Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2988: News leaked

Chapter 2988 News Leaked



There was a scream in the darkness, and at the same time a surge of blood spilled.

It was the female genius Futaba who hid in the darkness with the hidden means of the Dark Ding tribe, and accidentally ran into the Ten Thousand Line Art that Ding Hao quietly deployed!

When the woman was injured, she let out an exclamation, and then fled in another direction.

But at this moment, the power of Wanxian Jue has just begun to be revealed!

Ding Hao's gaze condensed, Wan Xian Jue moved, and these hidden lines that were quietly arranged in the darkness changed their orientation again!

Futaba didn't know that the direction of Wanxian Jue had changed, and when he fled in the other direction, he hit another sharp line!

"Ah!" In the darkness, there was another scream, and another burst of blood spilled out!

The direction of Wan Xian Jue changed again!

Soon after, Futaba did not know how many times she bumped into the sharp line. She constantly changed her position, up and down, left and right, front and back, but she soon discovered that Wan Xian Jue had no idea when her body was completely surrounded!

"No!" Futaba exclaimed. Although she hasn't shown her figure until now, all the people watching the battle outside can see clearly. The woman has been trapped in a very small space. , There are sharp lines around her body, she can't escape at all!

Ding Hao walked over with his arm and said, "Student Futaba, now you release your exercises and show your figure, this battle is over!"

According to the rules of the host system, Futaba is now close to failure, but because she is still driving her exercises and her figure is in a hidden state, the host system has not announced the final assessment result!

Futaba also knew that as long as he showed up at this moment, he had already lost.

But she was not reconciled. She still wanted to continue to be an enemy of Ding Hao, and she wanted to find a chance to escape from the Ten Thousand Lines Art!

"Looking for death!" Ding Hao's face sank when he realized that the woman was not admitting defeat.

I saw Ding Hao's right hand stretched out and squeezed it abruptly. The tens of thousands of lines surrounding this woman's body shrank crazily inward. Wherever these lines went, blood was spilled!

This woman realized that she was scared, and she hurriedly showed up, with multiple injuries on her body!

Seeing this woman appearing in shape, Ding Hao raised his hand and slapped it, then cursed, "This is for my female classmate! She didn't offend you at all, she just helped me refuse you asking me to join the team. The request! You slapped him in the face more than a dozen in public? That's all! Then she was forced to leave from the Monster Beast Tavern, she was expelled from Sifang Academy, and now forced to leave by you, she still has a way to survive in this world Huh? You scumbags!"

Ding Hao said, slapping the woman on the face, his speed was very fast, and he hit a dozen in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the voice of the host system came from the sky, "The assessment is over! In this assessment, Ding Hao won and Futaba failed! Ding Hao's assessment score was recalculated and now ranks 15th in the black list; Futaba's assessment score is recalculated, now Ranked 25 on the black list!"


Hearing the judgment of the host system, there was an uproar from outside spectators.

In this battle, Ding Hao’s strength was revealed, and he defeated the opponent with only this trick. It was very strong. Both the power and effect of the battle, as well as Ding Hao’s combat experience, were all demonstrated. Therefore, the host system Directly ranked Ding Hao's black list, once again promoted to ten!

In contrast, although Futaba of Black List 21 displayed the unique techniques of the Dark Ding Tribe, it was a pity that he did not exert his strength at all; both his combat effectiveness and combat experience seemed quite naive, especially since this woman was already After being surrounded by Wanxian Jue, he still didn't admit defeat until the end.

Therefore, the host system's evaluation of this woman plummeted and dropped her four rankings directly!

"It seems that you have a good vision!" Luo Hu said with some surprise.

Just now, An Ye said that Ding Hao is likely to enter the top 15 in this stop. At this moment, it seems that, as expected, Ding Hao directly entered the 15th place!

An Ye laughed and said, "It's a coincidence, I didn't expect it to be 15! Actually, I wanted to say the top ten! I was afraid of shocking the world, so I said 15 but I didn't expect it to be 15!"

"Top ten?" Luo Hu was even more surprised, said, "Ding Hao has entered the top 15 of the black list with this ten thousand thread technique, I admit it! But you are so optimistic about him? With this ten thousand thread technique, you can Are you in the top ten?"

An Ye shook his head and said, "Luo Hu, do you still underestimate him? I think he is underestimated when he enters the top ten! If he makes a full shot, our top three are likely to be impacted!"

"No!" Luo Hu was stunned again.

Although Ding Hao has demonstrated his strength just now, if Ding Hao has the strength to hit the top three, Luo Hu still can't believe it!

Ding Hao and Futaba came out of the battle compartment. The next one was an assessment by others, but in the next one, it was Ding Hao and another member of the Ivy League team. This person was named Zheng Hang!

Zheng Hang ranks 18th on the black list and is stronger than Frost Yeh!

Shuangye was slapped more than a dozen times by Ding Hao. At this moment, his face flushed. He saw Zheng Hang and said with tears, "Zheng Hang, you must help me get revenge next! Ding Hao is too skinny. He made a ten thousand thread technique. , Let me fall into it quietly! He can't win, he set a trap, let me rush in by myself!"

Until now, Futaba has not understood the reason for his failure. She didn't think that she was inferior to Ding Hao, but that Ding Hao was playing a rogue and won the victory.

Zheng Hangdao, "Don't worry, I will have a game with him later! I will definitely be careful of his conspiracy and tricks. Isn't he going to do some tricks? If it is true strength, he is not qualified to be in the top of the black list. 15!"

At this moment, there were a lot of geniuses around. Some of these geniuses could not see the situation clearly. They all nodded, "No wonder Ding Hao won so easily in this game. It turned out that he used cunning conspiracy! Futaba's combat experience did not If he is not rich, he accidentally falls into his trap! If he is solely based on his strength, Ding Hao is not eligible to be ranked 15th on the black list!"

Zheng Hang said again, "Ding Hao, you wait! The next game will be me to you. When I solve you, I will be the 15th black list, hahaha!"

But his laughter was not over yet, the black list number one emperor Ye, who stood not far away and kept holding his eyebrows, suddenly changed his face, then suddenly walked over and asked loudly, "Ding Hao, I just received the news. , It was sent to me by a genius friend of the Twin Tribe! They said that you have also been qualified for this training for the strongest. You can honestly tell me, is this news true?"

"What?" When Di Ye said these words, there was an uproar at the scene, everyone was dumbfounded, "Ding Hao also got the qualification for the strongest training? How could it be possible! What's his reason?"

(End of this chapter)

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