voice, sounded from the ship-shaped flying palace.

Bone Baidao, "You fellow daoists, be careful. We will pass the protective barrier and enter the weaker area controlled by the host system, where it is likely to be attacked by monsters. Please stop practicing. I will keep flying at any time. Palace! Watch out, everyone!"

After receiving Gubai's alarm, Ding Hao put down the classics in his hand, opened the door of the quiet room, and walked out.

When he walked out, sister Nangong with a crescent mark on her eyebrows also walked out. She saw Ding Hao and nodded and smiled, "In the past month or so, she hasn't come out to be naughty. It seems that your kid is better than before. Grow!"

Ding Hao smiled, "Sister Nangong, I have recently become obsessed with studying the history of our immortal remnants and the method of controlling the eyebrow chakra. Let me see if you have any related classics."

"I have relatively few classics in this area," Sister Nangong said again, "You use the brow chakra to enter the host system and release the acquisition information in this area. I believe many people will sell it to you!"

"Right." Ding Hao smiled bitterly. If he can use the brow chakra, why should he do that?

As they were talking, the ship-shaped flying palace suddenly shook violently, and there was a loud rumbling noise outside.

"No! We are under attack!"

The people on the scene hurriedly walked out of the gate of the Flying Palace, and saw outside, a series of black arrows coming from the depths of the jungle below, like a rain of arrows, crazy!

"It's a black thorn monster! Quickly raise the height of the flying palace!"

With an order from Gubai, the ship-shaped flying palace immediately increased in height, getting higher and higher. The black arrow shot from below was limited in height and gradually out of its attack range!

And Ding Hao stood on the ship's gunwale and looked back, only to see a huge transparent light film behind them, and they had already come outside the light film at this moment.

"The light film is the safe area that the host system can control! Now when you step out of the safe area, the host system's control is very limited. No one cares if you die here! Even if you kill you, the host system won't Give punishment!" Gu Bai's wife said grimly.

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "Predecessors! I have always been mischievous in the tribe, and the points I have have long been squandered. Even if you kill me, you won't get a few points!"

Sister Nangong smiled, "They are playing with you, as long as you are obedient, no one will kill you!"

Ding Hao faintly felt that these people were not good people, if it weren't for this sister Nangong, I guess he would have been surrounded by these people long ago!

Ding Hao evaluated the strength of these people. It is considered to be a medium-upper strength in the sub-world. It is fine for him to deal with one person. If he can deal with more than two, it will be very difficult!

Just as they were talking, another black giant bird flew in the sky ahead.

Each of these giant birds has a huge rune, which roughly spreads out when flying, and the black body looks very mighty.

Gu Bai and his wife didn't care about Ding Hao either, and hurriedly went to control the ship-shaped flying palace to avoid these huge birds.

Ding Hao asked doubtfully, "Sister Nangong, the host system is fully capable of covering the entire sub-world! Why should such a huge non-safe area be released so that these monsters can grow here?"

"Don't you understand?" Sister Nangong explained with a smile, "The host system definitely has this ability, but why should these non-safe areas be released! It is for the growth of monsters, if this world is not allowed to have the opportunity to grow on its own , Then our sub-world will be over-exploited sooner or later! Just like the Tingyu outside! Let the monsters grow, let the plants grow, and let a part of this world maintain the original style, this is the best way to maintain !"

"There is indeed some truth." Ding Hao nodded slowly.

Just as they were talking, huge birds rushed madly. Although Gu Bai and his wife had tried their best to control the flying palace to avoid them, the flying speed of these flights was very fast, and they soon rushed toward them.

These huge black birds are like devil fish in the sea, each one is huge.

And under their bodies, there are as many as 36 huge claws, after flying, all these claws grabbed downward.

Some sharp claws grabbed onto the flying palace and smashed the ceiling and buildings of the flying palace in an instant; there were also some sharp claws, which attacked Ding Hao and the others madly, trying to catch everyone on board to death!

"Little guy, stand behind me!" Sister Nangong thought that Ding Hao was just a teenager and had little strength, so she quickly pulled Ding Hao behind her!

Then she began to trace with her fingers, quickly depicting a cyan rune, and then she stretched out her hand in front of her and grabbed it. The light and shadow of this cyan rune suddenly became a cyan long sword.

Sister Nangong held the cyan long sword in her hand and swung out the sharp claws she had grabbed from the sky!


This cyan long sword made of Fu culture is very sharp. With a swing of the sword, one nail of the sharp claw it grabbed was directly cut off!


One of the fingers of this bird of prey was cut off, and a sharp howling sound was heard from the mouth. The huge claws in all directions were madly grabbed towards this flying palace!

"Looking for death!" Sister Nangong's face was sharp, and her left hand quickly wrote a rune, which quickly condensed into a pink long sword.

Immediately, she pulled up from the ground with her large sleeves in a toga, carrying two long swords, one blue and one red in both hands. After flying into the air, she chopped back and forth. Suddenly, in the mid-air, one claw after another was cut off!

(End of this chapter)

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