Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2981: Dongcheng Ling

Chapter 2981 Dongcheng Ling

Chapter 2979 Dongcheng Ling

"Practical ranking!"

Ding Hao nodded slightly and came to the top class of Sifang Academy. The other assessments were meaningless. The only assessment was fighting!

Fight as hard as you can. During the battle, the host system will rank according to each student's combat results and points!

Each student in the highest-level class of Sifang Academy has his or her own rank in the class, as well as his own rank in the highest-level classes of the three academies. Everyone has his own position and is assessed every three months. The position is up or down, at a glance!

"So that's it!" Ding Hao nodded and asked again, "Then where is my current ranking, where can I go to see this ranking?"

An Ye smiled, "You can see it soon."

Soon after, they came to the examination palace of the highest class.

This palace is located on the highest floor of the Sifang Academy. The palace is built very majestic and is located on the top of the mountain like a colorful giant bird!

Without going into the palace, you can see a black light curtain on the wall on the side of the palace. On the black light curtain, numbers and names are displayed. This is the top student ranking of Sifang Academy!

Yasano walked over and introduced, "This list is called the Black List, and it is the internal ranking of our Sifang Academy! After entering the assessment palace, there is also a list inside called the Golden List, which is the top three academies, in front of all the most talented students. One hundred! If you can be on the gold list, you can be called the gold list title! Now our Sifang Academy is on the gold list, and there are only three places!"

"That's it." Ding Hao nodded again.

He stared at him, looking down the list one by one, looking for his name on the list.

He originally thought he should be the last one on the black list. After all, he had just entered the top class and was the first to participate in the assessment; but he took a closer look and found that it was not the case. This ranking is based on the host system's battle history. Comprehensive ranking conducted.

Ding Hao used to be a big show when he was in the upper class, and even entered the top ten of the three major academies in a certain assessment!

Therefore, his debut on the black list is not the last one, but the 35th place!

"There are a total of 98 talented students in the highest class of Sifang Academy. The first time I was on the black list, I was ranked 35th, which is not bad."

Just when Ding Hao was slightly happy, there was a cold snort behind him!

"What's so great? What is it? The first time he climbed on the black list, he climbed in front of us. Does he really have this ability? When we fight later, we must challenge him and pull him down. !"

Ding Hao raised his eyebrows, and when he looked back, he saw that there were men and women who were talking, and they were mocking him.

"These people..." Ding Hao asked suspiciously.

An Ye whispered, "These people are ranked 36, 37, and 38 behind you! The first time you were on the black list, you ranked ahead of them. These people are just jealous!"

"This way!" Ding Hao smiled faintly, his ranking stuck in front of others, of course others were not happy.

Yasano said again, "Don't be familiar with them! Enter the assessment later, if you see them not pleasing to your eyes, you can challenge them at that time! During the assessment, you can challenge each other at will, but there are only three opportunities to challenge! The challenged person is not allowed. Reject! You can humiliate them during the challenge and let them know your true strength!"

Hearing this, Ding Hao laughed, "No need to be so! These people don't need me to take action against them. I have been ranked above them before an assessment has been carried out. If I challenge them, it would be a loss. To save my own face! I want to challenge, only to challenge the higher ones! Only by pushing my rank to a higher place can I make them sober and understand the true gap between myself and me!"

Hearing what Ding Hao said, An Ye respected and nodded in agreement, "Ding Hao, you are not an ordinary person, you have a strong heart! In this assessment, you can use your three challenge opportunities to rush to the number one, saying Really, I am looking forward to it too!"

"Haha! I look forward to it myself!"

The two talked and walked into the assessment palace, where Ding Hao also saw the so-called gold list.

On the gold list is the ranking of all the geniuses of the three major academies in the Asia World, and only the top 100 are recorded. All these people are the most outstanding geniuses of the young generation of Asia World!

Ding Hao took a look and found that there were 100 positions on the gold list, more than 50 positions at Supreme Academy, and 40 positions at Sun Moon Academy, and only three people from Sifang Academy where he was located were on the list! In this comparison, it can be seen that the overall student quality and genius strength of Sifang Academy are indeed inferior to the other two academies!

The three positions of Sifang Academy on the gold list are Di Ye, ranked 49th, Luo Hu ranked 73rd, and Anye ranked 95th!

When Ding Hao saw this, his eyes flickered, and he said, "An Ye, I didn't expect you to be the title of the gold list. It seems that your strength is extraordinary!"

An Ye smiled bitterly, "The main reason is that I played better last time, so I rushed up and entered the 95th place! You are stronger than me. To be honest, I look forward to seeing you climb on the gold list and walk in In front of me!"

While they were watching, there were also many students from the highest-level class nearby!

Everyone was talking, "It's amazing, the ranking of the gold list has changed again! Look, Ye Wuhen, which was originally the top three in the gold list, has fallen. It seems that the top three in the gold list, two are Supreme Academy and the other is Riyue Academy. The pattern will not change!"

"Of course! Supreme Academy will always be the best academy in the sub-world, among which the strong born will always occupy the first place in the gold list!"

"The super genius of Supreme Academy, the female cultivator Dongcheng Ling has occupied the first three years in the gold list, right?"

"Yes! It is said that she participated in the test of the strongest this time, waiting for her to become the strongest! On this list, her name will disappear, and others will have a chance!"

"Seriously, if she doesn't leave, others really have no chance!"

Ding Hao heard the discussion in his ears, and looked up to the top of the list. That was the strong man who ranked first in the gold list, and he wrote a few words, "The first place in the gold list, the Supreme Academy, Dongcheng Ling!"

"Huh!" Ding Hao saw this lofty name, and thought to himself: This time the strongest assessment is really talented people, even this kind of characters have participated in the assessment, and he wants to win the assessment and get the strongest. The number of candidates seems to be really not easy!

An Ye could understand Ding Hao's thoughts and laughed in a low voice, "You don't need to be nervous, there is only one Dongcheng Ling! It is said that there are more places for the strongest this time than before. As long as you don't meet Dongcheng Ling, the chance is still great!"

(End of this chapter)

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