Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3055: Tian Chou came

Chapter 3055 Tian Chou is here

Chapter 3053 Tian Chou came

"This is the system background of the black market task. Any task posted by everyone here, whether anonymous or not, can be displayed; moreover, the tasks completed by everyone and everything that happened during the task are detailed here. record of!"

Brought into an independent space by the woman outside the door of the black ship owner, Ding Hao stood here and could see an astonishing number of runes floating in all directions.

"This..." Ding Hao's expression was shocked.

The scene in front of me is the same as the abyss of the host system of the central city of the system. It seems that the creation of this black market mission system also uses the same principles as the host system. There are experts behind the Holy Alliance!

"Then I will go first, you have sufficient authority to investigate any records here!"

When the woman left, Ding Hao immediately communicated with the rune in front of him and issued his first command, "All the anonymously hunting down my Ding Hao rewards, all their real names!"

In the black market mission system, there are also an astonishing number of reward points for chasing down Ding Hao. At this moment, the number of points has reached 1 billion!

Soon, a long list appeared in front of Ding Hao.

After these people paid their points anonymously, they used them to offer rewards for killing Ding Hao; they thought that Ding Hao would never know who he was, and now that Ding Hao has sufficient authority to check the real names of these people.

"Sure enough!" Ding Hao looked at the long list of names with a cold expression, and he recorded them all in his heart.

What surprised him was that not only the Diye of the Luye Tribe, but also the leader of the Twin Tribe and others were left here to offer rewards for killing him Ding Hao!

"The leader of the Gemini tribes spoke very politely in person! He also tied the acquaintances of the tribe who had colluded with Lord Torrey out of the house and sent them in front of me! But in fact, he still hates me very much, and he has left a lot here. Up to 100 million points, used to buy my life! Well, your Gemini tribe is rich, and I must toss you guys hard when I look back!"

Ding Hao continued to look down. In this list, besides the people he offended, there were many people he had never seen by name.

"I don’t know where I offended these people. I want these people to invest huge sums of money to chase me down! These people should be in the assessment of the strongest. I rival relatives, friends and acquaintances. I hope I'm done soon, let them support People who have had a better chance to be in position!"

Ding Hao continued to look down, his face was quite surprised, "The black dragon of the Seven Dragons tribe also left points here to chase me down, really, knowing people, knowing my face, and not knowing my heart!"

After Ding Hao became the strongest, the black dragon behaved very close and even took the initiative to help Ding Hao complete the task!

But in fact, Heilong is not a good person. He has already invested a huge amount of points before the assessment, offering a reward to kill Ding Hao, and I wish Ding Hao died soon!

"Except for the sun, there are people's hearts that you can't directly look at in the world! It's really unimaginable!" Ding Hao looked at the lists, his face sank again, "Associate Dean Li Luosen of Sifang Academy, you are really good! You actually increased your investment points here six times to chase me down! The most recent time was just a few days ago! Very good, very good! After I forgive you, you even invested your points to chase me down!"

For these long lists of names, Ding Hao did not hesitate to record them in his mind. When he is free in the future, or when he happens to encounter these people in trouble, I believe Ding Hao will give them a heavy burden. Let them know what they have done with one blow, don't think that nobody knows anonymously!

Of course, Ding Hao only took a short time to count these lists.

Then, he put all his energy into searching for Tianhuo, Tianhuo tribe, and news about Big Brother and Second Brother!

Regarding the task of Skyfire, there is a lot of content, but about the task of Skyfire tribe, there is not much content.

Because the Skyfire Tribe has fallen, no one will spend points to reward the Skyfire Tribe, which is already an unknown tribe!

However, many cultivators need Skyfire among the cultivators, so when these people are looking for Skyfire in the Forest of Origin, they will meet people from the Skyfire tribe by chance, and these messages will remain in the mission record for a long time!

"These news are still a lot, but they are often just a few words!"

Ding Hao could only find a trace of news about this from other people's tasks, which was very time-consuming!

He spent three months in this void before he came out of it.

"I got some news from the surrounding area. What makes people happy is that Brother Ye Kong should be with the leader of the Skyfire Tribe!"

Ding Hao found some content among the words and phrases of other people's tasks, which showed that the youngest son of the leader of the Skyfire tribe has also been following in the tribe fleet!

"Second brother is still quite wise. He doesn't want to be a rebellious fairy clan, and he can't return to the safe zone! It's better to follow his nominal family here, increase his cultivation and learn runes!"

Ding Hao decided to find his second brother Ye Kong first. In the black market mission system, there was very little news about his elder brother Fuxi!

After all, the eldest brother should have become the rebel of the fairy clan. The main task in the black market mission system is to target his own people. Generally, no one will use points to offer rewards to hunt down the rebellious fairy clan. This is what the host system loves to do!

"If this is the case, then I will find the second brother first! If I can find the second brother, I will find a way to help the second brother also integrate the brow chakra! In this way, it will be much easier for the two of us to find the eldest brother together. !"

Just as Ding Hao was about to get out of the black boat, he did not expect that a figure wearing black clothes and black armor floated towards him.

This figure stood outside the door of the black ship, like a black killing god, with murderous intent spreading crazily. The eyes hidden in the black armor looked at Ding Hao grimly.

Ding Hao's face condensed, "This person is here to find me!"

However, Ding Hao hadn’t left yet, and another figure flashed. The black ship owner was already standing outside the door. The black ship owner said, "Tian Chou, the supernumerary veteran of the Black Skull Tribe, haha! Long time no see, come and have a drink with me liqueur!"

Tian Chou said with a sullen expression, "Drinking is free, I'm here to find someone today! Ding Hao, aren't you arrogant enough? Are you arrogant enough? Haven't you been chasing and killing the people of our Black Skull Tribe? I am already Here comes! You kind of come out and kill me!"

While talking, Zhulong, the strongest of the older generation, also walked out and shouted angrily, "Tian Chou, don't be arrogant here! People like you are all evil. In the Forest of Origin, I don’t know how many killings of the immortal survivors. And murder and treasure! People like you are also worthy of becoming a veteran, the host system is blind!"

(End of this chapter)

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