Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3035: The first assessment

The first assessment of Chapter 3035

Chapter 3033 the first assessment

After entering the examination palace, I found that it was very spacious.

The area of ​​the sub-world is huge, and the mountain peak where the central city of the system is located is also very vast. Therefore, all the buildings above are quite majestic.

Entering it, a palace is like a small city, extremely complex, with all kinds of functions.

Ding Hao followed Chao Heng to the interior of the examination palace, where there was a small door.

Chaoheng said, "Well, I can only send you here! I want to remind you that it is not so easy to become the strongest! There are as many as seven assessments you need to carry out! Especially among them Some assessments don’t just test your combat ability, but your loyalty to the host system is even more important!"

"I see." Ding Hao nodded.

Although Ding Hao has traveled through a lot of worlds and encountered countless assessments, this time, Ding Hao really made Ding Hao nervous.

As Chao Heng said, what is being tested here is not just fighting ability, and Ding Hao comes from the Tingyu outside, and he can never be so loyal to the host system; therefore, Ding Hao not only has to show his strongest fighting power this time, but also Show your acting skills and make the host system believe in your absolute loyalty!

"I wish you success." Chao Heng threw a fist at Ding Hao, and then walked to the viewing hall.

But Ding Hao walked in the small door behind him. When he entered the small door, the inside of the lively small door suddenly became quiet, and hundreds of pairs of eyes looked over.

"Are these all the opponents who came to fight with me?" Ding Hao glanced over these people and saw some familiar faces, the two geniuses of Di Ye and the Twin Tribes, and some who seemed to be familiar with them, but could not be called. Name the person!

Seeing Ding Hao coming in, all these people's eyes flashed with unkind expressions. Everyone knew that this was the strongest opponent they were about to meet.

Di Ye glanced at Ding Hao, still putting on an arrogant expression; the two geniuses of the Gemini tribe did not hide their bitterness in their eyes.

At the same time, a middle-aged man who was not tall and had a beard but looked full of danger came over and pointed Ding Hao’s nose unceremoniously, saying, “Little beast, is my elder brother Leng Sen affected by you? Killed? Collaborate with hard labor and kill my eldest brother. You are so capable!"

This guy dared to take the initiative to provoke, Ding Hao's face also became gloomy, his eyes condensed, and he asked, "Who are you again?"

"I'm Leng Lin! Leng Sen's own brother!" Leng Lin said, "I have heard of you, and recently won the gold list first! But you can find out how many times I have had it when I was at Supreme College. , No. 1 on the gold list! And now I am the best hunter in the sub-world. I have completed so many tasks and received great attention from the system! I am the strongest candidate automatically recommended by the system!


When this person said so, there was an uproar at the scene.

The quotas of the strongest students are basically allocated and recommended by some big forces, but they also have some permissions as the host system. The host system can automatically recommend some excellent people to participate in the competition of the strongest according to the tasks completed by all members in recent years!

Leng Lin can get such a recommendation, which shows that his strength is really extraordinary, and the number of tasks he completes is also terrible!

But in the face of such a provocation, Ding Hao said lightly, “Leng Lin, let’s talk about it on the battlefield. It’s useless to say it here! I don’t want your bullishness here and you will be beaten by me on the battlefield. Become a grass dog!"

"You!" Leng Lin pointed at Ding Hao angrily, with nothing to say.

But at this moment, a sturdy man walked out of the small door inside the room and yelled, "What are you doing? Stand up for me!"

"The strongest leader is here!" The hundreds of candidates present were shocked and respected when Yuan Qi came in.

Leng Lin didn't dare to continue to be arrogant, put down his hand and stood aside, but looked at Ding Hao, still with some cold light.

Yuan Qi walked in and glanced over everyone, and then he said, "Everyone, today is the day for the assessment of the strongest. There are a total of seven assessments! Among them are fighting content and memory content, so you have to do well. Prepare, after each assessment, some players will be eliminated on the spot! When all seven items are completed, the remaining people will be comprehensively judged, and finally the three most excellent assessors will be selected to join our strongest Ranked as the strongest host system!"

"It turned out to be like this. There are three places in total." Ding Hao glanced over everyone in front of him. There were more than 300 people here, and about one hundred assessments would give birth to one place. This kind of competition is already very fierce.

You must know that these 300 people are all geniuses among the sub-world geniuses who have been screened at different levels, and then they have to undergo such an assessment!

"Now proceed to the first assessment."

After Yuan Qi made the announcement, he led more than 300 of them into the small door behind.

Behind the small door is a vast starry sky, which is actually a special examination cabin.

The assessment is in the starry sky, and you can’t see outside the starry sky. In fact, there is a huge auditorium that is many times larger than a football field. Their assessment.

"The first assessment is whether you are familiar with the host system rules."

After Yuan Qi made the announcement, a semicircular light curtain appeared around each of Ding Hao's bodies.

In the light curtain, Ding Hao sat down cross-legged and waited quietly.

In a blink of an eye, a large number of specious runes appeared in the starry sky in front of everyone.

Ding Hao knew it at a glance, "This is to assess our proficiency in host system rules."

The host system's specifications for all the immortal survivors can be described as all aspects. Anything that a fairy survivor does must be managed by the host system. Therefore, the host system has many large and small rules.

Of the surprising number of runes that appeared in front of us, some of them conformed to the code of conduct of the host system, some violated the code of conduct of the host system, and some were hard to judge and specious!

Ding Hao only glanced at it and understood the meaning of the host system's question.

"A strongest person is actually an enforcer of the host system! The host system is to check whether the law is strictly enforced!" Ding Hao thought about it. If it is the law of the earth, the principle is that the law is all feasible;

But here is the sub-world, where the host system manages a lot, and the law enforcement is strict.

"I see!" Ding Hao immediately began to implement severely, even if there was a slight violation, he would select them all!

(End of this chapter)

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