Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3066: Behemoth palace

Chapter 3066 Behemoth Palace

Chapter 3064 Behemoth Palace

When Ding Hao was in the world of Guhong, he once received a wicked cloak, which can be turned into a giant ice and snow beast when he put it on him.

This enchanting cloak was never used later, but Ding Hao kept it until today, it can be used again.

In the dark forest of origin, a giant ice and snow beast with no runes on its body is slowly walking.

There are many rune beasts in the forest of origin. These rune beasts are all natural runes, but the grade is not high. When they see ice and snow beasts without runes, they want to bully one or two.

In the beginning, Ding Hao deliberately avoided these rune beasts.

But some rune beasts deceived people too much, Ding Hao immediately transformed into prototypes and beheaded these rune beasts; then he put on the enchanting cloak and waited for the arrival of the white ape!

After several days, a white figure leaped back and forth from the branches of the origin forest and approached the agreed place.

Soon after, the white ape was already sitting on a tree.

The effect of the enchanting cloak was very good, Ding Hao was not far below Bai Yuan's body, and Bai Yuan did not notice it.

"I'm here!" Ding Hao lifted his cloak and walked out.

"Hoho." When Bai Yuan saw Ding Hao, he immediately jumped down from the tree, looking very happy.

Ding Hao was also quite relieved to see that the white ape was safe and sound, and said, "The little ape is living well in the Skyfire Tribe, you can rest assured! I want to ask, how are you in Pan's palace?"

Although Bai Yuan couldn't speak, he understood everything. He made a gesture to introduce Ding Hao to the situation in the palace of the rebellious elder Pan.

According to White Ape, there are many rune beasts in Pan’s palace, all of them are some very rare rune beasts; many of them are originally powerful rune beasts, and then they are combined with a large number of runes and Skyfire spar, this makes these rune beasts very powerful!

Although the white ape is relatively rare among the rune beasts outside, it is not conspicuous in Pan's palace, so it is just a little white ape with no status!

"Well! It's not easy for you to come out, let's enter the palace quickly!"

Ding Hao immediately put on the enchanting cloak again, followed the white ape and ran towards Pan's palace.

After walking for a long time, he finally saw a palace that looked like a black giant creeping on the ground. The palace looked very majestic, but none of them, except for a large number of weird runes. beast!

These rune beasts are very cruel, and if any humans approach it, they will be torn to pieces.

The White Ape is not qualified to see the rebellious veteran Pan. It walks into the palace with Ding Hao disguised as a giant ice and snow beast. Under the black palace gate, stands a giant bull beast, in the body of this giant beast. On, there are an astonishing number of flame crystals!

"This is the sky fire spar?" Ding Hao was shocked, because he clearly saw that some natural runes appeared on these sky fire spar, and then disappeared.

These runes are all runes written by heaven and earth, and they are also the most precious part of the sub-world!

"The immortal survivors study runes here, not because the runes were created by the immortal survivors! It is because this world is constantly born of runes! Each original rune is very expensive, and the sky fire crystal is constantly changing. Those who can transform into a rune, even if you get one piece and perceive the different runes in the crystal every day, you can learn the purest rune technique between heaven and earth!"

Although Ding Hao was shocked in his heart, he dared not show any interest. He just followed the white ape to the front of the big bull beast.

The big bull beast seems to be the chief of this palace. Its body is huge, and its eyes are like blood-colored light bulbs. Wherever the hooves go, the ground vibrates. I believe this strength is even a lot in the central city of the system. The veterans are all inferior!

"This veteran Pan is really amazing. The beast he has cultivated has already surpassed the veteran's strength! Pan's own strength may be even more terrifying!" Ding Hao knew the danger of this trip.

The white monkey roared, probably like this big bull beast, introducing his friend, this ice and snow behemoth.

The ice and snow behemoth that Ding Hao transformed into, although not small, did not have a rune on his body. It was the least valuable type of behemoth in the origin forest!

If it were before, this kind of behemoth without runes was not qualified to enter the palace, but under the introduction of the white ape, the bull-head behemoth gave some face and allowed Ding Hao to enter the palace and become the beast of the palace.

After becoming a beast in the temple, Ding Hao not only was able to freely enter and exit this glorious palace, but also regularly got some opportunities for cultivation.


Ding Hao followed the white ape into a quiet room in the palace. He was shocked to see that all kinds of weird rune beasts were meditating and practicing, some of which were as powerful as those of the immortal remnants. By!

"It's so shocking! No wonder the host system named these people as Xianzu rebellious, to kill these people! Just imagine, if these people cultivate an astonishing number of rune beasts to practice, then this world will no longer be. The world of the immortal remnants!"

Ding Hao came to a corner of the palace, where it had a training position. When it was sitting in that training position, a lot of sky fire suddenly grew from the ground!

"A lot of sky fires!" Ding Hao was dumbfounded.

Outside, the rebellious immortals sometimes waited for a year or a half without waiting for a sky fire. Here, sky fire is just like Chinese cabbage. How much does it cost?

The White Ape was sent by Ding Hao to do this task. It was very happy, because it needed to integrate the sky fire. During the months it came in, it had integrated dozens of sky fires on its body, and its strength was significantly strengthened; But White Ape’s current goal is no longer Skyfire. It wants to get Skyfire spar and integrate it with the body, the effect will be even more significant!

However, skyfire spar is not so easy to obtain. Although skyfire is collected at random here, skyfire spar is difficult to obtain.

Ding Hao noticed that the only person with authority in this palace was the big bull beast that was covered with flint stone in the sky!

"It seems that this big bull beast is really powerful! When Pan is away, it can take out the sky fire spar at will to reward the rune beast in the palace!" Ding Hao came here this time to get Skyfire spar, but this big beast is too strong, Ding Hao is not sure to grab the skyfire spar from his hand!

"Snatching is impossible! I have to think of a way, can I steal some skyfire spar?"

Ding Hao’s so-called ice-snow behemoth, when he has free time, would walk around the palace looking for opportunities, let alone, really found him a chance...

(End of this chapter)

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