Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2878: Simple combat compartment

Chapter 2878 Simple Battle Pod

Chapter 2876 Simple Battle Pod

In a month's time, it was not an easy task to have the third level of the Advanced Talismanic Association of the Sky-Through Purple Sword Art.

Fortunately, Ding Hao has a long-term research on the Heavenly Purple Sword Art. Although the primary rune of the first level is weak, it has laid the foundation after all. In order to learn this rune, Ding Hao, after a long period of practice, became his An advantage, it can be said that the foundation is very strong!

On this basis, he only spent less than ten days to thoroughly learn the intermediate runes of the second layer.

However, after learning runes, it is only the first step. To use runes to release sword tactics is the key.

"In this quiet room, there is no way to release a rune with combat effectiveness!"

"If I go outside to release rune battles, one will reveal my strength and trump cards, and second, it is very likely that I will be used by people like uncle Wangsun, and it will be no good to be accused of fighting and fighting by them!"

At the moment, Ding Hao pressed a finger on the center of his brows, communicating with the host system through the chakra.

After he became a member of the academy, the authority of the brow chakra was almost fully opened to him. He immediately used the shopping function and quickly found what he needed.

"The simple battle cabin, as long as one thousand points, can be delivered on the same day!"

He now only has two thousand points in total, and it costs half at once, which is quite painful!

However, there is no other way. The money that should be spent still has to be spent. He immediately used his points to pay and bought a simple battle pod!

This kind of purchase is quite convenient. In the afternoon, a ship-shaped flying palace came outside the Academy Mountain. Two young women walked down the flying palace and sent the battle cabin directly!

According to the regulations of the host system, almost all purchases of items are delivered to the door voluntarily, not through space.

"This is the simple combat pod?"

Ding Hao accepted the cargo and placed this simple combat cabin in his quiet room.

From the outside, it looks like a mobile toilet, but when you open the door and walk in, you find a dark space inside.

In the distance of space, there are stars twinkling, as if standing in space, all around is quiet.

"Welcome to the simple combat pod! Do you want to start a simulated battle immediately, or practice alone?"

"Start alone training mode first!"

Ding Hao gave an order, standing in the void, his fingers began to depict runes.

This time he couldn't wait to portray the intermediate rune he just learned. When the rune was written, he immediately raised his finger and spit out a few words, "Through the sky purple sword art!"

Immediately, the intermediate rune in front of him suddenly turned into a huge sword, and this purple sword shadow rose into the sky!

Like a purple giant mountain, Ding Hao's eyes dazzled, his fingers lifted, and he pointed forward, spitting out two words mercilessly, "Kill!"

When this sword was slashed down, the space rumbling sounded, the power of this sword was so powerful that it was so powerful that it was more than dozens of times stronger than the Heavenly Purple Sword Art that Ding Hao used before!

"Sure enough!"

Ding Hao waved his sleeves in ecstasy and dissipated the purple giant sword in front of him.

Then he used both hands to depict runes at the same time. This time, his left hand depicts intermediate runes, while his right hand depicts primary runes!

When two runes of different levels were successfully portrayed, his eyes flashed solemnly again!

"Tongtian Purple Sword Art!"

When he shouted again, he suddenly appeared in the air, two giant swords that reached the sky!

It can be seen that the size of the purple giant sword released by using the primary rune and the intermediate rune is the same size!

However, there is a huge difference in power!

He communicated with the simple combat cabin with his heart, and ordered, "Enter combat mode!"

The simple battle compartment is still relatively low-level, and the combat phantoms that can be released are not high enough, equivalent to the ordinary beasts in the origin forest. Suddenly, these large numbers of beasts rushed towards Ding Hao from the starry sky from all directions. !


Ding Hao gave an order, and both hands commanded different sky-reaching purple sword arts at the same time, to kill forward!


In the huge sword light, countless beast figures carried a torn piece on their back, and finally turned into fine powder and disappeared without a trace.

"Cut it again!"

In the starry sky, two giant swords cut back and forth, and I don’t know how many phantom beasts were shattered in the sword light!

Ding Hao's continuous beheading is not because he thinks it is funny, but because he wants to feel an evolutionary power from two different runes!

"What is it that can transform a low-level rune into a middle-level rune? What is the change in the content of the rune? What is the change in the released Heavenly Purple Sword Art? Why are two purple swords of the same size different in power? ten times!"

As time passed day by day, Ding Hao spent a lot of time feeling it!

In the simple battle cabin, he stayed for ten days before finally grasping the power of rune evolution!

"How did runes evolve? What is the direction of evolution? This is something I must master!"

"If I go directly to study advanced runes, it will be totally confused. 20 days are not enough!"

"But I spent ten days studying the direction of rune evolution, then I can vaguely understand, what principle did the intermediate rune evolve into the advanced rune?! Sharpening the knife without accidentally cutting wood, the rest is In the past ten days, maybe it is really possible for me to learn advanced runes!"

While Ding Hao continued to study hard, some people were paying attention to his actions.

Rong Ke, the principal of Sifang Academy, sat in his spacious palace, looked out the window, and asked, "Host system, help me check the situation of the new student Ding Hao I brought back! What is he doing these days? The fourth elimination assessment is about to go, and I hope he will not let me down!"

The host system has existed in countless epochs in the sub-world and has been widely used. The dean of the academy also borrowed the capabilities of the host system to manage the academy.

The host system is like a little butler of his academy. What you want to find, or the situation of a certain student, can be answered immediately.

After a short review, the host system quickly sent some images and texts to the Dean Rong Ke through the round book between the eyebrows.

"Since this kid entered school, he closed the door and hid himself in the quiet room to practice!"

"As I expected, his classmates discriminated against him very much. His tutor did not let him listen to a class. These days, he has been practicing in retreat and he doesn't know what he is cultivating?" Rong Ke felt it all. A hint of curiosity.

"He also ordered a simple combat pod! This shows that he is not playing these days, but is indeed practicing!"

Seeing these, Rong Ke was a little curious, "There will be a few days left for the fourth elimination assessment. I will go and see it myself when that happens!"

(End of this chapter)

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