Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3009: Mouth behemoth

Chapter 3009


"The second stronghold of Void!" When Ding Hao arrived here, he found that it was a desolate place, and Void could not live here.

"Go to his third stronghold!" Ding Hao stepped on the flying palace under his feet, changed direction, and ran to another part of the Origin Forest.

Soon after, a deep cave appeared in front of Ding Hao!

"The place that I thought was the most impossible to hide, now it seems, is the place where he really hides!"

The cave in front of him is not very big. Although the flying palace at Ding Hao's feet is not big, it is inaccessible.

Therefore Ding Hao could only jump off the flying palace and walk into the cave in front of him.

Dongcheng Ling, who followed closely, followed Ding Hao and rushed into the cave.

"Ding Hao, it turns out that this time you received the task of killing the rebellious immortal clan, I misunderstood you!" Dongcheng Ling followed.

Ding Hao felt relieved when he heard what Dongcheng Ling said.

This woman didn't know that the task was actually to capture nothingness, so it was no problem for her to follow.

Thinking of this, Ding Hao said, "Since you are here, let's go together! If you see Nothingness, you will kill it directly, no need to say more! It is said that this kid is a rebellious fairy clan who has the ability to bewitching!"

"That's for sure, I can't be bewitched by him!" Dongcheng Ling had a stronger sense of justice and nodded.

Ding Hao was amused. As Dongcheng Ling of the Tianyu tribe, if she personally killed Nothingness, then the powerhouses of the Tianyu tribe would not know how depressed it would be; even though he thought this way, Ding Hao still couldn't let Dongcheng Ling do it!

After all, he took this task and he has to fight for three runes!

What's more, he doesn't need to offend the Tianyu tribe in this way!

The two walked side by side, and the cave in front of them went deeper and deeper, as if there was no end. The two of them moved forward for a while, and both felt a little confused.

"How could this cave be so deep?" Dongcheng Ling was puzzled.

Ding Hao didn't know why, he held his forehead with his hand to check the details of the black market mission, but it only recorded the cave here, not the situation in the cave!

"The task introduction is not detailed, let's continue to take a closer look!"

The two ran forward again, and after walking for a while, something shocking happened to them.

I saw the passage where they were, on the upper, lower, left, and right walls, they were shrinking and wriggling!

"This is not a cave!" Dongcheng Ling finally woke up, "We walked into the belly of a giant beast! Oh my God, we have been eaten into the belly by the giant beast. It's probably intestines or something here. Stomach!"

"That's not right! The place you came in is definitely a cave!" Ding Hao thought for a while and said, "The entrance should be a cave, but the more you go in, you will gradually enter the belly of the giant beast! If I am not mistaken , This is a deliberate setting by the emptiness, no wonder he has a palace and wants to live in this deserted place! It turns out that this is a trap for him!"

When they discovered their inner feelings, the ground of the cave under their feet suddenly rolled up, tossed, and flicked back and forth. Obviously this giant beast had discovered them and started to want to swallow them deeper in the abdomen!


In the deep roar like thunder, the tunnel tunnel rolled back and forth, and the ground squirmed violently.

However, none of these can hurt someone like Ding Hao and the others. I saw that Ding Hao picked up the rune weapon Xikong gun in his hand and urged it with all his strength. A sharp and huge gun shadow turned into a sharp thorn, and it suddenly pierced on the wall inside the passage!


Ding Hao's shot made him feel wrong.

Although this gun produced some blood, the inner wall of this giant beast's body was very peculiar. When the gun pierced into it, it would be clamped by the peristaltic inner wall! Wriggling back and forth, rolling and shrinking, he wanted to take away Ding Hao's Xikong gun!


The shadow of the gun appeared again, and Ding Hao strenuously took the weapon back.

"No! The inner wall of this behemoth is in a peculiar state, if you forcefully attack it, you will fall into it! Even if my weapon is sharp, the deeper the penetration, the harder I want to pull it out! And this behemoth has a huge body. And don’t care about getting some harm!"

Dongcheng Ling was also at the same time, using some combat techniques to break the wall.

But soon she discovered that no matter what battle rune she used, the attack she released would be absorbed by the wall!

"The situation in this behemoth's body is too special!" Dongcheng Ling said dumbfounded, "I once heard from the elders that there are three types of defensive runes; one is shield-shaped defense, which uses strong solidity to block the opponent. Attack; the second is to avoid runes, which can be easily avoided even if the opponent has any terrible attacks; and the third is this absorption type, which can completely absorb the opponent's attack. The inside of this behemoth is very likely Incorporating ancient absorption runes!"

When Dongcheng Ling finished speaking, applause suddenly came from the end of the passage below. A short but very clever figure in black clapped his hands and walked out, "After all, it is the famous young genius of the sub-world, Dongcheng Ling of the Tianyu tribe. You are really extraordinary, you can see it right away, the rune I fused into the body of this behemoth is the very rare and precious absorption rune during the time of the Geishi Xian clan! I also got this rune by chance, and then Only then embarked on the path of rebellious immortal clan!"

"Nothingness!" Ding Hao's mission record contains the details of the target and his appearance.

So when this person appeared, Ding Hao immediately recognized that this person was his goal, nothingness!

Void knew Dongcheng Ling, but didn't know Ding Hao, frowning and said, "A member of Banyue Tribe? Who are you? Why did you come to kill me?"

Of course, Ding Hao couldn’t tell him the real reason. He just spoke, “Nothingness, you have become a rebellious immortal clan, have you ever thought about your dark night tribe and the holy alliance to which the dark night tribe belongs! Now someone asks you to speak up , I want to start with your tribe and your parents and brothers!"

Ding Hao said this, originally trying to persuade Void to surrender or commit suicide.

But I didn't expect Void to snorted coldly, "I have left the host system security zone and walked into the Origin Forest, becoming what you call the Xianzu rebellion! After becoming the Xianzu rebellion, I will have no family and clan members! My parents and brothers , What does it matter to me?"

When Ding Hao heard what he said, his face suddenly became cold, "In this way, there is nothing to say, I will send you to the west!"

"Only you?" Void sneered, "It's hard to tell if you two will survive today!"

When he finished saying this, his figure quickly retreated backwards and fled into the rear passage. At the same time, his cold laughter came out, "You can't escape, die! Hahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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