Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3007: Mess around

Chapter 3007

Chapter 3005

Ding Hao stepped on the golden flying palace and shuttled among the clouds.

Before long, he had left the secure zone of the host system and entered the world outside the secure zone.

After flying for a while, a huge black ship that had run aground appeared in front of him.

"Nine-handed veteran said, before completing this task, come to the black ship and take another task!"

Ding Hao's footsteps are fast, he knows that time is tight, and without delay, he quickly enters the mission cabin of the black ship to check the black market mission.

When he stood in it, a woman's soft voice immediately came over his head, "Welcome to the black ship mission system, guests, you can choose to post or accept the mission!"

Ding Hao said, without any muddle, "I choose to accept the task! It's about the youngest son of the leader of the Dark Night Tribe!"

After he chose to accept the task, suddenly, the detailed task situation appeared in front of him.

"Good detail!" Ding Hao's expression was overjoyed, "The information in the black market mission system is even more detailed than the information in the host system!"

The mission information in the host system only indicates the location of the rebellious fairy clan, but no specific location; the information provided in the black market mission system has three very accurate locations, where the rebellious fairy clan is located. The place is nothing more than one of these three locations!

And in these three locations, how many other fairy clan rebellions, as well as the number of rune beasts they raise, are all clear!

"good, very good!"

Ding Hao watched the mission system, and then looked at the rewards, his face was shocked, "Kill the Rebellious Void of the Immortal Race, the mission rewards, and three copies of Senate-level runes!"

"My God!" Ding Hao was surprised. It seems that the Holy Alliance really paid a big price this time. The purpose is to kill him before the host system catches it alive!

Ding Hao also couldn't figure out what the origin of this emptiness came from, but since he could get such a huge return, he would do his best to complete this task!

Thinking of this, he immediately accepted the task.

But when he walked out of the black ship in a violent storm, he happened to meet the oncoming genius of the Supreme Academy, Dongcheng Ling!

"You!" Ding Hao's face suddenly sank when he saw this woman, feeling something bad.

After working hard before, Ding Hao was almost ruined by this girl. Now he meets Dongcheng Ling again here, and this girl is obviously chasing him, with some sly smile on her face!

Dongcheng Ling looked at the black market mission system that Ding Hao had walked out of, and said mockingly, "I said, why do you have rune weapons and rune armor, you Ban Yue tribe don’t seem to be rich! So you are a black market mission killer. The way you make money is really sharp!"

Some powerful cultivators will specialize in undertaking black market tasks, and these people are also called killers!

Many of the people killed by them were people who did not have any major sins. It was only because they learned the secret runes of certain tribes that they were hunted down and the rewards were very generous! Although these people earn a lot of points, they kill innocent people after all, so they are called killers!

Killers have always been spurned!

Seeing Dongcheng Ling's mocking eyes, Ding Hao didn't want to explain anything to her at all. He just walked around him, stepped out of the black ship, threw out his flying palace, stepped onto the flying palace, and passed by the sky above the origin forest!

But not long after he flew, a golden flying shuttle followed. Obviously Dongcheng Ling didn't want to be thrown off by Ding Hao like this. She followed again.

"You!" Ding Hao's face has become ugly.

What he is going to perform this time is the secret mission of the Most Holy Alliance. This woman is stubbornly messing around and following herself closely, which is really a headache!

"Dongcheng Ling, you are the number one in the gold list, don't you have your own business? What do you always do with me?" Ding Hao said a little annoyed.

"I didn't follow you!" Seeing that Ding Hao's face was not good, Dongcheng Ling was inexplicably happy, and smiled triumphantly, "You go your way, I'm going my way, maybe we're at the front intersection, let's It's flying in different directions!"

Ding Hao had nothing to say and continued to fly forward, but obviously, Dongcheng Ling did not intend to leave. After arriving at the front intersection, he still flew close to Ding Hao and flew side by side.

"Me!" Ding Hao gritted his teeth with anger, seeing the mission destination getting closer, how could he get rid of this woman.

He immediately urged the golden flying palace at his feet, and wanted to use the speed of this golden flying palace to throw away the girl; but the flying palace at Dongcheng Ling's feet was also an extraordinary treasure, not only not slower than Ding Hao, On the contrary, it is slightly faster than Ding Hao's speed!

"Why don't you have a ghost!" Ding Hao's eyes became cold and stern in desperation.

He is very aware of the role of this task in front of him in the Holy Alliance, this is whether he can get a high ranking certificate, if this game is broken, all the resources given to him by the Holy Alliance will disappear;

And not to mention the resources in the future, just to mention the rewards in the current mission, three runes of the Senate level, which he is determined to get!

"Dongcheng Ling!" Ding Hao said word by word, "Just now at the hard labor point, we have already worked! Although your strength is good, after all, you do not have rune weapons and rune armor, if you are in the host system security zone Besides, get your hands on it, I'm afraid you will suffer!"

Facing Ding Hao's unceremonious threat, Dong Cheng Ling said with a small chest, "Could it be that you want to kill me and you won't be able to kill me? I am a little bit suspicious now, what mission did you take in the black market mission system? Why do you want to dump me so much? open?"

"Good, good!" Ding Hao was really embarrassed this time, and his secret mission had been doubted by this woman.

And more importantly, Dongcheng Ling comes from the Tianyu tribe that is at odds with the Holy Alliance. He is already thinking, is it really going to kill people? !

But at this moment, several large and small ship-shaped flying palaces appeared over the forest of origin ahead.

"These ship-shaped flying palaces..."

Because there were a lot of people present, and Dongcheng Ling was a descendant of a famous tribe and family, Ding Hao absolutely did not dare to kill Dongcheng Ling in front of others, so he could only continue to swallow his breath and fly forward.

When he passed the flying palaces, large and small, he clearly heard that the hunter squads on these flying palaces were talking about "the emptiness of the youngest son of the leader of the dark night tribe"!

"These flying palaces all accepted the task of the host system and went to capture the void!" Ding Hao understood this, and his heart suddenly became even more anxious. Not far from the front, he had reached the hiding place of the void!

(End of this chapter)

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