Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2941: Kuri Nakamura

Chapter 2941 Tree Village

Chapter 2939 Tree Village

Ding Hao walks in the Origin Forest, and he will not be affected by the weakening effect of the Origin Forest at all.

In fact, the rebellious immortals who have been active in the origin forest for a long time have already adapted to the environment here, and are very lowly affected by the weak effect of the origin forest.

Therefore, Ding Hao walked in the Origin Forest for three days, and he encountered the first batch of rebellious immortals who stepped up on their own initiative.

"Friend, what do you call?"

These immortal rebellious people still had a certain sense of alert at the beginning. There were three of them, each of whom was covered by black robes, and they couldn't see their looks or which tribe they came from.

"My name is Ding Hao, and I am a student of Sifang Academy."

I heard that the three rebellious immortals were students from Sifang Academy, and their expressions suddenly changed. In general, fewer students from the academy became rebellious immortals!

Obviously you can feel the alertness of these three people, Ding Hao didn't explain, and asked again, "Three seniors, I want to go to the ancient immortal site to find someone this time. I don't know how to take this road?"

"Guxian Ruins?" The three rebellious people were surprised. Guxian Ruins are the most rebellious place of the immortal clan. What is this young man going there for?

"Who are you looking for?" a rebellious fairy asked vigilantly.

Ding Hao took out the ancient rune and said, "It is this classic that I gave to my predecessors. In practicing this classic, I learned a lot of knowledge that the academy did not teach me before, but I also have a lot of doubts! I want to find this senior and let him solve my doubts!"

"Let's take a look." The level of these fairy clan rebellious theory is actually quite high. A simple look at this ancient rune will reveal the power of rebellion.

"Haha! This ancient rune preaches our spirit of resistance. We need more fresh blood to fight against the host system. This is the only opportunity for the survivors of the immortal clan, otherwise they will be enslaved by the host system!" Rebellion handed the rune to Ding Hao.

One of them said again, "Young man, I think you have just joined us! It has always been easy to go to Guxian, but we hope you will go to our residence for a while! Maybe you haven’t really integrated Be your own rune beast! I think you are worth a try!"

Ding Hao knew that these people were still not at ease about themselves, fearing that they were spies sent by the host system, so only if they merged to create a rune beast and did such things against the will of the host, would they completely believe in themselves!

"Then go to your residence as a guest for a while, I would also like to fuse Rune Beast!" Ding Hao had already agreed with Yuan Qi, he did something that violated the host system's order, and he won't be affected by anything in the future. Punishment.

Ding Hao followed these three rebels and walked into the forest of origin.

In front of a huge tree, the three stopped.

Just when Ding Hao was puzzled, the three of them pressed the chakra between their eyebrows, and then walked directly into the big tree.

"That's it, I can't think that the immortal clan would be rebellious and would use the chakra like this!" Ding Hao nodded, this way of entering is almost exactly the same as the way of entering the monster tavern.

It's just that this is located far away from the host's security zone, and the host system can't manage it at all.

Looking at an ordinary big tree from the outside, only after entering it was discovered that it was a dark cave. The immortal clan had nothing to say about rebelliousness. He took Ding Hao into the dark cave and walked for a long time before his eyes lit up.

There is a huge cave with a large area and a small village inside. There are several such passages around the village.

"Sure enough, the rebels of the immortal clan cunning the Rabbit Three Caves, no matter which channel is found, they will escape through other channels!"

Ding Hao looked at the small village in front of him. There were hundreds of rebellious immortals living in it. These rebellious immortals knew each other, and each of them brought some rune beast pets they raised.

"More than a hundred immortals are rebellious!" Ding Hao was shocked. If he reported this to the organization, the number of points he would get would be quite astonishing!

However, Ding Hao knew that there was only a small part of the task in front of him, and he would remember these in his heart, and he would bring a large army to destroy it in the future.

"He is going to the ancient immortal site. He is a newcomer! The genius of Sifang Academy came after seeing the rune of the master Huanglong!"

Listening to the low voices of the rebels of the fairy clan, Ding Hao was surprised secretly. It seems that these rebels of the fairy clan are closely connected!

And the rebellious ancient rune in his hand, these immortal rebellious also know, and even know that the author of this ancient rune is Master Huang Long!

"Master Huang Long, I don't know if this person is the one who sold me runes!" Ding Hao thought to himself.

At this moment, a rebellious fairy came out and took the initiative to take off his headgear. It can be seen that this is a middle-aged man from the Aquarius tribe.

Ding Hao was surprised again in his heart. The Aquarius tribe can be regarded as a relatively large tribe among the immortal survivors. The Aquarius tribe even owns shares in the host system! Such tribes also have fairy clan rebellion!

The middle-aged man of the Aquarius tribe seems to be the person in power in this village. He took the initiative to take off his headgear to show his friendship, and smiled, "Welcome you young man to join the ranks of resisting the host system! We are called immortals The clan is rebellious, but we ourselves think that we are rebels! Our goal is to have another rune beast chaos! Last time the rune beast chaos forced the host system to withdraw many lines of defense, and now the immortal remains can only After living on the mountain, our next goal is to compress the line of defense again!"

Ding Hao secretly said in his heart, I don’t know how many people died during the Rune Beast Rebellion. These people actually want to do it again, really wanting to destroy the entire immortal remnant! Moreover, within the scope of the host system management, the survivors of the immortal tribe can live and work in peace and contentment. Is it that you want to live in the tree hole of the origin forest?

Although thinking like this in his heart, Ding Hao couldn’t show it on his face. Instead, he quickly said, "My friends, what you said is too esoteric. I am just a newcomer! I don’t know much about this rune classic, I just want to Try it..."

These people were very satisfied with the "panic" and "uncertain" that Ding Hao showed. The middle-aged man from the Aquarius tribe laughed and said, "It doesn't matter, you are all family members here, and we will help you! My name is Lu Heng, You can find me for anything you want here. I think you'd better create your own rune beast first!"

Ding Hao nodded quickly, "I really want to build a rune beast that can be ridden, so that I can be more convenient in the Origin Forest!"

According to the laws of the host system, man-made rune beasts are illegal, and they are the rebellion of the fairy clan. Only when Ding Hao has created his own rune beasts can he be regarded as submitting the certificate of casting and can gain the trust of these people!

Sure enough, these fairy clan rebellious all became happy, and a fairy clan rebellious said, "We have many beasts here, I can take you to choose!"

(End of this chapter)

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