Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2975: Invest Ding Hao

Chapter 2975 Investment Ding Hao

Chapter 2973

"This matter can only be followed and executed. Since the host system has issued a requisition mission, our tribe must not violate it!"

After receiving the news from Ding Hao, the leader of the Banyue tribe sighed, and he could only shake his head and sighed, "Fighting against the host system will only end up worse! It seems that this time, the loss is certain! Alas! I have listened to others before. Said that the host system is not so fair, and it seems that it is so!"

When Ding Hao received the news, he was also very angry. He sent a message again, "Don’t worry, there is someone else behind this incident! This person is in a high position, I won’t say who it is, but don’t worry. , Today he made us Ban Yue Tribe lose the capital, in the future, he must even pay back the capital and profits!"

The heads and couples of the Banyue tribe were frustrated at first, their eyes brightened when Ding Hao sent such news.

The leader of the Banyue tribe asked again, "Do you really have this strength? If that's the case, then even if we have suffered a lot this time, I will recognize it!"

And the wife of the chief of the Banyue Tribe asked worriedly, "Son, since you said that there are more powerful people behind the scenes! Don't offend people indiscriminately!"

Ding Hao sneered, "They offend me, they must be retaliated against! I tell you, in a year or so, I will definitely have a new identity! Then even if this person can't take me, I will? Find a way to get them to pay huge amounts of compensation!"

"Good, good!" The leader of the Banyue tribe became excited. "Son, we are relieved to hear you say this! This time we will suffer a loss! We believe in your strength, and believe in your ability! We will wait for even The day when the benefits are recovered!"

Ding Hao stopped his contact with Banyue Tribe, his expression was cold, "The strong man of the Gemini tribe, if you offend me, I will surely repay the day! At that time, I will let you spit it out! As for the two descendants of you who have also been sent to the assessment of the strongest, if I meet them, I will not be polite to them!"

The Gemini tribe and Ding Hao have no grudges. To suppress Ding Hao is to make one less competitor for his descendants!

And Ding Hao's best revenge is to eliminate them all!

An Ye said, "Ding Hao, waiting for you to become the strongest, although this veteran of the Gemini tribe is strong, he can’t do anything to you?! But you want to retaliate against him, I’m afraid it’s hard! Above, the strength of the veteran also surpasses the strongest! Although the Gemini tribe does not have shares in the host system, it is also a large-scale tribe. I think it’s better to leave it alone!"

Ding Hao didn't say much, saying, "It depends on the situation then."

An Ye said again, "We build tribes, and it has always been the most famous family building in the sub-world from ancient times to the present! In the future, you can come to me with whatever you want! I will ask good hands in our clan to build it. , The price is cheap!"

Speaking of this, Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "I was going to build a rune weapon, but now I have entrusted it to others, I knew I would ask you to help!"

"Really? Rune weapons are very valuable!" An Ye said again, "Then do you have a configuration sheet, I'll help you see."

Ding Hao took out the configuration sheet of the candle dragon, and An Ye watched it and nodded and said, "This price is quite reliable. If you get us to build a tribe, it will be the best after discount! Of course, if you take the configuration sheet earlier Give me, I can help you make it cheaper! 4.2 million points, I can help you down to 4 million points!"

Ding Hao smiled, "The candle dragon I built for me is also a good friend! It's nothing to make him earn 200,000 more points."

"You're talking about the strongest man in the past, Candle Dragon!" An Ye only knew who the character he helped Ding Hao was. He smiled, "Candle Dragon is a friend of our tribe. If Candle Dragon really has a strong relationship with you If so, he will definitely send this weapon to us to build a tribe!"

"That's it."

Yasano said again, "I will contact you now!"

An Ye hand pressed the brow wheel, and after contacting for a long time, he laughed, "I'm right! You gun-shaped rune weapon, the candle dragon just sent us to build the tribe! The candle dragon and yours The relationship is okay, he didn't try to save money, he built it randomly!"

Ding Hao said with a smile, "The strongest person Chaoheng introduced me to the past, Zhulong will not cheat me."

An Ye smiled and said, "I won’t cheat you either! Now that I know about this, I will help you contact! I will not only ask the top craftsman in our tribe to do it, but also use the materials. They use a higher level of standards, and your 4.2 million points are definitely worth your money!"

Ding Hao was a little embarrassed to hear this, and said, "You are so polite, I don't know what to say. I also want to make the weapon better, so that I have a better chance of participating in the assessment of the strongest. But let you I feel a little ashamed of such a cost!"

"No need to be so." An Ye said, "I know that you are a dragon among people, and you will surely have a great future! And I am not a top genius among the family and tribe, so I should do my best to make friends with you! In the future, my tribe or family, or I will encounter any problems, please help!"

These words of An Ye are very obvious, it is to spend a little money to form a good relationship, and be regarded as investing in the strongest person like Ding Hao. After Ding Hao becomes the strongest, they will build a tribe or An Ye personally need to be more or less exposed !

"We are good friends, even if you don't help me this time, if there is anything I need Ding Hao, just a word!"

"Haha! That's good! This time the investment is huge, I have to talk to the tribe, I will leave first." An Ye also said quickly and left after speaking.

Ding Hao sent An Ye out with a little peace in his heart. Although Banyue Tribe was suppressed this time, Ding Hao's mood improved because of An Ye.

"The veteran of the Gemini tribe, the two strongest students of the Gemini tribe, Xianjue Torre, very good! The three of you are deliberately suppressing the Banyue tribe, and the purpose is actually against me! I can't talk about the deep feelings for the Banyue tribe. , But since you want to target me, don't blame me for being rude!"

Ding Hao let out a cold snort, raised his hand and took out a rune fruit, and with his fingers, he smashed the translucent crystal wrapped around the fruit.

A rune fruit with the big fingertips fell on the palm of his hand. It was really a very strange fruit, more precious than the fruit of the Green Leaf Tribe. When Ding Hao really held the fruit body in his hand for the first time, he could clearly understand Saw, an astonishing number of runes radiated from the fruit!

"Good stuff." Ding Hao opened his mouth and swallowed the fruit in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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