Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2916: Dungeon crisis

Chapter 2916 Dungeon Crisis

Chapter 2914 Dungeon Crisis

Only when you enter the safe zone controlled by the host system can you accept the task.

The rebels of the fairy clan like to live outside the safe area for a long time, so when Ding Hao and the others killed in, the rebels of the fairy clan discovered the danger!

Ho Ho Ho!

When Ding Hao and the others rushed into the underground passage and were about to reach the end of the passage, a surprising number of three-talisman black wolves sprang up from the opposite side, roaring and rushing!

"Kill me!" The Maoman captain's eyes condensed, and everyone tried their best to make a move without mercy.

When Ding Hao and the others had only five people, they were besieged by these three-symbol black wolves and were in danger!

Today, their strength has greatly increased, the situation has also been reversed, and each team has made every effort!

This kind of artificially created Three Talisman Black Wolf is not valuable, but every time one kills one represents a lot of effort in the mission, so everyone rushed to take out their strongest attack and make every effort to kill!

Standing among all of your teammates, Ding Hao continued to depict runes in his hands, and he used the streamer half-moon cut of the primary runes.


A huge golden crescent light and shadow slashed out suddenly, looking very spectacular.

But when this crescent light and shadow hits a three-talisman black wolf, it has no effect! The Three Talisman Black Wolf was just beaten and rolled, and pounced again!

Ding Hao was not discouraged, and continued to use his fingers to portray runes, this time he portrayed the intermediate runes of Flowing Light Banyue Slash!

When his rune characterization was completed, his fingers slammed the magic trick, wanting to turn this intermediate rune culture into a golden crescent cut!



This intermediate rune didn't turn into Crescent Moon Slash, but exploded in midair, turning into a ball of light and shadow dust!


Coming down with the Maoren team, and other team members, they couldn't help laughing when they saw Ding Hao.

Someone said, "Ding Hao, the outside world tells you how talented you are! Even Di Ye wants to recruit you to join his team! But I think you are only as good as this! First strike an attack, the power is too weak; then write one Rune, it didn't work! What are you doing?"

Everyone was a little dizzy when they saw Ding Hao like this, and they said to the legendary new genius of the college, how could this happen?

Before Ding Hao spoke, other people in his team explained to him, "He must be learning to use new runes. It is inevitable that the error rate will be higher!"

"It turned out to be like this." Everyone suddenly realized.

A member of the other squad said, "I seem to have heard that the Banyue tribe has a powerful combat technique called Flowing Banyue Slash! It is said to be very difficult to cultivate! Not many people have successfully practiced in history, could it be you? Is this rune for cultivation?"

Ding Hao did not hide it, nodded and smiled bitterly, "The success rate is indeed very low! But I just started, try to practice for a while!"

"No, no." Some people shook their heads arbitrarily. "History has proved that this exercise is difficult to practice and it is a waste of time! I think you might as well learn other powerful exercises when you have time. I have several sets of exercises here. I bought it! How about? It’s cheaper and transfer it to you!"

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "I don't have enough points at all! And my streamer and crescent cut is a technique passed down by our tribe's ancestors! If I can't learn it by myself, I'm sorry for the ancestors!"

Although Ding Hao said so, others were quite disapproving, because the chance of success in this kind of exercise was very low, and Ding Hao was a waste of time.

Regardless of what others said, Ding Hao continued to use the Intermediate Rune of Streaming Half Moon Slash. After using it many times, he finally succeeded once!

"Success!" Ding Hao's face was happy.

To say that this streamer half moon slash is really powerful, the damage caused by the intermediate rune is almost close to the high-level rune of the sky-passing purple sword!

"This is a good thing!" Ding Hao was secretly delighted. The power of the intermediate rune is close to the high-level rune of the Heavenly Sword Technique; then the high-level rune of Flowing Light Banyue Slash is directly equivalent to the top rune of the Heavenly Purple Sword Technique. !

However, other people still disagree. History has proved that this exercise is difficult to practice, and no matter how good it is, what effect does it have?

Under everyone's full bombardment, the three-talisman black wolf was finally repulsed, and all backed out from the passage!

Ding Hao failed to use a large number of intermediate runes, so the number of three-talisman black wolves killed in this round was limited, and only one was killed!

But he was still very happy, because he had successfully tested the Intermediate Rune twice in a row!

"I have been prepared in my heart. Streaming Half Moon Slash is so powerful because of its complexity! You want to release such powerful runes and want to cast spells easily? How is this possible! Want to learn this combat technique, You have to work harder!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao didn't care if he killed only one, and took the three-talisman black wolf into his bag.

Others killed a lot of them, there were three and five, and one even killed nine!

These three-character black wolves are not valuable, but they represent the completion of the task, and will get more points rewards by then!

Everyone came out of the passage, and the scene in front of them shocked them.

I saw that there was a very complex city under the ruins of this ruin, with numerous buildings and vertical streets!

When they walked in, they saw that there were other squads also coming in from other passages!

"This is a huge underground city!" Everyone was stunned.

The Mao man hurriedly pressed his hand on his eyebrows, searched, and quickly found some information, "Back then, Sifang Academy did build an underground city pool underground, which was later abandoned! Even the drawings of the underground city have long been lost! "

An Ye said, "If this is the case, it will bring us very difficult! All the rebellious immortals should be hidden in this huge city! The number of rebellious immortals is likely to far exceed our expectations! The number of task personnel for a hundred people is probably not enough!"

Everyone's expressions are all white, and I didn't expect that the host system made a calculation error. There are probably more than five immortal rebels hidden here!

"What to do? Should we stop performing the task and go back to apply for the host system again?" another team leader asked.

"It's too late." The Maoman captain shook his head. "We have already alerted these immortals to rebellion! If we don't wipe them out this time, they will run away! At that time, the vast Origin Forest, we Where to find them again?"

"Not bad!" said another captain who looked very prestigious, "Even if there are more rebellious immortals, it is a good thing! I believe the host system will definitely add bonus points! Can we not beat a hundred of us? How many of them?"

(End of this chapter)

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