Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3057: Elder Rune

Chapter 3057 Old Rune

Chapter 3055 old rune


A loud noise echoed in this valley!

Facing the weird rune released by Tian Chou, Ding Hao made a full blow, shocking the void with power, and shattering everything!

However, after this loud noise, in the place, someone looked up again, and saw the weird octopus-like rune still circling and getting bigger, and Ding Hao's body was faintly surrounded completely. !

"This!" Ding Hao's face changed suddenly.

He didn't expect this weird rune in front of him to have such a strong ability to absorb attacks. He had used all the power of the Xikong gun just now, and he couldn't break the weird rune in front of him!

"It's useless!" Tian Chouyin smiled coldly, "My rune is a rune created based on some peculiar behemoth principle. The stronger you attack, the more attacks it will absorb! Leave it to you How frantically attacking can only make myself more strenuous, but my runes will not harm a single bit! You die!"

After Tian Chou said this, he spread his five fingers, pressed forward violently, and shouted violently, "Catch him alive for me!"

The octopus-like rune has been magnified to the extreme, a piece of black crushing, completely enclosing the frenzied resistance Ding Hao!

"kill him!"

In the surrounding flying palaces, the members of the Black Skeleton Tribe screamed frantically and shouted, demanding that Ding Hao be killed!

"Kill! Kill him!"

Tian Chou's expression showed a trace of complacency, but the owner of the black ship not far away, gritted his teeth and prepared to help.

But at this moment, a sharp white light suddenly appeared on the surface of the huge black octopus that had completely wrapped Ding Hao!

The white light penetrated the octopus's body, and then was suddenly torn apart by both hands, and a young figure came out.

"What? How could it be possible!!" Tian Chou's expression suddenly changed.

Ding Hao sneered, "You rune is actually nothing! I observed it and figured it out. This thing is the same as the inner wall of the behemoth! Tell you, I just happened to create a rune myself. It’s specially designed to deal with this situation! So it’s impossible for you to trap me with this!"

When Ding Hao walked out of the encirclement, behind him, the octopus-like rune instantly collapsed, turning into countless pieces of light and shadow, dissipating in the void!

"Unexpectedly you have this ability!" Tian Chou has been in retreat all these years, not knowing that Ding Hao was trapped inside the behemoth.

However, for a veteran, there are so many means, and Ding Hao will not be able to escape because of these one thing!

He immediately waved his hand, and the hidden runes that he had spread in the void before, appeared one by one, rushing towards Ding Hao.

Boom boom boom.

There were explosions one after another. The reason Tian Chou released his hidden tricks was because he needed a little time to spur a rune that he thought was extraordinary!

Seeing Tian Chou slowly portraying there, the black ship owner's face changed. After guessing something, he immediately transmitted the voice, "Ding Hao, you have to be careful! He is going to cast the old rune!"

A veteran rune can only be released by a strong veteran. Can a survivor of the fairy clan enter the Senate? Can you become a respected veteran? The most important thing is to see if he can release the old rune!

The general rune, no matter how powerful it is, it can't match the old rune at all!

Just like the veteran rune integrated on Ding Hao's weapon, every veteran has only one true veteran rune of his own! It's just that the veteran rune on Ding Hao's weapon is derived from the veteran rune, and there is no real power of the veteran rune at all!

When any veteran rune is released, it will shake the earth and shake the earth!

Standing next to the owner of the black ship, Zhulong's face also darkened, and he said word by word, "I was maimed by him at the beginning, and I was also under this trick! It can be said that his veteran rune is completely Changed my destiny! Originally, I was an instructor in the strongest and received absolute attention, and the future is bright! But under this trick, I was completely maimed. After so many years, I will never I will forget!"

The owner of the black ship said anxiously, “Ding Hao, the true power of the rune of the elder, doesn’t even know! The last time I fought with him, I didn’t use the rune of the elder. Now he is probably going to die!"

Zhulong shook his head and said, "Although he has few opportunities, he has a silver lining. I believe he can succeed!"

"What? He has a ray of life?" The owner of the black ship was pleased, "Really?"

"I hope he can succeed!"

When Tian Chou slowly introduced the rune he wrote, the world changed color, everything changed, everything standing in this small valley seemed to have come to another world! This world is the world dominated by Tian Chou, here he has the final say!

"The king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die!"

This is an infinitely dominated world, with the distinction of monarch and minister! Become the monarch of this world, you can control everything and order anyone to die; and become a minister of this world, you will always be controlled by others, prostrate in front of the monarch, and accept the monarch's arbitrary arrangements!

"Do not!"

The world Tian Chou released is getting bigger and bigger, and the space it covers is getting bigger and bigger.

With the strength of the master of the black ship, you can get out of this space by virtue of your own ability; and the candle dragon can only drive the flying palace because of its lack of strength, and flee back quickly, avoiding the spatial power of this rune!

Standing on top of his flying palace, Zhulong fled back quickly, his eyes looked back, and he secretly said: Ding Hao, I have said everything that I should say, I hope you can succeed! Must succeed!

Candle Dragon could escape, but Ding Hao could not.

Soon the world dominated by this rune has completely wrapped Ding Hao's body, like a huge black shadow, covering Ding Hao in it!

"Reincarnation for a hundred times!"

Ding Hao's eyes are like electricity, once again using his own rune, and with his rune weapon, pull out a stream of light that soars to the sky, as if to tear the world of monarchs in front of him!

However, it turned out that he could not do it at all!

His reincarnation can only be performed in this world of monarchs and ministers, and it cannot affect Tian Chou's power at all! The shocking blow he hit could only tear through the space inside this world, and could not cause any harm to this world!

"Haha! Ding Hao the strongest, you are already in my spiritual world! I am your king, you are my minister, I want you to die, you have to die!" Tian Chou's figure is projected in this world extremely It's huge and terrifying.

And under this huge black figure, Ding Hao's body became extremely small, as if he would kneel before this huge figure at any time, apologizing...

"Hahaha! Ding Hao, you are nothing but that!" Tian Chou's voice echoed crazily in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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