Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2903: Deputy Dean makes things difficult

Chapter 2903 Deputy Dean makes things difficult

Chapter 2901 the vice president makes things difficult

Ling Xing is a veteran student, has a lot of friends and knows the situation around the college very well.

He opened the mouth and said, "The point black market near the academy does not have a large transaction volume, so it is not opened every day! It only opens every half a month! When the point black market opens next time, I will take you there! The one I know The points black market is quite high-end, and you need someone to introduce you to enter! Then I will be your introducer!"

When Ding Hao heard this, his face suddenly smiled, "That would be great."

After chatting with Ling Xinghan Meijie for a while, Ding Hao breathed a sigh of relief as these two people left!

The points returned to positive points, but he still has three months of labor; according to the host system's regulations, these three months of labor should be completed within one year, and there is no need to do it immediately!

And during the three-month labor period, you can receive various tasks!

"When I settle down in all aspects in the academy, I will complete this labor! At that time, I can still receive the task, and it will be a trial out!"

He made up his mind, walked into the standard battle compartment again, and issued an order in his mind, "I will immediately attack me with the strongest large-scale attack!"

Suddenly, in the starry sky in front of him, a surprising number of monsters and cultivators appeared. Because of the strongest intensity, the number and cunning degree of enemies were also very high. At a glance, Ding Hao was surrounded by densely densely populated areas. !

"Come just right!"

Ding Hao immediately applied what he had learned in the Austrian time class to practice, releasing an astonishing number of huge purple sword shadows.

The spiritual power of the sword shadow soaring to the sky was around Ding Hao's body. He moved his eyes and raised his hand and shouted, "Kill!"

I saw these huge purple sword shadows, and they crashed down at the same time, wherever they went, everything was cut!

Boom boom boom!

With constant loud noises, an astonishing number of enemies were all beheaded and turned into ashes in the shadow of these swords!

"Using the method of Aobo's instructor, sure enough, the success rate has been further improved!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao took out the rune pen he bought last time. This rune pen is blank and can write any three runes!

He wrote the high-level runes of the soaring Zijian Jue into it, and then he held the rune pen, and suddenly one after another, exactly the same high-level runes were written in an instant!

"Haha! This is really cool!"

The biggest feature of the rune pen is that it can write runes quickly, and every rune has exactly the same standard!

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of purple sword shadows stood up around Ding Hao's body. When Ding Hao's eyes condensed, his fingers pointed downward, and he uttered a word in his mouth, "Cut!"

Hundreds of huge purple sword shadows soaring into the sky, slashed down like petals blooming in all directions!


In the starry sky at this moment, the scene is very magnificent, like a fascinating flower blooming, Ding Hao standing in the center of this flower feels the same shock in his heart!

"The runes of the survivors of the immortal clan are really terrifying! I am still only a high-level rune. If I can get the top rune of the Sky-Through Purple Sword Art in the future, I don’t know how powerful it will be after I practice. terrible!"

Ten days passed in a flash.

Many instructors are busy in the middle class assessment area of ​​Sifang Academy.

The middle-level class, like the lower-level class, is assessed four times a year. These four assessments determine whether many students are going down or up. Therefore, for the tutors, it is also very important.

While the instructors were busy checking the formation runes in the palace, they were all talking.

"Tutor Aobo, how is the cheating student in your class?" a tutor asked.

"Cheating student? You are talking about student Ding Hao!" Ao Bo said with a smile, "Although this guy has a special way of entering the academy, according to my observations, he is very diligent in learning and practicing, and he has his own understanding of cultivation. And the qualifications are excellent, and the speed of cultivation is very fast!"

"No!" Several instructors around came up, "Obo, I didn't expect you to have such a high evaluation of this student! Even if he rises from the lower class, he is not as good as you said?"

Ao Bo said, "I'm seeking truth from facts! He is really powerful. When he was ascended from the lower class, his success rate in using advanced runes was only 50%! Now, his success rate has reached 90%!"

"So fast! It's only three months!" The faces of the instructors who were present changed.

Another instructor said, "If this is the case, then he is absolutely qualified to enter the upper class!"

Just as they were talking, a very imposing old man walked in.

"It's the deputy dean who manages the upper class, Li Rosen!" When the tutors saw the deputy dean arriving, they all kept silent and acted cautiously.

Li Luosen said, "Teacher Aobo, I just received a message from Dean Rong Ke! He told me to check the assessment of Ding Hao. If he meets the requirements for entering the upper class, then let him enter. Upper class!"

Only then did everyone understand the reason why the deputy dean arrived, and the instructor of Olympic Games quickly replied, “Deputy Dean Li Luosen, Ding Hao’s success rate of using runes is now as high as 90%! There should be no problem in the assessment!”

"Really?" In the heart of Deputy Dean Li Luosen, he was very upset with Ding Hao.

Although he once said at the time that as long as Ding Hao’s success rate reaches 90%, he can enter the upper class; however, he is not positive about this matter. If Dean Rong Ke had not notified him, he would definitely report this matter to him. Delay afterwards!

But now that Dean Rong Ke sent him a notice, he had to come.

However, even though he came reluctantly, he was still reluctant to accept Ding Hao into the upper class.

He spoke word by word, "Recently, our upper class is overcrowded. According to the college's floating standards, I have the right to determine the conditions for recruiting new recruits for the upper class! In this case, a 90% success rate is definitely not good! At least 95%. %, or even 100%! If you don't meet this requirement, it's not a genius recruited by our upper class, then stay in your middle class!"

"What!" Instructor Aobo and other middle-level instructors on the scene looked at each other, saying that this is too trivial!

The assessment criteria can be adjusted anytime and anywhere. Just one sentence from the Deputy Dean Thali Rosen made the difficulty a lot more difficult. With a 95% success rate, even for those students who have entered the upper class, at least half of them have reached it. Not! Why should Ding Hao be required to do it? The Deputy Dean Li Luosen was obviously squeezing Ding Hao on purpose!

But even so, this is the power of the deputy dean, even if Dean Rong Ke comes here, it won't help.

Teacher Aobo only secretly said in his heart, Ding Hao doesn't know how you have practiced in the past ten days? Has the success rate increased to 95%!

(End of this chapter)

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