Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3019: Last assessment

The last assessment of Chapter 3019


Time is hurried, three full months have passed since the incident of Ding Hao and Dongcheng Ling.

During these three months, the Tianyu tribe fell into a rare silence, and did not take this to beat Ding Hao. Ding Hao's chance to assess the strongest still exists.

Although the incident has passed for three months, the follow-up storm has not subsided. There are still many legends about Ding Hao and Dongcheng Ling, and there are even many follow-up incidents. It is said that Dongcheng Ling is Ding Hao made a huge sacrifice, but none of these words have been confirmed or known.

Three months later, on this day, it was time for the top-level assessment of Sifang Academy again.

The students from the highest class of Sifang Academy stepped out of their retreat, climbed up, and headed to the highest evaluation palace.

"Luo Hu, how is your cultivation this time? I think you look confident!" An Ye saw Luo Hu and greeted him with a smile.

After these three months of cultivation, Luo Hu's whole body was so powerful that he smiled and said, "You can tell, this time the family helped me find a rune that I longed for! I decided to take the assessment this time. In the middle, hit Ding Hao! I know my strength may be a bit far from him, but I still want to challenge him to see how strong he is?!"

Luo Hu is definitely a martial idiot. At the beginning, Emperor Ye was firmly ranked first in the black list of Sifang Academy. Only Luo Hu dared to challenge Emperor Ye!

It is the same now. Although Ding Hao has firmly occupied the first place, Luo Hu still does not believe in evil and still wants to challenge Ding Hao. Even if he can't beat him, he must improve himself in battle!

An Ye looked at Luo Hu in admiration, "You are indeed better than me! You have the desire to become stronger!"

When they were talking, looking at the retreat of the highest-level class, they were probably thinking in their hearts, after these three months of cultivation, what exactly did Ding Hao's strength reach? You know, after this assessment, the time for the assessment of the strongest is almost up!

They looked down and wanted to see Ding Hao come out, but they saw a little Lolita with long black hair, gritted her teeth and came up.

This girl is Dongchengqiu, a genius girl from Sifang Academy. She gritted her teeth while walking, and she didn't know who she had forged a deep hatred with.

After a while, she came to An Ye and Luo Hu and asked, "Ding Hao, is he here yet?"

"Not yet." An Ye asked suspiciously, "Dongcheng Qiu, what's wrong with you? Whom you seem to be revenge with!"

"Of course I have a vengeance, I want to kill this kid!" Dong Chengqiu waved his small fist and cursed with his teeth and claws. "He dared to show up in front of me. I must kill him. My cousin was killed by him!"

"What? What happened?" The Hua Magpie who came from behind, surrounded by interested people, she was most enthusiastic about these gossip news.

However, Dongchengqiu has learned well this time, and will not say anything about him. He snorted and gritted his teeth and said, "When Ding Hao leaves the customs, I want to tell him! You all get out!"

"What the **** is going on?" Although An Ye comes from a big family, this time the Tianyu tribe has done a good job of keeping secrets, and people outside are not aware of it, and An Ye is no exception.

"When Ding Hao leaves the customs, everyone naturally knows!"

Not only the geniuses of Sifang Academy are waiting for Ding Hao to leave the customs, even the dean of Sifang Academy Rong Ke and others are also waiting for Ding Hao to leave the customs. After all, this is the last college assessment before the assessment of the strongest. Now, how much Ding Hao's cultivation base has reached is related to the success of the final assessment.

"Dean, seeing that the assessment time is approaching, why hasn't Ding Hao come yet?" a tutor from Sifang Academy asked.

Dean Rong Ke frowned and complained that Ding Hao was late, but with Ding Hao's ranking, even if he didn't participate in the assessment this time, there would be no big problem!

"Then like this, start as usual!"

The assessment time is set by the host system, no one can change it, and Dean Rong Ke can only start the assessment.

"Personally, report the opponent you want to challenge. Each person can choose three opponents! Three chances can be used or not, and finally I will count the results!"

After a while, all the players had already signed up. Dean Rong Ke took a look, and only one person challenged Ding Hao, Luo Hu!

"This battle is at the end!" Dean Rong Ke frowned, "I hope that Ding Hao will be able to get out before this final battle! Otherwise, if he should not fight this time and be sentenced to automatically admit defeat, then his ranking will be lower. Will drop drastically!"

"The assessment begins!"


When the assessment was being conducted outside, Ding Hao's training entered the indoor battle compartment.

Ding Hao was sitting cross-legged, and at that moment, his figure seemed to condense into the starry sky.

He knew the time for the assessment. The reason why he did not go out was because his sentiment had just reached a critical point. He had been cultivating for two months and was waiting for this moment. At this moment, even if he gave up everything, he could not give up this opportunity for sentiment. !

"If the rune that I felt in the belly of the behemoth was because of my eagerness to be wise; then the rune I am now comprehending is that I have experienced so many worlds and seen so many runes. , And got a summary!"

He walked out of a small world at the bottom of this world, passed countless worlds along the way, had seen the generation and destruction of these worlds, and had also seen the runes that produced moments in these worlds. To him, these were the greatest Precious wealth!

It can be said that none of the immortal survivors in the entire sub-world has this kind of perception. This is his special feature. He wants to use his special feature to realize his own unique powerful battle rune!

"This battle rune is different from other battle runes of the immortal remnants. This battle rune has to be more powerful and effective, and stand at a height higher than everyone!"

"Now the sentiment should have reached the most critical place!"

Ding Hao knew that the assessment had already begun, but he still felt like water, sitting there quietly feeling...


"What's the matter? Ding Hao hasn't come out yet!" Little Lori Dongcheng Qiu even had a murderous heart.

She has no intention of participating in the assessment today. She wants to tell Ding Hao an important thing, but until now, all the battles in this assessment have been halfway through, but Ding Hao has not left the customs and has not yet come to the assessment palace!

"Ding Hao, you bastard, you have to go out for the assessment quickly! Otherwise, you will really miss it this time!" Dongcheng Qiuda's eyes were anxious.

Hua Xie magpie came up reluctantly and asked, "Dong Cheng Qiu, what did you miss? Tell me about it."

"Fuck off!"

(End of this chapter)

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