Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2967: Black ship

Chapter 2967 The Black Ship

Chapter 2965 Black Ship

"Try me!"

After Ding Hao refined the flying palace, he immediately boarded it and flew around in the trash mountain!

"Very good, really great!" Not long after, Ding Hao flew back with satisfaction, with a look of joy on his face.

Although this flying palace is slightly inferior to the flying palace at the foot of Chaoheng, it is much better than other flying palaces! Whether it is speed or stability, it can be called the top!

And most importantly, this kind of flying palace is much smaller than that of the ship-shaped flying palace. It can be suitable for standing on top of the battle. It is very versatile and very fast!

Ding Hao excitedly said, "I haven't traveled too many places in recent years, and I can only pick up missions nearby! However, if I have this flying palace, I can pick up all the missions of the entire sub-world. The speed is too high. Hurry up! Good things, really good things!"

Chao Heng said that he would give him a surprise, but now it seems that it is really a surprise.

Feiman smiled, "Of course it's a good thing! I don't know how many people are waiting to buy it, and the price is very cheap, as long as you have 500,000 points!"

"Cheap, really cheap!"

Although 500,000 points can buy ten of the lowest flying palaces, they are the lowest flying palaces, which are completely incomparable with the flying palaces at Ding Hao's feet!

"Very good, I bought it!" Ding Hao immediately traded and bought the flying palace!

After the purchase, Ding Hao and Feiman exchanged runes again, so that in the future, Ding Hao himself can contact Feiman. If there is any good thing, Feiman can keep it for himself!

"We will leave soon." Ding Hao will go to other places with Chao Heng immediately. Before leaving, he said to Fei Man again, "Next I am going to participate in the test of the strongest, and I want to create a rune. Weapons! So please help me pay attention to the items related to the assessment and rune weapons, thank you very much!"

Feiman is also a polite person, nodding and smiling, "You are a super-constant friend, that is, my friend, I will help you pay attention."

After completing the transaction, Ding Hao and Chao Heng stepped on a golden flying palace and flew out of the huge wind tunnel.

After he came out, the sky became wider. Ding Hao urged the flying palace with all his strength and flew a great circle. Then he flew back to Chao Heng comfortably and said with a smile, "Chao Heng, thank you very much this time. !"

Chao Heng smiled slightly, "I feel right to be friends with you, no need to thank you, and I will join the ranks of the strongest in the future! Let's complete the tasks together, earn more points, and make a fortune!"

"it is good."

Chaoheng said again, "I will take you to the place where I often buy runes."

The place where Chaoheng just bought the rune was outside the safe zone of the host system, a very, very remote place, Ding Hao followed him for two full days.

After leaving the safe zone, Chao Heng stopped and said, "I am the strongest person. If the flying palace under my feet and I appear there, it may cause chaos! So later, I will ride Your flying palace is over! At the same time, we both need to change our heads and try not to be discovered by others!"

Hearing what he said, Ding Hao understood a little bit, and said in surprise, "So you went to the black market for points to buy things too!"

The point black market is not allowed by the host system. I did not expect that law enforcement such as Chaoheng would go to the point black market to buy things!

Chaoheng put away his flying palace, walked to Ding Hao's flying palace, and said, "When you are strong enough, you will find that things in this world are not as simple as you think! These points black market actually has big people behind it. , It’s so big that you can’t even imagine it! So although the host system prohibits the black market of points, it never checks the black market of points! In this way, as long as the black market of points does not sell items that are too prohibited, it is not illegal!"

"You are true."

Ding Hao nodded. In fact, the bosses of some huge points black market are shareholders of mainframe systems. Can you say that the points black market is illegal?

Before long, both of them stood on Ding Hao's flying palace, and both changed their original images.

Chao Heng disguised himself as an unsmiling little white face, while Ding Hao was a rich middle-aged man with makeup, walking on the golden flying palace, and soon came to a strange-looking hill.

On this weird hill, a very huge flying palace was tilted down.

This flying palace is the largest flying palace Ding Hao has ever seen. The whole body is black, it looks damaged, and it is permanently parked on the top of the hill.

But in this flying palace, it is brightly lit, with more than a dozen floors up and down, and there are as many as a million traders! It's just like a city!

"This black market for points is too big!" Ding Hao looked dumbfounded.

The point black market where he followed Ling Xinghan Meijie before had only two levels, which was nothing compared to the one in front of him.

"This is the biggest black market for points in the sub-world. Someone named him Black Ship!" Chao Heng said again, "Your flying palace is also very conspicuous. Let's not get too close and walk over."

Although the golden flying palace at Ding Hao's feet was eliminated by the strongest, it was still very conspicuous.

So they walked off the flying palace in the corner near the black ship, and then they walked to the black ship!

After a while, they entered the black ship.

Only when you enter it will you find that it is more lively and busy inside, it is simply a super huge shopping city!

Ding Hao was still dizzying, but Chao Heng was very familiar with this place, and led Ding Hao to a certain business in this black market of points.

Compared with other companies, this company looks a bit dark and ignited, but the strange thing is that in such a dim environment, the business is really good, people are constantly coming and going, and it seems that the boss is very good at doing business. .

Chao Heng was a regular customer here. When he walked in with Ding Hao, the owner of the company immediately put down the others and greeted him.

The boss is a lean man with bright eyes and a shrewd person. He laughed and said, "Super Heng, this is the friend you talked about last time!"

Ding Hao's expression moved. The boss in front of him even knew Chao Heng's true identity. Obviously, his relationship with Chao Heng was not ordinary.

Chao Heng laughed and said, "Senior Candle Dragon, this is Ding Hao! Now I am assessing the strongest person and want to pass the assessment! So you may have to buy a lot of runes and various items, I will bring him to you, senior, you He is the strongest old man and has more experience with these!"

"He is the strongest old man!" Ding Hao's expression changed again. He looked at this thin man and hurriedly clasped his fists, "Senior Candle Dragon, in Xia Ding Hao, please take care of seniors!"

Chao Heng introduced, "Senior Candle Dragon was the strongest before me, but because he was injured in a mission, his strength could not be restored to his best state, so he left the strongest team!"

(End of this chapter)

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