Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2986: Dongcheng Autumn

Chapter 2986 Dongcheng Autumn

Chapter 2984 Dongcheng Autumn

After Henglu failed, others challenged Ding Hao in the next game.

Dongchengqiu, ranked 36th on the black list, is a female cultivator with long black hair. She looks a little exaggerated, looks picturesque, and looks very beautiful. When such a challenger, she stands in front of Ding Hao. , Ding Hao's eyes are also bright!

However, assessment is assessment, Ding Hao cannot be merciful just because others look good!

He held his arm and said, "Dongchengqiu, you are not my opponent, you too!"

Ding Hao's strength only raised ten positions in a single battle. Dongcheng Qiu, as the 36th on the black list, is not Ding Hao's opponent anyway, and admitting defeat is the wisest choice.

However, Dongchengqiu smiled slightly and shook his head, "Since I have already lost this game, then surrender, and I will only lose even worse! It is better to seize the opportunity and ask a strong like you for advice, maybe even pay. Can learn a little fighting skills from the assessment!"

Now that the opponent said so, Ding Hao nodded, "Then as you wish, let's start!"

At the beginning of the assessment, Ding Hao, as the stronger of the two, did not preemptively use runes.

Dongchengqiu didn't feel despised because of this, but started to use rune techniques very seriously. This girl is not very young, and quite modest, and has a clear eye in battle. The rune techniques released are all the more famous top runes!

In a blink of an eye, an astonishing number of runes gathered in front of Ding Hao, and the power of these runes was powerful!

Ding Hao was a little surprised. Dongchengqiu's strength was beyond his imagination. He shouldn't have been ranked only on the black list 36!

However, Dongchengqiu's behavior was a bit stupid afterwards. It was obvious that the runes she released could control the situation at the scene, but she didn't know it, she was still releasing runes, and the runes released later consumed the ones released before. The runes, the swords and shadows in the air consume themselves, powerful, but chaotic!

"That's it!" Ding Hao understood. After all this, he didn't rush to use runes.

I saw his figure floating in the volley, constantly flashing under his feet, so that everyone watching the battle outside would have their eyes bright!

The figure of a young man, in the shadow of the sword, light and sword, as if entering no man’s realm, fast forward, those overwhelming rune techniques, can not touch him at all; seeing Ding Hao fast approaching, Dong Chengqiu's performance becomes more flustered, his hands and feet are chaotic again Began to send out runes indiscriminately.

The more runes she releases now, the more chaotic she is. It seems that the number is huge, but it gives Ding Hao more opportunities!

In a blink of an eye, Ding Hao had already walked through the thousands of runes and came directly to Dongcheng Qiu. The distance between the two of them was less than half a meter.

At this distance, Dongcheng Qiu was flustered, and he didn't know what rune to use to attack Ding Hao.

Ding Hao didn't make a move either, he just said lightly, "No wonder your ranking is only Black List 36. It seems that you lack combat experience. Little sister, go out and complete more tasks!"

After hearing Ding Hao's words, Dongcheng Qiu thought of a rune technique for melee combat.

But before she released this rune, the voice of the host system came over her head, "Ding Hao wins the assessment! Dongcheng Autumn failed! Ding Hao and Dongcheng Autumn's rankings remain unchanged!"

After this game, Ding Hao won three games in a row. He turned and walked out of the battle compartment.

Dong Chengqiu, who was following Ding Hao, was flushed. Although she often failed in the assessment, it was too embarrassing to fail this time. Ding Hao didn't even do anything, and came to her!

"It seems that I really have to fight more. Today is really embarrassing! It's too far from my sister!" Dongcheng Qiu thought to himself.

After Ding Hao came out, he ranked 25th on the black list. He stood outside the battle compartment and continued to watch the battle.

At this moment, no one dared to underestimate him anymore, and no one would feel that his black list 25 is not true.

"Even if the black list is 25, does he think I will be afraid of him?" Standing not far away was a beautiful woman with a proud expression. This person is a member of the Ivy League team. Ding Hao mocked the female practitioner.

Last time this woman maliciously bullied the female classmate of Ding Hao in the Monster Beast Tavern, she was ridiculed by Ding Hao. Today, during the assessment, this woman also took the initiative to challenge Ding Hao, wanting to find her way back!

As a member of the Ivy League team, this woman's strength should not be underestimated!

Her current ranking is 21st on the black list, and is currently above Ding Hao!

After her, another member of the Ivy League team ranked 15th on the black list is also waiting for Ding Hao, coldly snorting, "Sister Shuangye, if you can't beat Ding Hao, then let me teach him!"

The female cultivator named Futaba laughed mockingly, "Even if he is advanced, he is only the 25th on the Black List, and I still have four places away from my ranking! I want to step on him first, I think he will still What face is there to challenge Di Ye!"

Standing not far away, Di Ye looked arrogant and looked far away, as if he was not even interested in taking a look at the assessment conducted in the battle cabin.

But in fact, his ears listened to the surrounding movement and heard the conversations of his subordinates. In his heart, he was proud and thought to himself: Ding Hao, this kid is really overwhelming! He actually challenged me three times and only used it once to challenge me alone. I think he is really arrogant!

Soon, more than a dozen battles ended, and the instructor not far away reminded, "Next, Futaba, ranked 21 on the black list, will challenge Ding Hao, ranked 25, on the black list, you two are ready!"

In Ding Hao's view, it was just a game, standing still.

But the arrogant woman Futaba walked over proudly and sneered, "Ding Hao, do you still know me? The last time I was in the Monster Beast Tavern, I was so distracted by you. What else did you say about our Ivy League team? I have to recruit you as a member! This time, I will defeat you in public to see what face you have to join our Ivy League team!"

Ding Hao didn't intend to provoke this girl, but the other party took the initiative to provoke him. Ding Hao was also unceremonious and coldly snorted, "Last time at the Monster Beast Tavern, you slapped my female classmate more than a dozen times, and I just verbally slapped back. You! I hope you can repent of yourselves, but now it seems that my wish has failed! I don't mind helping my female classmate get back these dozens of slapped justices in this competition!"

The female classmate of Ding Hao in the lowest class was expelled from the college and worked as a waiter in the Monster Beast Tavern. Later, because Ding Hao offended these people in the Ivy League, not only was she slapped in the face a dozen times in public, but she was also forced to Leaving the Monster Beast Tavern, there is nowhere to go, now nowhere!

Every time Ding Hao thinks about this, his heart is quite annoyed. After all, this female classmate got into trouble because of herself, and he must find this justice back!

(End of this chapter)

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