Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3062: Save people

Chapter 3062


"No, I'm surrounded!"

The descendants of the Tianhuo tribe were quite inferior. When he was surrounded by the rebellion of the fairy clan, he realized that he was in a dangerous situation.

There are as many as 30 rebellious immortal people, and the various rune beasts they carry are as many as thousands, forming a dense encirclement, encircling the descendants of the Skyfire tribe.

"My fellow fellows, you are..." The descendants of the Skyfire Tribe finally knew the seriousness of the matter, and wanted to explain with a wry smile.

However, one of the immortal clan rebellious came out and shouted, "What kind of fellow? You are not a cultivator of my generation at all, you are a survivor of the immortal clan from the host system! You pretend to be one of our fellows! People, you even kill people for treasure, kill one of my companions, and take away two skyfires!"

Another immortal clan next to him rebelliously shouted, "Don't talk nonsense with him! The people who kill and steal treasures are all immortal survivors in the host system. These people are instigated by the host system and call me rebellious! I don’t see it as life at all! You don’t have to be polite to these people, just kill them!"


Suddenly, more than 30 fairy clan rebellious all roared, commanding thousands of rune beasts to swarm.

"Everyone in the same way, listen to my explanation..." This descendant of the Skyfire tribe wanted to explain, but found that the opponent had already taken action. He simply took off the black robe, threw it aside, and laughed, "You These immortals are rebellious! I am disguised, so what about you?"

Seeing this person, the rebellious immortal clan present became even more angry and shouted, "Kill him, kill this bastard!"

Boom boom boom!

The battle continued, and the descendants of the Skyfire Tribe also had some strength. A halberd in his hand was beaten up by wind, and even a few good runes were integrated on it!

It's just a pity that he is weak, and there are a large number of rebellious immortals present, and soon he was beaten to blood, and the situation is precarious!

"It's over, I'm going to die here this time!" The descendants of the Skyfire tribe found that they couldn't escape, and they simply tried their best to kill a few rebellious immortals, and they would also find a few backers before they died.

However, there are so many rune-hands raised by the rebellious immortal clan present, he can't kill even a rebellious immortal clan, and his condition is getting worse and worse, his eyes are red, knowing that he is going to die here!

"It's over! Before I die, I won't even be able to find the backing! Not to mention, let me break it myself!"

The descendants of the Tianhuo tribe were also strong, and found that they could not escape, they prepared to commit suicide on the spot and killed themselves!

At this moment, a huge gun shadow suddenly appeared behind the rebellious immortal clan, one after another, the rebellious immortal clan turned to the ground and fell into a pool of blood.

"This is..." When the descendants of the Skyfire Tribe were wondering, from the forest of origin above their heads, a huge white ape suddenly jumped out and fell beside him.

The descendants of Tianhuo tribe hesitated for a moment, and secretly said in their hearts, no matter what, it would be better to live a little longer!

He immediately turned over, jumped on the white ape's back, grabbed the white hair behind the white ape, and suddenly the white ape ran wildly, leading him out of the encirclement in a blink of an eye.

Soon after, in another gloomy valley in the origin forest.

The descendant of the Tianhuo tribe then turned over from behind the white ape and fell to the ground. He quickly took out a few green leafy fruits that appeared to have withered.

After a long period of storage, these green-leaf fruits have become withered and soft, and the effect has deteriorated, but there are some effects.

When he took it, his body recovered slightly, and he saw a figure wearing a black burqa coming in from outside the valley.

"It's a rebellious fairy clan again!" The descendants of the Tianhuo tribe quickly tried to turn over and jump up, but he found that the white ape who rescued him out of the encirclement greeted him and crawled on the black robe. In front of the figure.

"It turns out that you saved me." The descendants of the Skyfire Tribe took a closer look and asked, "You are the one who came to the Origin Forest with me from outside? If I guess right, you are also the same. The fake fairy clan is rebellious!"

It was Ding Hao who walked in, and he coldly snorted, "You care if I am a fake fairy clan rebellious, I will ask you now, do you know the youngest son Kong, the leader of the Skyfire Tribe!"

"Do you know Kong?" The descendants of the Skyfire tribe suddenly changed their expressions and said sternly, "I don't care who you are? But you want to be right. Our Skyfire tribe makes a move, it is absolutely impossible! Although you saved me Life, but it is impossible for me to divulge news of our tribe!"

Ding Hao sneered, "What else does your Skyfire tribe still have? The group of dragons has no leader! Your tribe is in the host system security zone, and it is now almost the same as the beggar tribe! And those of you who are looking for Skyfire outside, what good things are worth? I do it to you?"

"This..." The descendants of the Skyfire Tribe looked embarrassed.

The current Skyfire tribe is poor and destitute, and there is no reason for the people in front of them to take action against the Skyfire tribe, and the Skyfire tribe has no place worthy of others!

"Okay." The descendants of the Skyfire tribe sighed and said, "Actually, I am the eldest son of the leader of the Skyfire tribe. My name is Gouqiang! I came out this time because I wanted to find some skyfires by myself. In danger! I found three skyfires this time and gave them all to you as your life-saving grace to me! Then we went our own way, shot and scattered, how about?"

"Do you think I can see your three sky fires?" Ding Hao sneered again, and said again, "I ask you one question, and you answer one! If you don't follow it, I will take your life!"

Ding Hao did not reveal his identity, because his second brother Ye Kong was an outsider without a chakra. He didn't know Ye Kong's current status and situation in the Skyfire Tribe. If he showed his identity indiscriminately, it would be quite dangerous, and it would probably put him in a dangerous situation.

"What the **** do you want?" Gou Qiang's face was angry, and he suddenly mentioned his Fang Tian painted halberd, wanting to fight Ding Hao.


A dazzling gun shadow suddenly appeared, and the Xikong spear directly picked Fang Tian's painted halberd. The sharp spear pointed at Gouqiang's neck. On the gun body, a large number of rune spirals appeared.

"This gun!" Although Gou Qiang could not recognize that this was Ding Hao's gun, he also knew that it was a super good gun. The owner of the gun must also be an extraordinary person. The number of runes fused above is so high that the runes are so high-end. , He has never seen it before.

Ding Hao said word by word, "You still have one last chance! Answer my question honestly, I can tell you clearly, your Skyfire Tribe has nothing I can value! I only ask your leader's youngest son Empty, where is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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