Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2955: Unexpected gift

Chapter 2955 Unexpected Gift


The knife was sharp and cut the black leopard's throat. This guy was not dead.

Ding Hao's knife cut into the black leopard's body again, found a weird rune hidden inside, and cut it into pieces!

This weird rune is actually the heart of the black leopard. This black leopard is no longer a simple rune beast, but an intelligent life that can obtain all the information and will of Master Huanglong through the rune!

Seeing this kind of sight, Ding Hao couldn't help but sigh, "Honored Master Huang Long's attainments in runes are absolutely top-notch! To be able to achieve this kind of ability, the super powers in the entire host system, I am afraid the theoretical level is very different!"

A strong man like Yuan Qi, as the leader of the strongest, has reached the pinnacle of strength;

But the theoretical level of its true runes, in Ding Hao's view, does not necessarily surpass that of Huang Long!

"Master Huang Long, a generation of Tianjiao, I didn't expect to die like this!" Ding Hao sighed, pressing directly on the chakra between his brows and taking the body of the black leopard in front of him.

Then Ding Hao took off the rune from the native rune giant python. If this native rune is a treasure, it can usually be sold for a good price.

After all this, Ding Hao walked out of the cave.

When he returned the same way, and not long after he walked, he received the news that the strongest was super-constant.

"Ding Hao, how is your side? The battle here is completely over. Would you like me to help?"

Ding Hao smiled slightly.

This strongest person is super-constant, seemingly cold, but in fact he is a good person and can be a friend; and after several contacts with everyone, Chao-heng has also valued Ding Hao, so he took the initiative to contact.

"The strongest sir, help is not needed! I'm on the way back now. If it's convenient for you, come pick me up!"

Ding Hao didn't have a ship-shaped flying palace, and he flew very slowly in the Origin Forest, so it would take a day if he walked back on both legs.

"I'm here!" Chao Heng didn't talk nonsense, and it only took a quarter of an hour to arrive in front of Ding Hao.

"How fast!" Ding Hao stood on the super-constant flying palace dedicated to the strongest and said in his heart, "When can I get this flying palace?"

"Almost!" Chao Heng laughed, "I heard that Chief Yuan Qi said, this time you have made great contributions and will sponsor you to train the strongest! I entered the strongest training at the beginning, and trained secretly for half a year. Time, I have been the strongest student for half a year; then he became the quasi-strongest. After three years of mission, he became a truly qualified strongest and was awarded this special flying palace!"

"No," Ding Hao said annoyed. "Even at the speed of your genius, it will take me at least three and a half years to get this flying palace!"

"Three-and-a-half years is still long?" Chao Heng looked at Ding Hao in an angry voice, "Some people have pursued them for a lifetime, and can't even cultivate the strongest?"


Seeing Ding Hao's unwillingness, Chao Heng smiled again, "You are not qualified to use a flying palace like mine, but you can buy a flying palace yourself."

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "My lord, the strongest, don't laugh at me! The most trash flying palace costs tens of thousands of points. A little bit faster costs hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of points! I'm just one Poor student, let’s tell you, I still have thousands of points. I think it’s quite a lot! How easy is it to buy a flying palace?"

Chao Heng smiled, "It's actually very easy. Know? This time because a super powerful rune monster appeared, it turned out to be a ten thousand talisman giant monster! So the host system has added a lot of bonus points. The total reward amount has reached 200 million points! So this time we will make a lot of money and you will also get a lot of points, so buying a Flying Palace is nothing for you!"

"Two hundred million points!" Ding Hao was dumbfounded. This mission is probably the host system. The mission with the highest point reward in history is!

"Almost! Anyway, I have been the strongest member of the immortal clan for so many years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a huge amount of points!" Chao Heng said with a smile, "and this time we beheaded that ten thousand talisman giant monster. With respected teacher Huang Long, the mission level has reached the highest level, and you can win all the 200 million points without discount!"

Ding Hao said with emotion, "No wonder you are going to chase Venerable Master Huang Long, and Chief Yuan Qi is going to kill the ten thousand talisman giant monster! It turns out that you are all going to grab the greatest credit, and you are the ones who benefit most from this mission! "

"Look at what you said." Chao Heng blushed as Ding Hao said, "Venerable Master Huang Long is the culprit, and his strength is strong. If I ask you to chase and kill Venerable Master Huang Long, you will not be able to fight him! Besides, After I get the points, you will be indispensable!"

Ding Hao smiled, "You are thin-skinned, let me just say it casually, if you give me points privately, I won't refuse, give me half, then the best!"

"You want to be beautiful." Chao Heng cursed angrily and said again, "But really, thanks to you this time! Otherwise, Master Huang Long will run away, and I won't be able to get such a high mission. Completeness! I want to help you this time."

Ding Haoqi asked, "What are you doing for me? Apart from transferring the points to me, is there any unexpected gift?"

"When the time comes, you will naturally know!" Chaoheng smiled triumphantly, did not speak, and stood at the front of the flying palace with his arms folded.

The flying palace was really fast, and before speaking, he had already returned to the ancient immortal site.

After seven days and seven nights of battle, all the rebellious immortals here have been wiped out, and there are many people left who are cleaning the battlefield.

According to the mission regulations, in addition to some important targets, other small targets, the spoils obtained after the beheading, are privately divided among the hunters who participated in the battle.

Therefore, now that the battle is over, there are still many people doing the final cleaning here, even the corpses of the fairy clan rebellious and fusion rune beasts are not spared. These corpses can be exchanged for credits as credits when they get into the host system.

Chao Heng and Ding Hao walked down from the flying palace and said, "You wait here for a while, I have received news that Chief Yuan Qi is having a meeting with the strongest, I will go to the meeting!"

"Then you are busy."

Although Ding Hao made great contributions in this mission, he was not the strongest, so he could not participate in the memories of the strongest, and could only wait outside.

But while Ding Hao was waiting, he saw an acquaintance.

"Isn't that Ding Hao?"

Five sturdy figures walked across. These five came from a small team. Three of them knew Ding Hao, but the relationship between them didn't seem to be very good.

"Leng Sen, Uncle Prince, Uncle Wangsun!" Ding Hao frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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