Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2866: Young leader

Chapter 2866 Young Leader

Chapter 2864

These rune beasts chasing Ding Hao looked like tiger wolves, but their bodies were covered with fairy runes!

Obviously, these monsters have also been fed by fairy runes for a long time, so they have become very fierce, and their defense and combat power are quite amazing!

The Heavenly Purple Sword Art that Ding Hao condensed had also become much weaker at this moment.

The strength of the two compartments, one loss and the other, Ding Hao cut out with one sword, and the purple sword fell on the rune beast, without causing any harm!


Just when his attack was unsuccessful, a large number of rune beasts had already poured in, surrounding him, and a rune beast leaped up and rushed towards him!

The other rune beasts also seemed to be humans, surrounded by a circle, just watching the excitement and not attacking.

"One wants to kill me?"

Although Ding Hao knew that the environment was critical now, he still did not give up, fighting with this rune beast that came up!

Boom boom boom!

Ding Hao fought and rolled with this rune beast for a while, and raised his hand to take out the angry dragon cut he had used!

This thing was originally used by him to deal with the former palm, now it is also very handy!

"Before I used Tingli outside, and then used fairy runes! Now these two fighting methods are not suitable for me! On the contrary, it is Angry Dragon Slash, which is more suitable for me!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao held the Angry Dragon Slash in his hand and suddenly smashed this rune beast!

Although the rune beast's body is covered with runes, it is very hard and difficult to break!

But Anger Dragon Slash is also a hard weapon. With this weapon in hand, Ding Hao finally has the ability to protect himself!

In this way, the other rune beasts stopped watching, rushing up and rushing!

Bang bang bang!

The Angry Dragon Slash in Ding Hao's hand, rushing from left to right, was able to hold this large group of rune beasts out, unable to get close to his body!

The battle is constantly going on, Ding Hao is really fighting to the death, he feels that his strength is lost a little bit, but the survival instinct makes him still fight frantically!

The climate in the origin forest changed a lot. After a while, heavy rain began to fall again, which was even more unfavorable for Ding Hao!

"Is this really going to be over?" Ding Hao's body was entangled with rain, mud and blood, and the scene was very critical!

But even in such a tragic situation, a rune beast that seemed to be insufficiently powerful was still knocked over by the angry dragon!

"I would rather die than find a back cushion!" Ding Hao's body rushed out like a wild beast, pressing on the body of this rune beast, the angry dragon cut in his hand suddenly smashed down, wanting to take this rune beast. Kill it!

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from overhead, "This mother beast is pregnant, if you let it go, I will spare you not to die!"

Ding Hao heard the sound above his head, hesitated, and finally Angu Longzhan still did not drop it.

The mother beast that was suppressed by him just turned over and escaped.

At this moment, the rune beasts present all shrank to the side, Ding Hao looked up and saw five figures standing in the air.

The four were the masters of the Heita tribe he had seen, and in the middle of these four stood a grim old man whose eyebrow chakra was also the mark of the black tower. The old man held a scepter that looked like a withered vine. , Looks majestic, wearing a black coat!

At the moment the heavy rain was still falling, the old man suddenly raised his brow and shouted angrily, "What rain is it? Stop it for me!"

Under his violent drink, the rain in the sky stopped in fright. Ding Hao stood in the muddy water with many wounds all over his body. He was in a very bad condition, but his eyes were firm, and he raised his head to face. The old man asked, "Senior, if I let go of the mother beast, can I go?"

Ding Hao was still thinking about Sister Nangong. Although she had not been with this woman for a long time, she had to save him when she was dying. He also wanted to be able to save this woman and leave quickly to find this woman!

However, the old man in the black coat in the sky snorted coldly, "I said to spare you not to die, and I didn't say I want to let you go! I use fairy runes to raise beasts, of course it is better if one less person knows it! , But must be under my control!"

After the old man finished speaking, he said again, "Go and bring him to me!"

Suddenly, a strong man from the Black Tower tribe flew down. These strong men were very strong, but they didn't dare to stay in the Origin Forest for a long time. They just pulled up Ding Hao and took him into the air.

Ding Hao didn't struggle. At this moment, his condition was extremely poor, and he couldn't beat the people in front of him. If he resisted forcibly, he could only make this old man change his mind!

So he cooperated very much, and after flying with this person, he came to the old man.

"Young leader, I brought this person." Heita tribe's strong report.

This old man wearing a black coat turned out to be the young leader of the Heita tribe, and the rebellious beast that used runes to breed monsters. The scaled behemoths are the pets he feeds! Gu Bai and Sister Nangong formed a team to kill this scaled behemoth. It was a mission to find death!

The young leader is not too young. He is an old man. It seems that this person has a stubborn personality. He looked at Ding Hao and looked very cold!

He looked up and down Ding Hao, then stretched out his hand and said, "I haven't seen this weapon. Bring it over and show it to me!"

Ding Hao did not hesitate, cut the angry dragon in his hand and handed it to the young leader.

This weapon is made by the bones of the angry dragon of the thunder beast. The bones of the giant beasts in the sub-world are completely different from this, and the most peculiar thing is that there are no runes on this weapon, which is unacceptable for the remnants of the fairy clan imagination!

"There is no rune weapon?" The young leader was puzzled, and then said, "The power is still good, but the production is a bit poor!"

Of course, this weapon does not make him covetous. At the moment, he threw the angry dragon cut to Ding Hao, and said, "Boy, I will never allow you to leave! But my words count. , If you don’t look for death, you won’t die! Starting today, in the Forest of Origin, help me feed the rune beasts!"

Soon after, Ding Hao was taken by them to a cave in the forest.

The cave is very humid, and the environment is similar to that in the forest of origin, staying in it for a long time, always in a weak state!

Only then did Ding Hao understand why the young leader did not kill him, because the people of the Heita tribe were unwilling to feed the rune beasts here. The young leader kept him behind, asking him to do a free long-term job, even a slave!

But this is the end of the matter, Ding Hao knew that if he resisted, he would be a dead end! Can only stay here temporarily, while feeding the rune beast, while looking for a chance to escape here!

"Boy, don't try to escape! You can't escape. If you let me find out once, I will kill you!" The young leader snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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